March 31, 2013 – Every Time I Love

3/31/13 Rev. David McArthur
Every Time I Love

Five days after 9/11, in an Egyptian coffee shop in Queens, New York City, Labib Salam and his friends were trying to understand it all when 4 young men entered and smashed everything. The police quickly caught all four, but Labib didn’t press charges. He said, “I understand their rage.” Labib and his friends began to clean up, and within an hour the four young men returned to help. In Labib’s compassion and forgiveness, we are reminded of the forgiving Jesus did from the cross. It is an amazing thing.

Resurrection is a little different. It’s an inside job. You can’t do it for someone else. When those four guys went back to Labib, they thanked him for not pressing charges. They grabbed brooms to help and soon were sharing coffee and conversation. Labib and the 4 left as friends the next morning. That’s resurrection!

Jesus’ resurrection was a demonstration of the things he had shown all along. You too have done all those things—feeding the crowds and supporting those needing healing. We do it sometimes “because we gotta”, but other times in a consciousness of wholeness and love. That’s different. Love transforms. It cannot not. Every time I love, love transforms. It does every single time. So you’ve been that demonstration! You are that life—that love. Every time I love, love transforms.

When we really screw up we usually blame others or just run away. The sense of connection is dead. Your compassion is dead. There is only you. But these guys touched the compassion of responsibility and brought back life.  Death is not the end. Those parts of us that are lifeless then are brought back to life. What makes the difference is the love. Every time I love, love transforms.

Sugar transforms the bitter cacao bean into chocolate, and the whole world loves it! Chocolate, as in the chocolate Easter egg, is a symbol if, every time you take a bite, you know love transforms. Make the commitment. Every time you take a bite of chocolate remember, Every time I love, love transforms. It is who you are—the beautiful child of God! And Every time you love, love transforms.


March 24, 2013 – How Full Is Your Glass?

3/24/13 Rev. David McArthur
How Full Is Your Glass?

A very large crowd spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Jesus was demonstrating the Spiritual power He had, and which he was inviting us into. There are times when everything comes together for us beautifully. Even the events that led up to Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate were seen by Jesus to be part of the process of infinite love which takes us where we are to go. He demonstrates this in his answer to Pilate, when Pilate told Him he had the power to free Him or send Him to his crucifixion. Jesus said, “You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above.” As we know, God is good all the time, but the ‘all the time’ is what gets us. When you are in a situation that is filled with only pain, it is not a demonstration of somebody doing this to you. It is a demonstration of love unfolding for your great good.

There is a famous Taoist story about a farmer who had a much admired horse to work his farm, but it ran away. The neighbors felt sorry for him. But he answered, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” The horse returned, and two wild horses with him. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” Then his son broke his leg breaking-in the wild horses. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” When the army came through, they drafted all the young men except the farmer’s son, with his broken leg. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

We do get “beautiful Jerusalem” moments where it is easy to see the good. At times it is not so easy, but we can still see the goodness that is always there. Once you know this, it is an amazing gift of peace. Life doesn’t do things to us, but for us. We can take the risk of reaching out to touch others because we know it is there. Every experience is filled to overflowing with that good. Is your glass filled to overflowing? —your life? —your heart? —to overflowing? You have the ability to see it. It is always there. Yes, your life is filled to overflowing!



March 24, 2013 – How Full Is Your Glass

3/24/13 Rev. David McArthur
How Full Is Your Glass?

A very large crowd spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Jesus was demonstrating the Spiritual power He had, and which he was inviting us into. There are times when everything comes together for us beautifully. Even the events that led up to Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate were seen by Jesus to be part of the process of infinite love which takes us where we are to go. He demonstrates this in his answer to Pilate, when Pilate told Him he had the power to free Him or send Him to his crucifixion. Jesus said, “You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above.” As we know, God is good all the time, but the ‘all the time’ is what gets us. When you are in a situation that is filled with only pain, it is not a demonstration of somebody doing this to you. It is a demonstration of love unfolding for your great good.

There is a famous Taoist story about a farmer who had a much admired horse to work his farm, but it ran away. The neighbors felt sorry for him. But he answered, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” The horse returned, and two wild horses with him. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” Then his son broke his leg breaking-in the wild horses. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” When the army came through, they drafted all the young men except the farmer’s son, with his broken leg. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

We do get “beautiful Jerusalem” moments where it is easy to see the good. At times it is not so easy, but we can still see the goodness that is always there. Once you know this, it is an amazing gift of peace. Life doesn’t do things to us, but for us. We can take the risk of reaching out to touch others because we know it is there. Every experience is filled to overflowing with that good. Is your glass filled to overflowing? —your life? —your heart? —to overflowing? You have the ability to see it. It is always there. Yes, your life is filled to overflowing!

March 17, 2013 – Why Pray?

3/17/13 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux
Why Pray?

God knows our hearts, our every desire. So why pray? The word “prayer” comes from a word with two meanings: 1st, ‘to set a trap’. So when we pray we are setting up to trap the attributes, the characteristics of God, like love, peace, joy, wisdom, perfect health, perfect relationships. 2nd, it means ‘to make an adjustment’. When you pray you open to the attributes of God and you adjust. So when the storm comes, it does not have so much power because you can project the attributes of God into it. In that sense, the storm is birthing you! It strengthens your God muscle. Exercise it daily. Walk daily with God. And when you come upon a storm, you know you will be greater in the sunshine that’s on the other side.

It’s one thing to pray everyday. It’s another to have a relationship with God. It brings the rain-shelters and umbrellas so you have them when the storms come. How do we do that? The Unity 5 Step Method is a basic foundation.

1. Just sit. It’s not about doing, but being.

2. Focus inward. You could use “Come Holy Spirit” or “The breath of god is breathing me”. Use whatever brings your attention inward.

3. It’s not begging or asking, but reflecting on the love and goodness of God to give what you are wanting. Or meditate on the attributes of God. God already knows what you need, so picture yourself receiving.

4. Realize it’s already yours. God’s good pleasure is to give you the you the kingdom of Heaven. Realize it. Know it.

5. Gratitude. I know that I know that I know! You need to know how your Creator feels and acts toward you! God adores Its creations! It is well pleased with Its creation—you! Give thanks.

What shows up is the result of your relationship with your Creator. All we need is a critical mass of 1% to change the whole world at depth. Then people will say, “I don’t want to fight. I don’t need this assault weapon to bring peace.” Try it! We try on shoes; we take a test drive in a car. So try it!


March 17, 2013 – Why Pray?

3/17/13 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux
Why Pray?

God knows our hearts, our every desire. So why pray? The word “prayer” comes from a word with two meanings: 1st, ‘to set a trap’. So when we pray we are setting up to trap the attributes, the characteristics of God, like love, peace, joy, wisdom, perfect health, perfect relationships. 2nd, it means ‘to make an adjustment’. When you pray you open to the attributes of God and you adjust. So when the storm comes, it does not have so much power because you can project the attributes of God into it. In that sense, the storm is birthing you! It strengthens your God muscle. Exercise it daily. Walk daily with God. And when you come upon a storm, you know you will be greater in the sunshine that’s on the other side.

It’s one thing to pray everyday. It’s another to have a relationship with God. It brings the rain-shelters and umbrellas so you have them when the storms come. How do we do that? The Unity 5 Step Method is a basic foundation.

1. Just sit. It’s not about doing, but being.

2. Focus inward. You could use “Come Holy Spirit” or “The breath of god is breathing me”. Use whatever brings your attention inward.

3. It’s not begging or asking, but reflecting on the love and goodness of God to give what you are wanting. Or meditate on the attributes of God. God already knows what you need, so picture yourself receiving.

4. Realize it’s already yours. God’s good pleasure is to give you the kingdom of Heaven. Realize it. Know it.

5. Gratitude. I know that I know that I know! You need to know how your Creator feels and acts toward you! God adores Its creations! It is well pleased with Its creation—you! Give thanks.

What shows up is the result of your relationship with your Creator. All we need is a critical mass of 1% to change the whole world at depth. Then people will say, “I don’t want to fight. I don’t need this assault weapon to bring peace.” Try it! We try on shoes; we take a test drive in a car. So try it!

March 10, 2013 – The Hobbit Goblins and Overcoming Hurt

3/10/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Hobbit Goblins and Overcoming Hurt

Do you have the Hobbit-part in you, where you enjoy your comforts? Sometimes in our unfoldment we are called away from the confines of security and comfort to go into the unknown to find our unlimited abundance. It is not a journey out of need. It’s about expanding awareness. But beyond comfort there are trolls! When we are afraid that something has power over us, we focus on that. But we do need to engage the trolls long enough for the sun to rise—they lose their power in the light. The truth is there is only one presence, one power. No duality. No double stuff! That light removes the fear, which is natural, but we can transform it with truth.

Our goblins are the pain-givers we hold deep in the subconsciousness, and are real. This journey is frightening, dark, and necessary. As long as the pain remains in our subconscious it draws our energy. Golum is the twisted part of us which lost the sight of light and love. It remains powerful as long as we bury it. We have anger, hatred, things we do to protect ourselves from the hurt. In that dark place in The Hobbit they play a riddle game, and go back into a memory of sunlight on daisies. When in darkness we remember light, we experience hope. Hope turns us around and we head out of the caves.

The ring makes us invisible—removing power from the goblins. We go out into the light. In Unity, we use denials. Denial removes power from the false, removes power from the limited. We move to the unlimited. How? We have the Prayer of Protection: The light of God surrounds me. The love of God enfolds me. The power of God protects me. The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is, and all is well. It is a journey into light. Have the courage to face the pain and darkness in yourself. When they come up to meet you, it is not your failure, it isn’t something wrong in you, it is not to punish you. It is because you have been called to go on this journey!

Light illuminates, but it doesn’t transform. The goblins follow you into the light, but the eagle lifts you into the higher realm. It is the part of you which is able to see the truth with clear sight and a perfect vision of the whole. See the truth and the truth will set you free. I am a beautiful child of God! Transformation happens when we let the truth touch the pain. Then we heal. Love transforms. However your pain came to be within you, you didn’t have the power then. Love reaches into the pain. We journey through the mountain—the journey to freedom. Let the love in. I am the beloved child of the most high! You are beautiful, radiant, filled with wisdom, and you are whole!


March 10, 2013 – The Hobbit Goblins and Overcoming Hurt

3/10/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Hobbit Goblins and Overcoming Hurt

Do you have the Hobbit-part in you, where you enjoy your comforts? Sometimes in our unfoldment we are called away from the confines of security and comfort to go into the unknown to find our unlimited abundance. It is not a journey out of need. It’s about expanding awareness. But beyond comfort there are trolls! When we are afraid that something has power over us, we focus on that. But we do need to engage the trolls long enough for the sun to rise—they lose their power in the light. The truth is there is only one presence, one power. No duality. No double stuff! That light removes the fear, which is natural, but we can transform it with truth.

Our goblins are the pain-givers we hold deep in the subconsciousness, and are real. This journey is frightening, dark, and necessary. As long as the pain remains in our subconscious it draws our energy. Golum is the twisted part of us which lost the sight of light and love. It remains powerful as long as we bury it. We have anger, hatred, things we do to protect ourselves from the hurt. In that dark place in The Hobbit they play a riddle game, and go back into a memory of sunlight on daisies. When in darkness we remember light, we experience hope. Hope turns us around and we head out of the caves.

The ring makes us invisible—removing power from the goblins. We go out into the light. In Unity, we use denials. Denial removes power from the false, removes power from the limited. We move to the unlimited. How? We have the Prayer of Protection: The light of God surrounds me. The love of God enfolds me. The power of God protects me. The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is, and all is well. It is a journey into light. Have the courage to face the pain and darkness in yourself. When they come up to meet you, it is not your failure, it isn’t something wrong in you, it is not to punish you. It is because you have been called to go on this journey!

Light illuminates, but it doesn’t transform. The goblins follow you into the light, but the eagle lifts you into the higher realm. It is the part of you which is able to see the truth with clear sight and a perfect vision of the whole. See the truth and the truth will set you free. I am a beautiful child of God! Transformation happens when we let the truth touch the pain. Then we heal. Love transforms. However your pain came to be within you, you didn’t have the power then. Love reaches into the pain. We journey through the mountain—the journey to freedom. Let the love in. I am the beloved child of the most high! You are beautiful, radiant, filled with wisdom, and you are whole!

March 3, 2013 – The Spell That Transforms Within and Without

3/3/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Spell that Transforms Within and Without

We’ve been working on “love your enemies”, which is difficult. As Unity people, we know we don’t really have enemies, yet many of us are skilled at letting some people act like our enemies. When they do, don’t you just want to take your magic wand and ZAP them? Good news: you can!

Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” The civil rights activists of Selma, Alabama, showed us by hindering your oppressor from doing wrong you are loving him. Charles Fillmore said, “Things have a material and a spiritual identity. The spiritual identity is the side which causes things.” (But our attention always goes to the material identity.) Edgar Cayce said. “Think not they are the oppressors. Look within thine own heart. Has thou not practiced the same? For has it not been given that if there are ten just men (loving others as they love themselves), shall they not save the city—the nation—the world?” He says love is so powerful that merely a few just men can change the whole world. Whatever shows up, by changing it, we can change the world.
In Ho’o pono pono, an inner experience changes the outer. It has been measured. The steps are simple: I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. It releases that within to bring the change in the outer. Ask for healing for memories of something unresolved within. The nature of the divine is whole and the spiritual energy moves through, healing those inner memories. What a wonderful way to heal your “enemies”!

There is embedded within the consciousness that which is producing the pain, the fear. To have that removed, if you would not have your love restricted, love those around. The force to make it happen is the love. What is killed is the consciousness of limitation. That which is not whole. The love of God is whole. It removes the power of the un-whole, the focus on the un-whole. It takes away that power, and it is gone.

So practice the spell: I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. You’ll get a chance to practice! Someone will show up. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. —that’s called ZAPPING!

March 3, 2013 – The Spell That Transforms Within and Without

3/3/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Spell that Transforms Within and Without

We’ve been working on “love your enemies”, which is difficult. As Unity people, we know we don’t really have enemies, yet many of us are skilled at letting some people act like our enemies. When they do, don’t you just want to take your magic wand and ZAP them? Good news: you can!

Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” The civil rights activists of Selma, Alabama, showed us by hindering your oppressor from doing wrong you are loving him. Charles Fillmore said, “Things have a material and a spiritual identity. The spiritual identity is the side which causes things.” (But our attention always goes to the material identity.) Edgar Cayce said. “Think not they are the oppressors. Look within thine own heart. Has thou not practiced the same? For has it not been given that if there are ten just men (loving others as they love themselves), shall they not save the city—the nation—the world?” He says love is so powerful that merely a few just men can change the whole world. Whatever shows up, by changing it, we can change the world.

In Ho’o pono pono, an inner experience changes the outer. It has been measured. The steps are simple: I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. It releases that within to bring the change in the outer. Ask for healing for memories of something unresolved within. The nature of the divine is whole and the spiritual energy moves through, healing those inner memories. What a wonderful way to heal your “enemies”!

There is embedded within the consciousness that which is producing the pain, the fear. To have that removed, if you would not have your love restricted, love those around. The force to make it happen is the love. What is killed is the consciousness of limitation. That which is not whole. The love of God is whole. It removes the power of the un-whole, the focus on the un-whole. It takes away that power, and it is gone.

So practice the spell: I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. You’ll get a chance to practice! Someone will show up. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. —that’s called ZAPPING!


February 24, 2013 – Non-Violence and the Other Cheek

2/24/13 Rev. David McArthur
Non-Violence and the Other Cheek

Jesus taught if you are struck on the right cheek, “turn the other cheek”. In the context of the Jewish culture, to be hit on the right cheek meant the one who hit you used either his “unclean” left hand or the back of his right hand. Either was a great dishonor to you. But when you turn the other cheek to be hit, the person can’t hit you in either way. It takes back power where it had been lost. It makes you equal to the other person.

This teaching does not say that suffering abuse is spiritual. Rather, it is the non-violent response which opens us to the flow of divine energy and power, to love. Use the power of love to bring an equal connection with your “enemy”. But how? When someone is in your face, love isn’t your first response.

The civil rights activists in Selma, Alabama heard of the brutal treatment colleagues were suffering at the hands of the authorities. You can imagine the level of anger they felt—a natural response. But their leaders understood the teaching of non-violence. They asked for a call-and-response song that acknowledged love. They sang out “We love Martin Luther King” and the crowd answered, “Certainly, certainly!” The leaders sang out another civil rights leader’s name, and another. Each time the crowd sang back, “Certainly, certainly!” Then the song leaders sang out the name of the sheriff who, with his troopers, had them surrounded, threatening violence. “We love the Sheriff.” The crowd faltered at first, but soon sang, “Certainly, certainly!” They got it. Love has the power to change things! The sheriff said years later that in that moment he realized he had been wrong.

Love gives understanding and compassion, but it also shows us the oppressor, the victim, the self righteous one inside each of us. Healing that is where the power truly is. How do we do it? Recall the Prayer of St. Francis. “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” You have the power, because you are the love to do that! And if music does it, sing, “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!”