January 11, 2015 – Steps of Prosperity

01/11/15 Rev. David McArthur
Steps of Prosperity

We are going to create a wonderful world this year! A prosperous year! This Infinite Presence we are connected with wants to pour abundance into our lives. It is the only power; it’s not God and materiality. See God in all things. It’s how we connect with Spirit. In the story of the loaves and fishes (Matthew) are step by step instructions for manifesting into physical being what we want. The steps are:

1 (awareness) Jesus said, “Bring them (5 loaves and 2 fish) to me.” Be aware of what is provided, not what is not there. What is wanted is already present in the spiritual.

2 (serenity) “He directed the people to sit down on the grass.” Make the people in your head, your critics, sit down. You can’t get rid of them, but it brings you into balance within.

3 (acceptance) “Taking the 5 loaves, 2 fish…” Accept what is there; it is the way it is. Acceptance is a beautiful thing. You know you’re not in acceptance when you’re complaining.

4 (love) “…and looking up to heaven…” Shift. Raise your awareness to a greater level. Thoughts don’t do it. It takes feeling, a different consciousness. God works through feeling. There is amazing power here. It’s amazing growth to know that everything is love.

5 (gratitude) “he gave thanks…” I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! The new creation is happening in our spiritual world and flowing into this one by way of our hearts.

6 (release all limits) “…broke the loaves” Break the old patterns. Pure spiritual love flows through our hearts and heals us. The hurt we carry is healed by that love. It removes those limiting ideas.

7 (active giving) “then he gave them to the disciples…” Send it on. In the physical world if you want more of something you take more. The spiritual world looks opposite to the physical world; if you want more you give more. Tithing focuses us on the giving, that it’s all God’s. And it brings it into the physical world.

8 (openness) “and disciples gave them to the people.” It is given to that part of us that is busy with the outer. We become open to both giving and receiving. It invites us into open receptivity. It fills us and satisfies the “yeah, but” people in our head. We experience the love, the divine.

Recalling step 4 (love), we enter into this with and through the feeling of love. The feelings of love and gratitude move to the places within us where we carry pain and we heal. I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! And there was more than enough! “…and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” 12 is the number of fulfillment.

Affirm God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! Live long and prosper!

February 9, 2014 – Receptivity to Abundance

2/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
Receptivity to Abundance

Once we’ve entered into the receptivity of the heart, things happen to us because we are connected to the flow of the infinite through the heart. We can check that by asking, “Is there a flow of love and abundance in my life or are there limitations?”

Jesus’ feeding of the 4000 identifies the level of the spiritual consciousness present there, and is a picture of the spiritual potential within us now. Begin with compassion. The head can think compassion but it cannot feel it. It is an experience within the heart. We have this powerful spiritual potential. It is the Christ Self, the Atman, the Buddha Mind, the I Am. It is there within when we respond to compassion. Jesus had the crowd sit down (and shut up). So quiet the mind. In your heart move from compassion to appreciation (it is so powerful); Jesus gave thanks. They ate and were satisfied. This shows it is a spiritual experience, since the head is never satisfied. Satisfaction is an experience of spiritual fullness—in the flow of compassion and appreciation is the satisfaction of the spiritual self. In receptivity something changes and the experience then is “more than enough”.

Catherine Ponder, the prosperity teacher, says, “The experience of love draws our good to us.” A single mother, needing a car badly, brought the kids together and prayed, “divine love now brings the money to buy the perfect car for us and pay for it without strain.” Things began to move, a step at a time. A cousin was selling a car, but made arrangements with her instead. Then she got a bonus at work and then a pay raise. She got the car “without strain”. Within the experience of “not enough” is “I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough.” When you see “not enough” it is the presence of a block within you. What was within that blocked the mother’s good was healed by the love itself. It brings what is not in wholeness into wholeness. The blocks can be healed.

Catherine Ponder herself was trying to collect some money long owed her when she read, from Emma Curtis Hopkins, that everything is really full of love for you. Your good will come flying to you when you know that what you love is love. All is love. There is nothing in the universe but love. (Your brain will never agree, so tell it to “sit down”.) There is nothing—nothing–but love! Catherine Ponder says, “I felt something hard move in the area of my heart and I breathed more easily.” The money appeared shortly with apologies.

In our receptivity, our experience is always that the block we have held dissolves when a new state of consciousness is reached. The change in the outer—the abundance—is the affect; the real change is in the heart.

There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love.
There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love.
There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love.

You are in the universe; you are love!

July 14, 2013 – Abundance Principles

7/14/13 Rev. David McArthur
Abundance Principals

You are a beautiful child of God, a beautiful spiritual being, with spiritual assignments and challenges—challenges like “not enough”. We might experience it financially and emotionally, as individuals and as a community. We might feel we are not drawing support and wisdom from family and friends. We might not be allowing ourselves to be provided for with abundance in our lives.

We have learned in our response to feelings of lack to put God first and pray. We pray to open our hearts and minds to accept the loving abundance that we know is always there. We pray to let this awareness in. “God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. I am grateful for more than enough.”

Our second response is love and appreciation. We acknowledge the loving abundance flowing into and through our lives, and appreciate the wonderful people in our lives. We have also learned that putting God first means we tithe the first ten percent, from love, and through this experience of love, all else follows.
There is also the principal of balance. We are most effective at allowing the flow of abundance in our lives when we are in balance, like not spending more than we have coming in.

The Law of Mind Action—thoughts and emotions in mind produce their kind—is referred to by Eric Butterworth in Spiritual Economics, “If ever there is lack of any kind, whether it is a need for employment, or money, or for guidance, or even healing, something is blocking the flow. And the most effective remedy: Give!” Give!—change from the feeling of lack to the feeling of rich abundance. It is a different, powerful state of consciousness. In his book Prosperity, Charles Fillmore says, “God is the divine givingness of the universe. In your spiritual quest you are striving to establish alignment with that givingness.”

Spirit understands that we want to see proof. Some see it quickly, others not so. This is not a magic bullet. It comes according to one’s alignment to universal laws of abundance. Step into the alignment of consciousness with that divine givingness. Give from the never ending flow of God’s goodness. “God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. I am grateful for more than enough, for more wisdom, creative opportunity, beautiful peace, and love to heal all that stands in the way of abundance!” Bless you!

July 14, 2013 – Abundance Principles

7/14/13 Rev. David McArthur
Abundance Principals

You are a beautiful child of God, a beautiful spiritual being, with spiritual assignments and challenges—challenges like “not enough”. We might experience it financially and emotionally, as individuals and as a community. We might feel we are not drawing support and wisdom from family and friends. We might not be allowing ourselves to be provided for with abundance in our lives.

We have learned in our response to feelings of lack to put God first and pray. We pray to open our hearts and minds to accept the loving abundance that we know is always there. We pray to let this awareness in. “God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. I am grateful for more than enough.”

Our second response is love and appreciation. We acknowledge the loving abundance flowing into and through our lives, and appreciate the wonderful people in our lives. We have also learned that putting God first means we tithe the first ten percent, from love, and through this experience of love, all else follows. There is also the principal of balance. We are most effective at allowing the flow of abundance in our lives when we are in balance, like not spending more than we have coming in.

The Law of Mind Action—thoughts and emotions in mind produce their kind—is referred to by Eric Butterworth in Spiritual Economics, “If ever there is lack of any kind, whether it is a need for employment, or money, or for guidance, or even healing, something is blocking the flow. And the most effective remedy: Give!” Give!—change from the feeling of lack to the feeling of rich abundance. It is a different, powerful state of consciousness. In his book Prosperity, Charles Fillmore says, “God is the divine givingness of the universe. In your spiritual quest you are striving to establish alignment with that givingness.”

Spirit understands that we want to see proof. Some see it quickly, others not so. This is not a magic bullet. It comes according to one’s alignment to universal laws of abundance. Step into the alignment of consciousness with that divine givingness. Give from the never ending flow of God’s goodness. “God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. I am grateful for more than enough, for more wisdom, creative opportunity, beautiful peace, and love to heal all that stands in the way of abundance!” Bless you!


February 17, 2013 – The Great Paradox of Prosperity

2/17/13 Janet Conner
The Great Paradox of Prosperity

The Buddha and Jesus each gave us a formula to create a beautiful, abundant life. Guess what? They taught the same thing! And it’s nothing like our modern obsession with the Law of Attraction. They both taught the paradox of abundance. They both taught the paradox that you don’t get what you want by wanting it. They taught “put your attention on the divine within” and then your life is abundant.

Not too many months ago, with all my success, I was bankrupt. At Thanksgiving, I told my son, who then asked, ”Are you doing work you love? [I was.] Then what’s the problem?” He was saying it wasn’t what I was doing that needed to change. I knew I needed to turn my attention to the divine within. So in my daily deep soul writing I dialogued with my beloved divine voice. I heard that I needed to spend the following month deep soul writing every day. One week for preparation, the next looking back at all the wisdom and what I had learned already. Then a week in forgiveness. The fourth week was to be spent looking at the life “you now want to create”. So I wrote.

Then, on New Year’s Day, I didn’t want to write. I found You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh at my feet, and I read the sentence which changed everything—“The Buddha said when conditions are sufficient there is a manifestation.” I realized we’re 180 degrees off with The Secret. It’s not about the manifestation, it’s about the conditions! So what did Jesus have to say about it? Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Dr. Neil Douglas Klotz translates the original Aramaic as “Pouring yourself out makes the universe do the same.” When we pursue a right relationship with the universe we produce a condition of reception in which anything we need to produce our beautiful abundant life will be provided by the universe. The same teaching!

The conditions for manifesting our desires are uniquely our own. Every day I let God have the responsibility for manifesting the things I want. I focus on living my intentions as I have expressed them in the center of my mandala. Then I tap my heart and say, “I’m one with the One.”

Sing “I will leave this world as it is, go inside and find my God…Inside there is peace [and] joy… there is more than enough. Inside there is sacred love.” Set aside your wanting and asking and go inside and find your God.


February 21, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Thank You God

Rev. David McArthur

“If you pour your words of faith into the omni-present substance, you will be prospered though all the banks in the world be closed.” –Charles Fillmore.

Our journey to prosperity thus far has 6 steps. Today they are united in the 7th. The 6 are:

Be clear of your purpose, which is defined by your passion – those things that are important to you. The Universe is as committed to your success as you are, providing all that you need to manifest it.

Through healing and forgiveness clear away that which blocks your success from coming to you.

Jump into the flow of God’s giving nature by your giving – your tithing.

Attune to God’s goodness through the power of prayer. Since that which we affirm with our focus is manifested, strive to live complaint free.

Use your powers for good.

Our caring actions bring into manifestation the love of God in this 3D world.

The 7th step is to express your gratitude for God’s goodness, even in the face of challenges. Do not “Thank God” as a victim as that will attract more of the same. Know that there is no thought of lack in God’s mind. As spiritual, creative beings we know there is something good, something wonderful and whole coming. Often we can’t see it, but we know it’s got to be there.

“Thank You, God, for the goodness that is there that must come forth. “If you are willing to let God’s goodness flow in and through your life, even when facing challenges, say, “Thank You, God!”

January 24, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Tithing (weekly series part 4 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

Here are the steps for bringing abundance into your life this year.

Step 1. Go into the Silence. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." Affirm "God is my instant, constant, abundant supply."

Step 2. Attune to your purpose. Make your choices in your heart; follow your passion.

Step 3. Open to receive. Remove those blocks to your abundance by freeing yourself through forgiveness. Unburden yourself. "Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

This week's lesson:

Step 4. Expand the flow of good in your life through giving. "As you give it is given to you." Everything is God's after all. But it is not ours to give all. Our abundance is to be used with wisdom. Seek guidance to find what is yours to say "yes" to. The greatest tool for expanding your flow is tithing. It is the acknowledgment that God is your source. It is acknowledging the beautiful goodness that is flowing in you, through you, creating and expanding your physical world. It is knowing that God is your partner. Even loss is God coming through. Yet loss is minimized and gain maximized. Bring your highest perceptions through into the physical. Become an instrument for transformation in the world. And tithing is saying, "Thank You God!"

Thank You God! Thank You God! Thank You God!

You Prayer Team

January 17, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Forgiveness (weekly series part 3 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

To prosper, we have to transform that which blocks out our good. We need to remove or transform the barriers of anger, resentment, hate, and fear we have built which block our propserity from flowing. We need to unburden ourselves, to free ourselves. Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is about letting go of our pain again and again until it is gone. To do this, we need to bring the awareness of the goodness of God into the feelings of hate, etc. You must really want to be free of the burden. Ask for the pain to be healed. Bring the love and compassion, that Divine Presence into the pain to be healed. Find it in that deep peace. That Divine Love has the power to free us, to lift us.

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

January 10, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Finding Your Purpose (weekly series part 2 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

Sometimes we are sure of our purpose in this life, but the universe does not seem to be saying "yes", we are not meeting with much success at all. So we go within and check our guidance, and the purpose we were sure of is affirmed! Why, then, is the universe not responding with abundant success? This is when we need to re-align ourselves with our purpose. We need to re-align our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. We need to ask ourselves, "What are we showing up with?" Even addiction and childhood trauma can be transformed if we walk through them aligned on purpose.

So to re-align yourself in every aspect, change your consciousness. Bring the power of your heart into it. Our individual purpose is in our hearts, not our heads. It is passion that points us in the direction of our purpose. You have the capability of creating abundance – it is the work you are about. You are to give form to the Universal Energy. Make a choice in your heart. Show up and transform. The universe will say, "Yes!" and abundant success will flow in and through your life.

Marianne Williamson said, “Your playing small serves no one.” Well, living on purpose, manifesting your purpose, is playing “big”. You are not just creating what you are about. Your abundance, your purpose flows into the world transforming it as well. You are creating a different world!

January 3, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: God is the Source (weekly series part 1 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

"We are one with Creative Energy. It is never depleted. It always responds to us. It must give; that is its nature." – Charles Fillmore, Prosperity

How many forests are in a single apple?

Thoughts of lack limit your wholeness.

There is no thought of lack in Divine Mind. Abundance is in every level. It is your birthright to prosper. You are a spiritual being. Call prosperity into manifestation here and now. Prove it.

Set a time for this every day.

Go into the silence. Seek first the kingdom of God.

Look to God as the Source.

Everything is God.

Pour your living faith into the substance of Spirit.

Affirm God is my instant, constant, abundant supply.

Affirm that in gratitude.

Affirm it in your power.

Affirm it in joy.

God is my instant, constant, abundant supply.