June 19, 2016 – Brain Health and Compassionate Communication

Garrett Riegg, J.D.
Brain Health and Compassionate Communication

Happy Father’s Day! I found recently that I am a father figure at a fraternity I advise at Sonoma State. It was very important to a young man there. His father was absent from his life, and he had no brothers or sisters. He told me recently about his wonderful girl friend and the great job he had as a camera man with the Forty Niners. He was so excited. Over break, though, he was binge drinking and took some pills. I got a call that he was found face down on the floor outside his room, dead.

It is believed that over 50% of students engage in this dangerous behavior. We do know more people are now dying from illegal and legal use of anti-depressants and opioids than from handguns or auto accidents. Among white middle-class women, up to 40% are using 1 or more anti-depressants. Medicine didn’t believe how dangerous these drugs are.

The answer to depression is not drugs. After researching thousands of studies, it has been determined that there are 8 ways to calm the brain.

From the last to the first:

8) Smile. Mean it or not, it releases endorphins. And little things count. It has been found that if a patient about to get a bad diagnosis were to give their doctor a small bag of jelly beans before the diagnosis, the doctor is 20% more accurate!

7) Think. Chess can reverse some dementia. Games and puzzles improve mental ability in the short run, but for the long run the mind needs big intellectual ideas and challenges, like philosophy, metaphysics, or world peace.

6) Relax. Relaxing your muscles and breathing deeply is good for the brain, as is playing relaxing music or repetitive activity like knitting or using rosary beads.

5) Yawn! It also relaxes the muscles in the neck and causes you to breathe deeply. Students who yawned 5 times before a test consistently made higher scores. 5 yawns, too, are as good as a cup of coffee.

4) Meditating. It’s a treat for the brain. MRIs show significant differences between monks and regular people. And they show negative emotions kill brain cells, while positive emotions grow brain cells.

3) Aerobic exercise is definitely good because it brings more oxygen to the brain.

2) Dialogue. Talking, especially talking about big concepts like God or evolution.

1) Faith. The most important. Not necessarily faith in God, but focusing on affirming, positive beliefs, like faith in humanity or the individual’s faith that he or she can overcome. Optimists have better health overall; pessimists die earlier.

I was lucky as a college student to not only have a good father, but over summer vacations I also had a good father figure in my boss at Beacon Moving in Oakland. He was African American, and this was 1963, before the Civil Rights movement had accomplished anything. But Bill had faith. His work was of the highest quality. He was the first black driver for Beacon in Oakland. He had zero customer complaints filed when the average was 20 to 30 a year. He was elected to union shop steward at Beacon, even when the union still didn’t want to integrate! I found out Bill had pulled himself out of poverty and alcoholism, gotten married, and at 50 started a family by adopting a little girl. They adopted 2 more girls, and all were good students. I know at least the oldest went to college. Bill had never even graduated high school! I so appreciate the fathers I had!


June 12, 2016 – The Power of SHE

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Power of SHE”

Quantum physicists talk about the male and female energy of planetary and particle movement. God, which is the universe, is a perfect balance of male and female energy. The time is right to focus on merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine in our lives and in the world to see a shift in war and violence. The masculine energy is out of balance. When it is out there by itself, there is force and then push-back. The key to all this in our world is for the masculine energy to find balance with the divine feminine.

The Biblical story of Deborah tells of the only woman to be a judge, prophet, and general of Israel. Deborah means “bee”, spiritual discrimination, activity. She was the first woman head of state. On guidance from God, she told a general, Barack (means executive aspect of active will) how to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. He responded, “I will only go if you go with me.” This is the first place in the Bible where the divine masculine and the divine feminine come together to overcome. When the mind (the masculine) and the heart (the feminine) come together, we are power—not “we have power” but we ARE power! When we have power, it can be taken away, but when we ARE power it can’t be taken.

How will it affect our innocents, our water, our food, when the masculine cooperates in a scenario that takes all of them into consideration? Would not the balance of the masculine (mind) with the feminine (heart) defeat our enemies within and without because we bring harmony to our decisions?
How do we teach our young women about force? We have taught our daughters power is something to HAVE, not to BE. But within, they have masculine and feminine, and when they align that, they ARE power. And we are called to teach our little boys compassion, nurture, gentleness. We must stop telling them, “Boys don’t do that.” And we must stop telling our little girls, “Girls don’t do that.” It is our responsibility to share this with our children. We must redesign our school curriculums for this. And we must revamp our sports programs to reflect these values, personified by the late Muhammad Ali. We can, when about to make a decision, ask ourselves to seek balance with our masculine and feminine energies and seek a decision for the highest good of all.

Now we are asking men what they think, and women what they feel. What if we ask men what they feel and women what they think? Will it help? We’ve got to change our language, and how we speak to little boys and girls. Ask yourself, “Where am I out of balance? What can I do to bring myself into balance?”

When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER!


June 5, 2016 – Awakening the Power of Our Purpose

06/05/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Awakening The Power Of Our Purpose”

There are times when I really appreciate the fun part of our spiritual growth. I speak of the many aspects of ourselves found in the symbols in Snow White. The King and Queen are symbols of the divine. The male is our thinking nature and the female is our feeling nature. The birth of the Princess Snow White is our birth, the birth of our soul. But the Queen dies and the Dad disappears, off doing kingly things. (We lose our awareness of the Divine Mother along with the Father (wisdom and power)). The 2nd wife, the false or step mother is very vain (“mirror, mirror,” and all that). We end up serving a power “out there”, where we “have to do it THIS WAY”. If we don’t, we’ll be taken out into the woods and killed. This a real, but false, God-thought—do it that way or die. The divine self within us can be suppressed and put into the subconscious (the woods). But the truth remains within.

When Snow White reaches seven, the mirror tells the new Queen that Snow White is the fairest, which so angers the Queen that she orders the huntsman to take Snow White out into the woods and kill her. But he can’t do it.

So the Princess, at 7 years, goes over 7 hills to the house of the 7 dwarfs. (A subtle reference to the 7 chakras.) There she (we) begin to awaken to early spiritual growth (the dwarfs are not fully grown and show some of our aspects with names like Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, etc). But Snow White grows up. (We can no longer stay asleep. Our unconscious become conscious. Our spirituality awakens. Our brain grows up to the fact that we give our power away to the false perception of “out there”.) But the step mother and the poison apple cause Snow White to “die” (fall into a deep sleep, a “death”).

A man named Lloyd Glenn landed at the airport in DC where he was told that his 3 year old son had been in an accident and was near death. He was under the garage door when it closed on him right on his heart. His mother thought he was dead but at the hospital his heart was restarted. The staff called it a miracle. Unfortunately his brain had been deprived of oxygen, and when his father arrived he was told not to expect much. With his father at his side, the boy awakened and cried, “Daddy! Hold me!” The staff was amazed at this show of life. With care, he returned to the life of a 3 year old.

A month later he went to his mom and said, uncharacteristically, “Sit down Mommy. I have something to tell you. When I was trapped, the birdies came and made a swoosh and took care of me.” He called them birdies because they had wings. “They were so beautiful! White, and green and white. They told me the baby would be all right.” He was outside his body and could see the baby (himself) trapped under the garage door. He continued, “They went and got his mother and told the baby to stay and not leave. The bright light was so warm. There was someone really nice there who told me, ‘I love you but you have you go back, play baseball, and tell everyone about the birdies and everyone’s plans,’ because they love us so much.”

Emily Cady said to possess the secret of anything is to have power over it, and that knowledge of God within is power over all. In Unity we know I am the beloved child of God! But thinking it isn’t enough. It has to be felt. That’s the important part. Snow White shows us how: she is awakened when the Prince kisses her. So get kissed!

In Snow White there is the death of the old and the awakening of the adult (the mature spiritual self). That’s when the Prince and Snow White go to the castle to live. (The consciousness; the plan.) I am the beloved child of God! I am the beloved child of God! I am the beloved child of God! The amazing power which flows through you, not “out there” (center to circumference) actualizes your being. And on the way it’s ok to be kissed!


May 29, 2016 – Spiritual Power

Rev. David McArthur
“Spiritual Power”

I have known so many wonderful people in the Armed Forces! And I have learned that the power of the force is the expression of their love. In our growing what we are learning is to understand this power that flows in and through us.

Anastacia Jayet’s soon-to-be-published “A Beacon Shattering Into Being,” tells a clear and honest story of a woman’s journey from powerless to powerful. We are all on that journey. Anastacia’s story very much parallels mine, as I have shared with you. She too was a student at the University of New Mexico and in a beautiful marriage with a beautiful baby. She too lost her spouse through violence. Her world came to an end. Anastacia shares her experience step by step. How her deep pain and shock weren’t acknowledged at the hospital as her husband died. How she stepped into powerlessness, giving her power away easily without realizing it. She did not make decisions to favor herself. When we feel powerless we have fear. We give our power away. We push help away. Anastacia said she couldn’t make room for it. All beauty and love in her life were lost. Everything she had known and depended upon had disappeared. Her life became pain and loss.

Years later, with brutal honesty, she looked at her choices and began to see and become conscious. She worked hard to make decisions to carry her forward to her purpose, to connect with the powerful spiritual being she is, and to walk in her spiritual power.

Have we given away our power—through anger, and not living our truth? For women on our planet, taking their power is a major spiritual journey! Anastacia repeated to herself, “I can always get back. I can always get back to my spiritual power for myself and all human beings.”

The place where we accept our power is a beautiful place! You never have to seek from without, but seek from within, from the center of your being. (Center to circumference.) “I do not have to give away my power to receive.” It is always present within. The power of God is within me! The power of God is within me! The power of God is within me!

When we stop separation, we go from separation to power. What happens when we look at people of another religion and we don’t have to call them terrorists? —when we look at transgender and  gay and don’t see then as immoral? —when we look at women and do not see them as property? —when we look at brown bodies and do not see them as illegal.

What happens when we see all of them as children of God? —when we look at each other as people of wisdom and see children of God? That’s POWER! It is that power which will change our world. The power of God is within me!

And you know how to get there through those gorgeous hearts of yours. So go for it!


May 22, 2016 – Heaven or Hell…Which? The Choice is Yours

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Heaven or Hell…Which? The Choice is Yours”

The Reverend Carlton Pearson led a Fundamental Christian parish of about seven thousand. One Sunday he announced he no longer believed in hell. He had a new belief, a new teaching. This was his deep conviction, but soon his associate minister left, his congregation left, and even his wife divorced him. What could he have discovered for himself to be so willing to do this?

One version of Reverend Pearson’s story says he was at a conference where someone told of a 12 year old boy who ran into a burning building to save his baby sister. When he brought her out he was on fire, but only after seeing his sister was safe did he drop to the ground, and die. The minister telling the story lamented, “What a shame he’s going to hell” because the minister hadn’t had a chance to “save” him.

But I believe Carlton’s epiphany came at his Grandmother’s deathbed. She had devoted her life to helping the people in her community, and he loved and admired her for it. As she lay dying she confessed she was afraid to die, that she new she’d go to hell because for years she had spent her Fridays gambling at the penny slots. Carlton knew there could not be a God who would do that. This was his epiphany.

Our elder brother Jesus NEVER said hell is a place you go to when you die. He never said heaven was either. He said heaven is at hand—it’s right here. You don’t have to die first.

He said the kingdom of heaven is within us. Heaven (and hell) is a state of consciousness. Hell is experiencing anger, fear, hatred, violence, etc., often expressed through criticism, condemnation, and judgment. Because they are states of mind, you can have heaven one day and hell the next.

In Unity we say thoughts in mind produce their kind, but we’re not talking about every single thought that runs through your head. We’re talking about those you focus on. The energy you focus. We contribute to the consciousness we see in our lives and in our world. If you give all your focus/energy to a thought like “I’m unworthy” or “I’m all alone”—if you keep holding that as a truth it becomes the truth. If you hold prosperous, loving thoughts, they will manifest. Seeing is not believing; believing is seeing.

The good news is that we can shift. What if what we are seeing—like ISIS, anger, fear, violence, hatred—what if we have almost reached a critical mass and we’re on the verge of a quantum shift? What if what we are seeing is coming up for healing for this big shift? “Heal me now!” What if we were to stop judging and stop nursing our fears, our terrors? What if we say TODAY I CHOOSE HEAVEN. If we get a big bill from the IRS? TODAY I CHOOSE HEAVEN. If we get a terrible diagnosis? TODAY I CHOOSE HEAVEN. Heaven is a choice; hell is a choice. How much better it is to have choice than to be at the mercy of our fears! All that we see that appears not to be love is a call for us to see the love. The choice is yours!


May 15, 2016 – Science of the Heart

Dr. Rollin McCraty
“Science of the Heart”

Our research at the HeartMath Institute has found there is intuition of the head and of the heart, but that of the heart is by far the strongest. It responds first and then messages the brain which then leads to the body’s response, like the hair rising on the back of the neck, for example. It appears the heart has access to a field of information outside of time and space. That’s the terminology I used in publishing this information for my scientific peers. At the Institute of HeartMath we call it our large. But between us, if it’s something else outside of time and space, it is what you call the higher self, spiritual self, Spirit, soul, God. In the scientific exploration of the heart we have found awareness we are spiritual beings as well as physical.

We now know that we are connected in a way that is not just metaphorical. In exploring this capacity, we find we all have an ability to transfer information among us. There is electromagnetic energy which transmits information very much like your cell phone. The heart opens us to this and the heart deepens our capacity for it. It is the major player in this bio-electric field.

I’m told several people facing major challenges right here in your congregation have said they feel the prayers said for their healing. This is more than an intuitive connection. When we send intentions of healing and health to another, depending on our vibrational pitch, and the more we are attuned, the more powerfully the intention travels from the higher self through the heart. It literally lifts our consciousness and we become more aligned and have more power to change things in our world globally.

In science we measure things, like the magnetic energy of the Earth. We have placed 8 magnetometers around the world. We have found resonant frequencies just like those in the heart. We have found that when these frequencies are higher, so too are those of people. We adults perform better. It’s just the opposite for the young. They tend to do more stupid things and get hurt more. So we are all truly connected! It is becoming clear; it is real; it is measurable.

We collected data on about 800 people showing we are sync’d up around the world. These people fell into 3 groups. Some were connected with certain resonant frequencies of the planet. A second group with other planet frequencies. The third group was not connected. They were disconnected. It’s not good. Their energy is incoherent.

We are close to proving we are affecting this energy globally. This will lift global consciousness! The carrier wave has been measured. Being together as a group, especially if you like or love each other, as you do here, amplifies the signal and helps feed the global field. You are feeding the field constantly. So the question then is, “What are you feeding the field?” How much today was love and compassion, and how much was frustration and anger? What is your ratio?


May 8, 2016 – Mothers as God

Rev. David McArthur
“Mothers as God”

Happy Mother’s Day! Some of the greatest spiritual learning is given to mothers. Some of our greatest spiritual learning comes from our mothers. To those who are new mothers this year, we celebrate you. To those who have lost a child, we mourn with you. To those who are in the trenches with little ones everyday, we celebrate you. To those who have miscarried or had abortions, or run-aways, we mourn your loss with you. For those who suffered abuse by their mothers, we grieve with you. For step mothers who walk that complex path, we walk with you. And for those who lost a mother this year, we grieve with you. Mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, spiritual mothers, we need you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart.

When my younger brother was just 4 years old, our back yard backed right up to the school grounds. He was out there one day with our mother when she saw a look in his eye which told her to grab him before he took off, but she wasn’t fast enough. With my mother chasing behind, he ran around the schoolhouse, pausing long enough at each corner for her to appear around the previous corner. Then he’d disappear around the next one. The school’s windows filled with happy faces. As she rounded the last corner he was standing at the edge of our yard waiting with his hand up, so when our mother reached him and took his hand in hers, they walked calmly into the house. Mothers can read those looks and they don’t rest until they know we’re safe.

I’m often like my younger brother that day—running around, tiring myself out, then giving up and holding out my hand for that mother’s love to take me home. And I know I am loved by that feeling, loving God.

I see my daughter Anna with my 5 year old granddaughter Kira, and I get to see that love. Even in the midst of a temper tantrum, Kira is always able to run and be enfolded in those arms of love. You are the child of this infinite love. Accept this love. I am loved right now. It’s all around us.

Some of you know my older daughter Lisa was only 11 months old when we lost her mother. At this age, Mother was her world! And then she was gone. 14 years later we were looking at pictures at Grandma’s house. One of them showed Lisa in her mother’s arms just a month before she lost her mother. Lisa looked at it and said it was the last time she was happy. Now we had had many happy times since. Kathryn deeply loved her. But I understood that the loss, the hole in her, was still there. When Lisa gave birth to her first child, she had some cloths that she would just float down on him, which he loved. We stood around watching this in awe. I looked at Lisa and there was complete happiness. The hole had been filled.

There is a part of our wholeness that only takes hold when mothers get to do that part of love. It flows through us all. It is important that we let it in. I am loved right now. Feel it! I am loved right now. Let it in right now. I am loved right now.


May 1, 2016 – Slaying The Dragons Of Fear

Rev. David McArthur
“Slaying The Dragons Of Fear”

Dragons symbolize a God-thought, from our subconscious, of a power that can take our good away from us. We all have felt the fear when “the dragon” withholds prosperity, health, or something we really want. It’s a fear which says, “I’m not lovable.” In Sleeping Beauty, the Prince slays the dragon by piercing her heart with the Sword of Truth. That’s the only way the fear in our heart can be slain.

The Sword of Truth is “you are lovable, unconditionally.” Traditional religion teaches us this when we are young, but then as we get a little older, the rules come in. We are loved IF we do this, don’t do that. The mind takes hold of these ideas, and as we grow and experience trauma, we incorporate the message, “We aren’t lovable.”

There was a mother who was very fearful as she looked upon her very dysfunctional family. Her husband was greatly depressed, incapable of holding a job. The oldest boy couldn’t find work and was also depressed. His brother, still in school, was emotionally disturbed and was having and being a great difficulty. The sister was the youngest, and understandably withdrawn at school. The mother was especially fearful for them as she had an illness that would likely take her life. Then what would they do?

She heard that love could heal all, but she felt abandoned and powerless. Nevertheless, whenever she thought of her husband as incapable, she’d catch herself and stop worrying, affirming love for him. So too with her kids and with herself, she’d affirm they were loved. It took weeks, as the negative thoughts persisted, but gradually she noticed her husband was more energetic, taking care of things around the house without her asking. Soon her eldest called, excited about his new job. She noticed, too, that her emotionally disturbed son was experiencing more frequent and longer periods of peace, and her daughter was finding acceptance in school and was happier. Most astounding of all, her disease was in remission!

Not feeling lovable keeps divine power from us. We overcome it by increasing our thoughts and feelings of love. Charles Fillmore, “…the more we talk about love, the stronger it grows in our consciousness, and if we persist in thinking loving thoughts and speaking loving words, we are sure to bring into our experience the feeling of that great love that is beyond description—the very love of God.” You may trust love to bring you out of your difficulties. There is nothing it cannot overcome!

Right now you are loved. Give yourself a hug! Feel it! Tell yourself, “I AM LOVABLE!” And a great truth, “I AM LOVED!” Right now you are completely and totally loved no matter what mess you’ve made of your life. It’s UNCONDITIONAL.
Then we find the greatest truth: YOU ARE LOVE! It is the nature of this being. It is what you were before you came into this existence. It is who and what you are. I AM LOVE!
Take this journey with me: I AM LOVABLE. I AM LOVED. I AM LOVE. When dragons begin to disappear, angels appear. They are the symbol of our openness to the good in our lives. So enjoy angels!


April 24, 2016 – Compassion Connects Us All

Rev. David McArthur
“Compassion Connects Us All”

Our harmony with the Earth can be no better than our harmony with ourselves, as it goes from self to the outer world. There is a force within us: compassion. It creates harmony.

A lady came to a seminar I was teaching. Her marriage had become toxic and was ending. Quite depressed, she had only come to my seminar to get out of the house. I had stepped everyone through some HeartMath, having them remember the feeling of a time when the heart was full. That’s when Spirit is present. In that moment our heart is open and we are connected to Spirit. The beautiful wisdom of our divine self is there. That’s when she felt real compassion for her husband. She understood how he felt. He had lost a good job and was working since then in a job where he was not appreciated. She saw that he needed simple validation from her, and she saw that she could do that, and that they could heal. What that woman’s heart gave her was compassion. It has the power to overcome reaction and separation.

An uncomfortable teaching from Jesus, in Matthew, is, “Do not judge, or you too will …be judged, and with the measure you use. …Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? …You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Until we remove our judgment we cannot connect. We are separate.

I remember the story of the man who freed the whale trapped and dying in a huge net. Imagine dropping into the water with this huge creature. A slight movement could kill you. But there was a connection. For 5 hours the man sliced netting. When the diver needed to remove ropes embedded in the whale’s skin, he placed his hand on the whale and told him it would hurt, and the whale did not harm the diver! The man worked upon the tail, where one flip of it could kill him. There was a great connection. The whale understood!

Then the whale was free! It swam around and around, diving and jumping. It rose from the depth to within 6 inches of the diver’s face as he watched! On the surface it rolled to look at the man. They connected eye to eye.

On vacation in Italy a teenage boy fell overboard. He couldn’t swim. He was drowning. A dolphin appeared and lifted him enough to get his breath. The boy held on to the dolphin, which carried him to the boat and lifted him high enough for the father to grab him. We’re not the only ones with this divine spirit within!

Connection comes with compassion. This is the choice we have. I choose compassion! As we make it we are new. I choose compassion! It is an expression of the flow of the divine in and through our awareness. That’s why it is so powerful. I choose compassion! It is my belief that with our great challenges there is a way to get to balance and harmony. The way is compassion!


April 17, 2016 – How To Manifest God’s Gifts

Rev. David McArthur
“How To Manifest God’s Gifts”

Everyone here is an amazingly beautiful child of God. That’s who you are and why you are loved! The only real work is to let that in. To open to this flow, Marie took a course at Unity. By 8 weeks in she was getting very frustrated. Still no demonstration in her life. So classmates asked, “What would it take for you to feel that this love was flowing in your life?” She quickly cried, “A red Mercedes!” Well, ok, they said, if that’s what it takes, then that’s ok.

Days later an old friend called and said, “Someone asked if I knew anyone who would buy his car quickly, and I don’t know why, but you popped into my head.” “Well, what is it?” “A red Mercedes,” she said, “and he’ll sell it cheap.” Sharing this in class Marie went on, “As I was driving my new red 450 SL, a voice from within spoke to me.” It was her first time ever to hear it. It said over and over, “Don’t you know that I’ve always taken care of you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to pull over. It was her opening that was her real demonstration.

Jesus, said “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all …things will be added to you.” And another time Jesus told us, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again… unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

My understanding of “born again” differs from the traditional in that I see “born of water” refers to our human existence; “born… of the Spirit” means to be in the moment connecting with Spirit Itself. It speaks to a change of perception. “Spirit gives birth to Spirit”, (connection with the heart). Marie opened and life began to respond differently. That’s when life begins to happen FOR us.

When Kathryn and I lived in Montana a dirt lane led from the road to our house at the top of a hill. In springtime only our Jeep would get up the hill. This time it was in the shop. Our VW couldn’t get up the hill so we left it at the bottom and walked down to it to go into town. When the mechanic called and told me the Jeep was ready, we had NO money. We believed God provides but I realized I had a disconnect. I know I’m loved, but walking up that muddy hill didn’t feel so loving. So I sat and got quiet. After arguing with God I decided to open to the love. It took a while. Then I began to feel the love. It filled me and I realized there was nothing to keep me from my love. So I went to get the Jeep. I got down to the VW and I still had no way of paying. As I was about to pull onto the road a car pulled into our lane.The driver rolled down her window and explained that she came out to give me an envelope that she then handed through my window. Then she backed out and was gone. In the envelope was a check that was more than enough to cover the Jeep. It was like the wind! I didn’t do anything except let the love in! What is this love but to take care of us? It’s simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. But it’s here to take.

I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Spirit is here. I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Is it ok this week to let it in? I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. The beautiful love and life you are is not only what flows to you; when you let it open you, you bless the world. So I thank you!
