February 16, 2014 – The Long Journey Home

2/16/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Long Journey Home

The fourteen inches from the head to the heart can be a long journey indeed. We have learned the 5 steps to the heart, and to receive unlimited good. Now let’s look at the parable of “The Lost Son”, also known by other titles. Among so many things, it illustrates our long journey of spiritual development. Metaphysically, the characters in the Bible represent aspects of us, and their stories illustrate our spiritual development. Many of us, during a “dark night of the soul”, can identify with stories about hitting bottom, when there is only up. That’s when we need to ask, “What is it I need to bring me up from this desperation?”

Well, we always know what we need to overcome. These challenges help us use our God muscle. Otherwise, how do you know you have faith if you never used it? And we always have what we need for overcoming our challenges. There is nothing we can’t do because magnificence is with in us to overcome anything before us! When we know we are one with the Creator, when we know we are Creator, we know everything has been created for us by us.

The steps on this journey line up with the steps to the heart. First, wake up! Remember who you are and whose you are. 2nd, look up! Raise your vision above the current situation. Then 3, get up! Step out of the mess and into the message. 4Th, turn around! Go back to what you know. Go back to the heart. 5, ask for directions! Go to the Heart, call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance. From A Course In Miracles, if you don’t know what to ask, say What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say? And to whom? 6Th, Take One Step at a Time! Make your way steadily along the Heart’s Direction. 7. Don’t Give Up! Keep the Faith and Rest in Knowing.

You were not put here to fail. You cannot fail. We are continually developing in consciousness. Charles Fillmore called it the upward spiral of the spirit. We can avoid letting our challenges destroy us! Emma Curtis Hopkins tells us, when facing a challenge, know that “This too is good. This too is God. This too is for me and I demand to see the blessing in it for me.” Welcome home! Forgive yourself and others; revel in the journey and settle in at Home. Home is where the heart is.

I am at home in the haven of my Heart! I am at home in the haven of my Heart! I am at home in the haven of my Heart!


February 16, 2014 – The Long Journey Home

2/16/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Long Journey Home

The fourteen inches from the head to the heart can be a long journey indeed. We have learned the 5 steps to the heart, and to receive unlimited good. Now let’s look at the parable of “The Lost Son”, also known by other titles. Among so many things, it illustrates our long journey of spiritual development. Metaphysically, the characters in the Bible represent aspects of us, and their stories illustrate our spiritual development. Many of us, during a “dark night of the soul”, can identify with stories about hitting bottom, when there is only up. That’s when we need to ask, “What is it I need to bring me up from this desperation?”

Well, we always know what we need to overcome. These challenges help us use our God muscle. Otherwise, how do you know you have faith if you never used it? And we always have what we need for overcoming our challenges. There is nothing we can’t do because magnificence is with in us to overcome anything before us! When we know we are one with the Creator, when we know we are Creator, we know everything has been created for us by us.

The steps on this journey line up with the steps to the heart. First, wake up! Remember who you are and whose you are. 2nd, look up! Raise your vision above the current situation. Then 3, get up! Step out of the mess and into the message. 4Th, turn around! Go back to what you know. Go back to the heart. 5, ask for directions! Go to the Heart, call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance. From A Course In Miracles, if you don’t know what to ask, say What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say? And to whom? 6Th, Take One Step at a Time! Make your way steadily along the Heart’s Direction. 7. Don’t Give Up! Keep the Faith and Rest in Knowing.

You were not put here to fail. You cannot fail. We are continually developing in consciousness. Charles Fillmore called it the upward spiral of the spirit. We can avoid letting our challenges destroy us! Emma Curtis Hopkins tells us, when facing a challenge, know that “This too is good. This too is God. This too is for me and I demand to see the blessing in it for me.” Welcome home! Forgive yourself and others; revel in the journey and settle in at Home. Home is where the heart is.

I am at home in the haven of my Heart! I am at home in the haven of my Heart! I am at home in the haven of my Heart!

January 19, 2014 – The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

1/19/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

Today we get to the good stuff, our third step—heart feeling. Our brain is so good at figuring things out we use it by default, but it can only get you to the heart. Entry into the heart, the connection to the infinite, is through heart feeling. The way there is love. But it is not the natural response when we are upset. In difficulty, or just uncomfortable moments, we give our comfort over to someone else. But there is so much love in the heart that we only need to touch a small part of it to get into it. An easy way is appreciation.

Feeling appreciation is what takes us into the power, peace, harmony, and abundance. I was downtown shopping recently and took too long to cross the street. The cars moved closer impatiently till I got to the sidewalk. A motorcycle officer pulled up and addressed me with anger that was far beyond anything that I had caused. Easily embarrassed and trained as a lawyer to point out the other person’s weaknesses, I so wanted to engage him. However, aware of my feelings, I put my hand on my heart and went to appreciation to get into my heart. Now, every grandparent knows that no matter what’s going on, they always feel love when they appreciate their grandchildren. So I refrained from adding to his anger. When he was through getting in my face he left and didn’t even give me a ticket.

Your heart does not give you power over others, but it does give you power over you, and that’s who you are responsible for. You do not need to appreciate the pain the other is in, nor participate in it and make his pain any greater. What you can do is find your freedom. Make that choice to enter into a spiritual connection.

You have the ability to walk this world in peace. You are an infinite being of magnificent power which is always there. When you begin to feel the other way, you have a tool. Enter into the feeling—appreciate God is good all the time! That goodness is in your heart and you have access to it all the time. It’s there! Even weeks after a difficult experience, it’s there!

Step one: self-awareness. Step two: heart focus. Now step three: Heart feeling. You have power. On this, Krishnamurti said, “You will discover that for you, the world transforms.” And an amazing thing happens: the more you find your peace, the easier it is for all others. For your heart being that way, I thank you!


January 19, 2014 – The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

1/19/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

Today we get to the good stuff, our third step—heart feeling. Our brain is so good at figuring things out we use it by default, but it can only get you to the heart. Entry into the heart, the connection to the infinite, is through heart feeling. The way there is love. But it is not the natural response when we are upset. In difficulty, or just uncomfortable moments, we give our comfort over to someone else. But there is so much love in the heart that we only need to touch a small part of it to get into it. An easy way is appreciation.

Feeling appreciation is what takes us into the power, peace, harmony, and abundance. I was downtown shopping recently and took too long to cross the street. The cars moved closer impatiently till I got to the sidewalk. A motorcycle officer pulled up and addressed me with anger that was far beyond anything that I had caused. Easily embarrassed and trained as a lawyer to point out the other person’s weaknesses, I so wanted to engage him. However, aware of my feelings, I put my hand on my heart and went to appreciation to get into my heart. Now, every grandparent knows that no matter what’s going on, they always feel love when they appreciate their grandchildren. So I refrained from adding to his anger. When he was through getting in my face he left and didn’t even give me a ticket.

Your heart does not give you power over others, but it does give you power over you, and that’s who you are responsible for. You do not need to appreciate the pain the other is in, nor participate in it and make his pain any greater. What you can do is find your freedom. Make that choice to enter into a spiritual connection.

You have the ability to walk this world in peace. You are an infinite being of magnificent power which is always there. When you begin to feel the other way, you have a tool. Enter into the feeling—appreciate God is good all the time! That goodness is in your heart and you have access to it all the time. It’s there! Even weeks after a difficult experience, it’s there!

Step one: self-awareness. Step two: heart focus. Now step three: Heart feeling. You have power. On this, Krishnamurti said, “You will discover that for you, the world transforms.” And an amazing thing happens: the more you find your peace, the easier it is for all others. For your heart being that way, I thank you!

December 29, 2013 – Vanquishing the Demons Within

12/29/13 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Vanquishing the Demons Within

We spend a lot of time dealing with the demons within—our negative core beliefs. When demons show up, the power of our physical trinity—Spirit, Mind, Body—is required to vanquish them. Spirit is imminent and transcendent and flows to the mind and then the body.

Our self-defeating beliefs, our demons, are fear, doubt, feeling unworthy, not smart enough or powerful enough, and so forth. They wouldn’t show up if you didn’t have the power within to vanquish them. They reside in our subconscious and keep us from living a “charmed” life.

We have the characteristics of our spiritual parent and have its powers to overcome when we are aligned with our trinity! So we align with Spirit to allow guidance to come into mind, then bring it into our body of affairs. It’s important not to deal with demons at a physical level. Direct the three parts together so you don’t take all your issues into 2014.

The key is to be aware, mindful, of what those demons are. Look at the inner demons triggered by those things that we want to get rid of. What inner demon is a recurrence of the same thing from the past? What part of me have I dis-owned, denied, in order to be accepted? Shine the light on it and face that demon. Heal it and be free of it forever. Accept all of you and direct the power of love upon everything you believe is “uncool”, unlovable, unworthy about yourself. Love heals all wounds. When you are stopped from doing what you want by one of your demons, the good thing is that now you know what it is, and now you can do something about it!

You have the power! We are not victims! We are not weaklings! We are offspring of the most powerful thing in the universe! Nothing can diminish you! Who can diminish God? Stand in your power.

DENIAL: Fear, Anger, Doubt, Unworthiness and other negative self-defeating beliefs have no power over over me!
AFFIRMATION: I am powerful! I live and move and have my being as the Most Powerful Essence in the Universe. The Power of 3 has set me free!

And that’s the truth!

December 29, 2013 – Vanquishing the Demons Within

12/29/13 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Vanquishing the Demons Within

We spend a lot of time dealing with the demons within—our negative core beliefs. When demons show up, the power of our physical trinity—Spirit, Mind, Body—is required to vanquish them. Spirit is imminent and transcendent and flows to the mind and then the body.

Our self-defeating beliefs, our demons, are fear, doubt, feeling unworthy, not smart enough or powerful enough, and so forth. They wouldn’t show up if you didn’t have the power within to vanquish them. They reside in our subconscious and keep us from living a “charmed” life.

We have the characteristics of our spiritual parent and have its powers to overcome when we are aligned with our trinity! So we align with Spirit to allow guidance to come into mind, then bring it into our body of affairs. It’s important not to deal with demons at a physical level. Direct the three parts together so you don’t take all your issues into 2014.

The key is to be aware, mindful, of what those demons are. Look at the inner demons triggered by those things that we want to get rid of. What inner demon is a recurrence of the same thing from the past? What part of me have I dis-owned, denied, in order to be accepted? Shine the light on it and face that demon. Heal it and be free of it forever. Accept all of you and direct the power of love upon everything you believe is “uncool”, unlovable, unworthy about yourself. Love heals all wounds. When you are stopped from doing what you want by one of your demons, the good thing is that now you know what it is, and now you can do something about it!

You have the power! We are not victims! We are not weaklings! We are offspring of the most powerful thing in the universe! Nothing can diminish you! Who can diminish God? Stand in your power.

DENIAL: Fear, Anger, Doubt, Unworthiness and other negative self-defeating beliefs have no power over over me!
AFFIRMATION: I am powerful! I live and move and have my being as the Most Powerful Essence in the Universe. The Power of 3 has set me free!

And that’s the truth!


December 22, 2013 – Christmas-Love Creates New Consciousness

12/22/13 Rev. David McArthur
Christmas – Love Creates New Consciousness

Christmas is about a change of consciousness in the world that also happens in our own spiritual journeys. In the story of the Annunciation in the Gospel of Luke, Mary answers the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be unto me as ye said.” What a state of receptivity! In the Christmas story, the presence of angels invites us to a higher consciousness. As the higher consciousness of peace is born in us, it is born more deeply into the world. Joseph stands for the capacity to discern that which is higher, which has more wisdom, in us. He saw what the young Mary, pregnant and unwed, could face in their severely repressive society. Joseph could see the higher and had the capacity to say “yes!”

This experience in the scripture is an experience of the heart. Mary and Joseph have in their hearts the love of God and can see the new level of consciousness. It comes from the love in their hearts. Love creates new consciousness. Say with me, Love creates new consciousness in me.

Little Perry’s mom, a single-mother who couldn’t work due to a heart condition, could not always provide even the bare necessities. But when the new neighbor on Christmas eve asked to borrow a cup of flour, she welcomed her in. The neighbor was also a single mom, and had two boys about Perry’s age. They were even more destitute, but, with Perry’s consent, his mom invited them to share what truly little there was. Christmas morning came and Perry was so excited he raced out of his bedroom to find the neighbor lady cooking in the kitchen and the two neighbor boys on the couch in the living room. There was one toy for each of them under the small tree. Perry had asked for a GI Joe. His mom had managed to find a charity that had some toys for boys. Perry tore open his package and it was a GI Joe. No ammo pack or rifle, but it was GI Joe. There was a present for each of the other boys. However, a new consciousness was born in Perry when he saw the excitement and joy on the neighbor boys’ faces as each unwrapped his present.

We don’t experience higher consciousness until we see the love and joy there. Love creates new consciousness. Until we see there is something new and beautiful and higher in it, until we see with the love. Love creates a higher consciousness in me. It does. See it everywhere this Christmas! Love creates a higher consciousness in me. And when it does, it creates a very merry Christmas!


December 22, 2013 – Christmas – Love Creates New Consciousness

12/22/13 Rev. David McArthur
Christmas – Love Creates New Consciousness

Christmas is about a change of consciousness in the world that also happens in our own spiritual journeys. In the story of the Annunciation in the Gospel of Luke, Mary answers the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be unto me as ye said.” What a state of receptivity! In the Christmas story, the presence of angels invites us to a higher consciousness. As the higher consciousness of peace is born in us, it is born more deeply into the world. Joseph stands for the capacity to discern that which is higher, which has more wisdom, in us. He saw what the young Mary, pregnant and unwed, could face in their severely repressive society. Joseph could see the higher and had the capacity to say “yes!”

This experience in the scripture is an experience of the heart. Mary and Joseph have in their hearts the love of God and can see the new level of consciousness. It comes from the love in their hearts. Love creates new consciousness. Say with me, Love creates new consciousness in me.

Little Perry’s mom, a single-mother who couldn’t work due to a heart condition, could not always provide even the bare necessities. But when the new neighbor on Christmas eve asked to borrow a cup of flour, she welcomed her in. The neighbor was also a single mom, and had two boys about Perry’s age. They were even more destitute, but, with Perry’s consent, his mom invited them to share what truly little there was. Christmas morning came and Perry was so excited he raced out of his bedroom to find the neighbor lady cooking in the kitchen and the two neighbor boys on the couch in the living room. There was one toy for each of them under the small tree. Perry had asked for a GI Joe. His mom had managed to find a charity that had some toys for boys. Perry tore open his package and it was a GI Joe. No ammo pack or rifle, but it was GI Joe. There was a present for each of the other boys. However, a new consciousness was born in Perry when he saw the excitement and joy on the neighbor boys’ faces as each unwrapped his present.

We don’t experience higher consciousness until we see the love and joy there. Love creates new consciousness. Until we see there is something new and beautiful and higher in it, until we see with the love. Love creates a higher consciousness in me. It does. See it everywhere this Christmas! Love creates a higher consciousness in me. And when it does, it creates a very merry Christmas!

December 15, 2013 – God as Santa

12/15/13 Rev. David McArthur
God As Santa

Christmas is a celebration of giving, when intention is set into motion. We create a time of giving and love in the Earth. Giving gifts is an experience of the Divine—because giving is the nature of God.

As opposed to religious teaching, spiritual teaching goes to all the children to let them know they are just as special as Jesus was. We use a grandfather figure with a flowing beard (God) who gives gifts and is dressed in red (for life and vitality). We don’t get to see him Christmas night (when we experience the Divine, most don’t recognize it), but he leaves the gifts (symbols of Divine love) in the home. The hearth (the heart of the home) spreads light and warmth throughout. The chimney is the vertical access to the higher consciousness. The North Pole (for Heaven) is real and the reindeer and sleigh that fly are the magic (the love) which makes it all work. There’s another part too, the asking—the list for Santa—to teach the children to open to receive.

The goodness of God is available to you no matter how naughty you have been because you are a child of God. The truth is, Divine love gives because you are.

When children grow they begin to understand they can give, and begin to know the truth and power of Santa: we are expressing the Divine. Generosity and abundance are as we express them and it is Divine.

It’s not about religion. As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston yearned for a joyous Christmas celebration in his home, and promised himself that when he had a family, they’d have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. He liked playing Santa for his children so much that he also played Santa in New York City for 12 years. He would go to the post office and read the children’ letters addressed to the North Pole. So moved by the children expressing real need, he’d visit them as Santa on Christmas Day giving toys from their list. At one home there was a girl that stood off to the side. He went to her and in a whisper asked why she wasn’t joining in. She answered she wasn’t from the family, she was Jewish. He whispered back, “So am I!”

Thanks Spirit, for involving the commercial world in it, too. However, it’s not a commercial experience, but a spiritual one. Isn’t it wonderful—a joyous expression of Divine love! There are no conditions—you are loved and are the expression of Divine love! Let it flow—forget budgets! Affirm, “Santa lives in me!” I’m so grateful Santa lives through you!

December 15, 2013 – God as Santa

12/15/13 Rev. David McArthur
God As Santa

Christmas is a celebration of giving, when intention is set into motion. We create a time of giving and love in the Earth. Giving gifts is an experience of the Divine—because giving is the nature of God.

As opposed to religious teaching, spiritual teaching goes to all the children to let them know they are just as special as Jesus was. We use a grandfather figure with a flowing beard (God) who gives gifts and is dressed in red (for life and vitality). We don’t get to see him Christmas night (when we experience the Divine, most don’t recognize it), but he leaves the gifts (symbols of Divine love) in the home. The hearth (the heart of the home) spreads light and warmth throughout. The chimney is the vertical access to the higher consciousness. The North Pole (for Heaven) is real and the reindeer and sleigh that fly are the magic (the love) which makes it all work. There’s another part too, the asking—the list for Santa—to teach the children to open to receive.

The goodness of God is available to you no matter how naughty you have been because you are a child of God. The truth is, Divine love gives because you are.

When children grow they begin to understand they can give, and begin to know the truth and power of Santa: we are expressing the Divine. Generosity and abundance are as we express them and it is Divine.

It’s not about religion. As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston yearned for a joyous Christmas celebration in his home, and promised himself that when he had a family, they’d have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. He liked playing Santa for his children so much that he also played Santa in New York City for 12 years. He would go to the post office and read the children’ letters addressed to the North Pole. So moved by the children expressing real need, he’d visit them as Santa on Christmas Day giving toys from their list. At one home there was a girl that stood off to the side. He went to her and in a whisper asked why she wasn’t joining in. She answered she wasn’t from the family, she was Jewish. He whispered back, “So am I!”

Thanks Spirit, for involving the commercial world in it, too. However, it’s not a commercial experience, but a spiritual one. Isn’t it wonderful—a joyous expression of Divine love! There are no conditions—you are loved and are the expression of Divine love! Let it flow—forget budgets! Affirm, “Santa lives in me!” I’m so grateful Santa lives through you!
