August 3, 2014 – Non-Resistance–Letting Go

8/3/14 Rev. David McArthur
Non-Resistance–Letting Go

Sometimes you hear “Do not try this at home.” Dennis Nagel, a teacher at my ministerial school, was one of those who is very curious about everything. He wanted to know what would happen if he did complete non-resistance—if he could just be and let the universe support him. So he let his teaching contract run out. He also resigned as minister of his church. He and his wife Kitt even trusted that the universe would provide food and shelter. Things happened to support that. Even the bank kept losing his foreclosure papers. Dennis’ response was passive.
Jesus taught, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. …love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (The greater awareness of the one power, the sun, is beyond the consciousness of evil and good.)
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus’ mother told him there was no more wine. Jesus resisted his mother and said his time hadn’t come. Ignoring him, she went ahead and instructed the servants. So then Jesus did not resist, but changed the water to wine. His non-resistance took him from passivity to action.
As we watch what unfolds we grow in awareness (not necessarily comfort). Lao Tzu put it most beautifully, “The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go”. Practice not doing, “…just stay at the center of the circle and let all things take their course”.
Finally Dennis’ bank got the foreclosure papers together. However, someone called and asked if they’d move in with him. In all the time we knew them they were weel fed and comfortable. They had this urge to put to work this practice of non-resistance—basically by staring fear in the face and moving beyond it. 
With Dennis and Kitt a new state of consciousness was created—an awareness of the universe’s care. With Jesus and the water and wine, a new state of consciousness was created, to follow Spirit’s guidance with non-resistance. First acknowledge the resistance. Second, let go and let God. And third,  ask for the guidance. It might be to take other action, or to wait and watch with awareness. Remember, Divine goodness fills my life. Divine goodness fills my life. Feel it? It’s there, no matter the discomfort. Divine goodness fills my life!!


August 3, 2014 – Non-Resistance–Letting Go

8/3/14 Rev. David McArthur
Non-Resistance–Letting Go

Sometimes you hear “Do not try this at home.” Dennis Nagel, a teacher at my ministerial school, was one of those who is very curious about everything. He wanted to know what would happen if he did complete non-resistance—if he could just be and let the universe support him. So he let his teaching contract run out. He also resigned as minister of his church. He and his wife Kitt even trusted that the universe would provide food and shelter. Things happened to support that. Even the bank kept losing his foreclosure papers. Dennis’ response was passive.
Jesus taught, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. …love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (The greater awareness of the one power, the sun, is beyond the consciousness of evil and good.)
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus’ mother told him there was no more wine. Jesus resisted his mother and said his time hadn’t come. Ignoring him, she went ahead and instructed the servants. So then Jesus did not resist, but changed the water to wine. His non-resistance took him from passivity to action.
As we watch what unfolds we grow in awareness (not necessarily comfort). Lao Tzu put it most beautifully, “The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go”. Practice not doing, “…just stay at the center of the circle and let all things take their course”.
Finally Dennis’ bank got the foreclosure papers together. However, someone called and asked if they’d move in with him. In all the time we knew them they were weel fed and comfortable. They had this urge to put to work this practice of non-resistance—basically by staring fear in the face and moving beyond it. 
With Dennis and Kitt a new state of consciousness was created—an awareness of the universe’s care. With Jesus and the water and wine, a new state of consciousness was created, to follow Spirit’s guidance with non-resistance. First acknowledge the resistance. Second, let go and let God. And third,  ask for the guidance. It might be to take other action, or to wait and watch with awareness. Remember, Divine goodness fills my life. Divine goodness fills my life. Feel it? It’s there, no matter the discomfort. Divine goodness fills my life!!

June 22, 2014 – Location, Location, Location!

Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Location, Location, Location! 

After rapidly outgrowing their old location a highly successful business celebrated opening day at their new location. A large floral bouquet arrived with a card that read, “Rest in Peace.” The owner immediately called the florist who apologized profusely. Hoping to shift the business owner’s attention, the florist pointed out, “Imagine how the mourners at the funeral home on the other side of town are feeling about the card on the bouquet they got that says, ‘Congratulations on your new location!’”

The parable about the farmer sowing seed is all about hearing and listening. The four locations where the seeds fell represent the four types of listening (hearers) and the reception we give the seeds (words of Truth). Hearing is automatic, and for those without any impairment it requires no effort. However, listening is a conscious choice, a process that requires focus, concentration, and intention to open and receive. From those that listen to words without “getting it” (location 1) to those that have done their inner work and are ready to listen to the words of Truth, guidance, and direction (location 4), God’s Guidance/Truth will either be inconsequential or powerful and life-transforming. The fourth place where the seeds fell—the fertile ground—represents the people that have begun to heal the inner challenges within before applying the principles to their outer lives. We give it to ourselves first before we seek an outer effect. It requires that we listen with authenticity—beyond the chaos and noise. The still small voice within continues to speak, and give us all the tools we need to deal with the world and our lives. It is a key to the Kingdom. Bring out the Kingdom in your life. Take the Words of Truth into your heart, and then to the outer. Affirm, “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.” “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.” “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.”

June 22, 2014 – Location, Location, Location!

6/22/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Location, Location, Location! 

After rapidly outgrowing their old location a highly successful business celebrated opening day at their new location. A large floral bouquet arrived with a card that read, “Rest in Peace.” The owner immediately called the florist who apologized profusely. Hoping to shift the business owner’s attention, the florist pointed out, “Imagine how the mourners at the funeral home on the other side of town are feeling about the card on the bouquet they got that says, ‘Congratulations on your new location!’”

The parable about the farmer sowing seed is all about hearing and listening. The four locations where the seeds fell represent the four types of listening (hearers) and the reception we give the seeds (words of Truth). Hearing is automatic, and for those without any impairment it requires no effort. However, listening is a conscious choice, a process that requires focus, concentration, and intention to open and receive. From those that listen to words without “getting it” (location 1) to those that have done their inner work and are ready to listen to the words of Truth, guidance, and direction (location 4), God’s Guidance/Truth will either be inconsequential or powerful and life-transforming. The fourth place where the seeds fell—the fertile ground—represents the people that have begun to heal the inner challenges within before applying the principles to their outer lives. We give it to ourselves first before we seek an outer effect. It requires that we listen with authenticity—beyond the chaos and noise. The still small voice within continues to speak, and give us all the tools we need to deal with the world and our lives. It is a key to the Kingdom. Bring out the Kingdom in your life. Take the Words of Truth into your heart, and then to the outer. Affirm, “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.” “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.” “I listen with my heart and the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed for me.”


June 15, 2014 – Love to the Millionth Power

Patricia Grabow with Rev. David McArthur
Love to the Millionth Power 

Some of us get to look beyond the experience we call death. Patricia was killed in an auto accident in 1980 in London. In that near-death experience, “I experienced Love to the Millionth Power. You cannot put words to it. It is something beyond any imagining. I was love and it was me. It was everything I ever wanted in life. Then I found myself in a hospital bed with a tremendous gravity pushing me down.” She then had to return home to Seattle alone. “I was suicidal and barely made it through the night. At that point I’d try anything that might help.” It was suggested she try meditation and automatic writing. It did help and she found she also was getting guidance. “It is guidance that is here and present with all of us. So I just did what my guidance said. I had nothing else to hold onto.”

This is about getting beyond the body to your consciousness as a spiritual being, to the reality that is greater than this one. It is pure love. It is the nature of that reality. It is an awareness of Divine Intelligence that is there for us all. And it’s ok that we aren’t always aware of that reality because it is so much more than this one and so difficult to have to return to this (3D) reality.

“Over the next 30 to 100 years, we’ll move from a fear-based, sin-based paradigm, to a paradigm based on love. It is a huge shift within the heart to adjust to these changes, to the understanding that everything comes from within the heart. Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon and near-death survivor says consciousness does not reside in the brain; the brain is a filter of consciousness. There is no death! It is so important that we remove ourselves from that paradigm.” There is a presence—a presence in the present. There is only love in the present time. Love to the millionth power! That’s it!

To really make that transition, let the heart do it. You’ll find two things: First, imagine what this can do in the world. People can do so many things just because they are afraid of dying. Second, the solutions to the problems we have are in love in the present time. Solutions are found in love. They are not found in fear or pain or sorrow, but in love—that state of consciousness that connects us all. Just continue to do what you are doing. This [UWC] is such an important place! Make the commitment this week to look at love in the present time. Stop. Be aware of the life you are experiencing in the moment, the love that is there in you.


June 15, 2014 – Love to the Millionth Power

6/15/14 Patricia Grabow with Rev. David McArthur
Love to the Millionth Power 

Some of us get to look beyond the experience we call death. Patricia was killed in an auto accident in 1980 in London. In that near-death experience, “I experienced Love to the Millionth Power. You cannot put words to it. It is something beyond any imagining. I was love and it was me. It was everything I ever wanted in life. Then I found myself in a hospital bed with a tremendous gravity pushing me down.” She then had to return home to Seattle alone. “I was suicidal and barely made it through the night. At that point I’d try anything that might help.” It was suggested she try meditation and automatic writing. It did help and she found she also was getting guidance. “It is guidance that is here and present with all of us. So I just did what my guidance said. I had nothing else to hold onto.”

This is about getting beyond the body to your consciousness as a spiritual being, to the reality that is greater than this one. It is pure love. It is the nature of that reality. It is an awareness of Divine Intelligence that is there for us all. And it’s ok that we aren’t always aware of that reality because it is so much more than this one and so difficult to have to return to this (3D) reality.

“Over the next 30 to 100 years, we’ll move from a fear-based, sin-based paradigm, to a paradigm based on love. It is a huge shift within the heart to adjust to these changes, to the understanding that everything comes from within the heart. Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon and near-death survivor says consciousness does not reside in the brain; the brain is a filter of consciousness. There is no death! It is so important that we remove ourselves from that paradigm.” There is a presence—a presence in the present. There is only love in the present time. Love to the millionth power! That’s it!

To really make that transition, let the heart do it. You’ll find two things: First, imagine what this can do in the world. People can do so many things just because they are afraid of dying. Second, the solutions to the problems we have are in love in the present time. Solutions are found in love. They are not found in fear or pain or sorrow, but in love—that state of consciousness that connects us all. Just continue to do what you are doing. This [UWC] is such an important place! Make the commitment this week to look at love in the present time. Stop. Be aware of the life you are experiencing in the moment, the love that is there in you.


May 11, 2014 – Mother as Spiritual Teacher

5/11/14 Rev. David McArthur
Mother As Spiritual Teacher 

From all the things we might feel about mothers—some gave up a child or a pregnancy, and some faced great pain in their lives because of addiction, and the child in their journey felt much of that pain—let’s go to a place in our hearts that is compassion and surround them with it. Know there is a love that holds them dear.

There is so little in the Bible about Mary as mother. The American psychic Edgar Cayse suggests that Mary was an Essene, who were committed to bringing into the world a being of greater consciousness, and so trained their girls in attunement for that birth. So Mary was carefully prepared to support this child physically and spiritually and to teach Him to listen to the highest guidance. I do not know if this is true, but I have lived long enough to say it could be. Now see your own mother as your first spiritual teacher, who showed you how to care, and how to interact with family and friends.

When Edith was 9 years old she lived at the end of the power grid in Arkansas. A great thunder storm was moving through. Father was far away for work; it was just little Edie and her mother. Needing comfort, she talked with her mother, asking about her mother’s need soon for a warm winter coat. Mom replied that she wasn’t worried, that God would provide. Before going to bed, she asked her mom to lock the front door, but her mom said that in their area they needed to leave the front door unlocked, in case someone might need shelter. Sure enough they heard someone come in and they peeked into the room and saw Mr. Hill sitting in the arm chair. He was drunk and Edie asked what others were going to think when they heard about this. Her mom said they wouldn’t tell anyone. He was their guest and they would protect him, that when Spirit brings someone into your care it is a blessing. Soon he left and a couple days after, Edie and her mom came home to find a big bag on the porch. Inside was a beautiful new winter coat for Mom. Edie learned from her mother about giving and receiving, about non-judgment and the beauty of opening to care for others and so much more.

The core to the awakening of ourselves is when we were embraced and held by mother’s arms after skinning a knee or another childhood mishap. We were taught about Divine Love. That is when we began to learn the truth. Remember feeling that? It might have been someone else, but mostly it was Mother who taught us, “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” How mother brought us the experience of that and awakened us to know infinite love! We are loved, and what a joy it is!

And to Mom for awakening us to that love, Thank You!


May 11, 2014 – Mother as Spiritual Teacher

5/11/14 Rev. David McArthur
Mother As Spiritual Teacher 

From all the things we might feel about mothers—some gave up a child or a pregnancy, and some faced great pain in their lives because of addiction, and the child in their journey felt much of that pain—let’s go to a place in our hearts that is compassion and surround them with it. Know there is a love that holds them dear.

There is so little in the Bible about Mary as mother. The American psychic Edgar Cayse suggests that Mary was an Essene, who were committed to bringing into the world a being of greater consciousness, and so trained their girls in attunement for that birth. So Mary was carefully prepared to support this child physically and spiritually and to teach Him to listen to the highest guidance. I do not know if this is true, but I have lived long enough to say it could be. Now see your own mother as your first spiritual teacher, who showed you how to care, and how to interact with family and friends.

When Edith was 9 years old she lived at the end of the power grid in Arkansas. A great thunder storm was moving through. Father was far away for work; it was just little Edie and her mother. Needing comfort, she talked with her mother, asking about her mother’s need soon for a warm winter coat. Mom replied that she wasn’t worried, that God would provide. Before going to bed, she asked her mom to lock the front door, but her mom said that in their area they needed to leave the front door unlocked, in case someone might need shelter. Sure enough they heard someone come in and they peeked into the room and saw Mr. Hill sitting in the arm chair. He was drunk and Edie asked what others were going to think when they heard about this. Her mom said they wouldn’t tell anyone. He was their guest and they would protect him, that when Spirit brings someone into your care it is a blessing. Soon he left and a couple days after, Edie and her mom came home to find a big bag on the porch. Inside was a beautiful new winter coat for Mom. Edie learned from her mother about giving and receiving, about non-judgment and the beauty of opening to care for others and so much more.

The core to the awakening of ourselves is when we were embraced and held by mother’s arms after skinning a knee or another childhood mishap. We were taught about Divine Love. That is when we began to learn the truth. Remember feeling that? It might have been someone else, but mostly it was Mother who taught us, “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” “I Am Loved with an Infinite Love.” How mother brought us the experience of that and awakened us to know infinite love! We are loved, and what a joy it is!

And to Mom for awakening us to that love, Thank You!

April 27, 2014 – Free At Last!

4/27/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
FREE AT LAST! Breaking the Chains Through the Heart’s Ascension

After his resurrection, Jesus took several steps leading to his ascension. They are the same steps of the CutThru technique from HeartMath! Jesus had done his work to be able to ascend to the highest state of consciousness, heaven. So He led the Disciples out of Bethany, their place (consciousness) of grief and sorrow. He blessed them and gave them what they needed most: love. And he was taken up.

The stages of ascension are three—1) physical. Our experiences are not to destroy us or harm us, but are opportunities for us to do our lab work and so be able to do all we came to do. 2) mental. When we begin to think, “There’s gotta be something better” we begin to anticipate something better. We send out that energy. 3) spiritual. We align with the mind, the truth, of God. It takes you above when you know the truth is you will not be torn apart, that there is more and you can create it in your life.

The Disciples went to Jerusalem, the place of peace. We go to the consciousness of peace. They continued to pray in the Temple, as do we when we go to that higher chamber within where truth is always present. We withdraw to the heart, our place of connection to God.

We have all felt sometime we have been nailed to a cross. Over time we build a stack of emotions on a core negative belief like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never do it right.” Life sends us experiences matching that energy. We build a big stack and have a “stack attack” when it all tumbles down on us. So we breathe love, and go to the heart. Then we shine a light on the emotions. The core belief loses it’s power. Next we remove all the judgment around it. All that’s left is that belief. The illusion disappears. It no longer has a hold on us when we know who we really are. Then we re-frame the story with love, “I am worthy. I am lovable.” Next ask the heart to give its guidance. “How can I use this?” “I’m not a victim anymore.” “What is mine to do?” The answer might not come immediately. It happens in God Within’s time. When you are ready, you will hear it. You will know it. Then find yourself something which will remind you everyday that you are an amazing being. Dance. Sing. “I’m all that and a bag of chips!” “I’m bad!” It is, according to Charles Fillmore, “the upwardly progression of Spirit.”

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I’m free at last!

I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions. I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions. I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions.

It is your choice, your infinite possibility. You have the tools and wisdom to be free at last!

April 27, 2014 – Free At Last!

Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
FREE AT LAST! Breaking the Chains Through the Heart’s Ascension

After his resurrection, Jesus took several steps leading to his ascension. They are the same steps of the CutThru technique from HeartMath! Jesus had done his work to be able to ascend to the highest state of consciousness, heaven. So He led the Disciples out of Bethany, their place (consciousness) of grief and sorrow. He blessed them and gave them what they needed most: love. And he was taken up.

The stages of ascension are three—1) physical. Our experiences are not to destroy us or harm us, but are opportunities for us to do our lab work and so be able to do all we came to do. 2) mental. When we begin to think, “There’s gotta be something better” we begin to anticipate something better. We send out that energy. 3) spiritual. We align with the mind, the truth, of God. It takes you above when you know the truth is you will not be torn apart, that there is more and you can create it in your life.
The Disciples went to Jerusalem, the place of peace. We go to the consciousness of peace. They continued to pray in the Temple, as do we when we go to that higher chamber within where truth is always present. We withdraw to the heart, our place of connection to God.

We have all felt sometime we have been nailed to a cross. Over time we build a stack of emotions on a core negative belief like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never do it right.” Life sends us experiences matching that energy. We build a big stack and have a “stack attack” when it all tumbles down on us. So we breathe love, and go to the heart. Then we shine a light on the emotions. The core belief loses it’s power. Next we remove all the judgment around it. All that’s left is that belief. The illusion disappears. It no longer has a hold on us when we know who we really are. Then we re-frame the story with love, “I am worthy. I am lovable.” Next ask the heart to give its guidance. “How can I use this?” “I’m not a victim anymore.” “What is mine to do?” The answer might not come immediately. It happens in God Within’s time. When you are ready, you will hear it. You will know it. Then find yourself something which will remind you everyday that you are an amazing being. Dance. Sing. “I’m all that and a bag of chips!” “I’m bad!” It is, according to Charles Fillmore, “the upwardly progression of Spirit.”
Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I’m free at last!

I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions. I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions. I align with the pathways of my heart and I ascend above my life conditions.
It is your choice, your infinite possibility. You have the tools and wisdom to be free at last!
