April 17, 2016 – How To Manifest God’s Gifts

Rev. David McArthur
“How To Manifest God’s Gifts”

Everyone here is an amazingly beautiful child of God. That’s who you are and why you are loved! The only real work is to let that in. To open to this flow, Marie took a course at Unity. By 8 weeks in she was getting very frustrated. Still no demonstration in her life. So classmates asked, “What would it take for you to feel that this love was flowing in your life?” She quickly cried, “A red Mercedes!” Well, ok, they said, if that’s what it takes, then that’s ok.

Days later an old friend called and said, “Someone asked if I knew anyone who would buy his car quickly, and I don’t know why, but you popped into my head.” “Well, what is it?” “A red Mercedes,” she said, “and he’ll sell it cheap.” Sharing this in class Marie went on, “As I was driving my new red 450 SL, a voice from within spoke to me.” It was her first time ever to hear it. It said over and over, “Don’t you know that I’ve always taken care of you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to pull over. It was her opening that was her real demonstration.

Jesus, said “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all …things will be added to you.” And another time Jesus told us, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again… unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

My understanding of “born again” differs from the traditional in that I see “born of water” refers to our human existence; “born… of the Spirit” means to be in the moment connecting with Spirit Itself. It speaks to a change of perception. “Spirit gives birth to Spirit”, (connection with the heart). Marie opened and life began to respond differently. That’s when life begins to happen FOR us.

When Kathryn and I lived in Montana a dirt lane led from the road to our house at the top of a hill. In springtime only our Jeep would get up the hill. This time it was in the shop. Our VW couldn’t get up the hill so we left it at the bottom and walked down to it to go into town. When the mechanic called and told me the Jeep was ready, we had NO money. We believed God provides but I realized I had a disconnect. I know I’m loved, but walking up that muddy hill didn’t feel so loving. So I sat and got quiet. After arguing with God I decided to open to the love. It took a while. Then I began to feel the love. It filled me and I realized there was nothing to keep me from my love. So I went to get the Jeep. I got down to the VW and I still had no way of paying. As I was about to pull onto the road a car pulled into our lane.The driver rolled down her window and explained that she came out to give me an envelope that she then handed through my window. Then she backed out and was gone. In the envelope was a check that was more than enough to cover the Jeep. It was like the wind! I didn’t do anything except let the love in! What is this love but to take care of us? It’s simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. But it’s here to take.

I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Spirit is here. I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Is it ok this week to let it in? I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. The beautiful love and life you are is not only what flows to you; when you let it open you, you bless the world. So I thank you!

April 10, 2016 – He Had To Go

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“He Had To Go”

Jesus had to go. It was all about the possibilities that exist within us. He even told the disciples (us) he had to go because he had taught many things which “you do not yet understand.” He had to go to send the one “who will help you understand,” the Holy Spirit. Once we take our eyes off the man, the divine wisdom (the Holy Spirit) will open us to understand. He delivered his message and he was done. We can’t look at the man anymore. We have to move forward with the message.

Jesus said, “the power I have is the same as you have,” and, regarding the things he did, we “will do more”. So you can tell that mountain in your life to move and it will return to nothingness.

He noted that people spend their lives preparing for their deaths. “I came so that you will have life.” Live with each other. Love each other. Heal each other.

In Dorothy Elder’s “From Metaphysical To Mystical” we see how the man comes with a message. The message excites and engages, so a movement forms to share the love of the man and the message. Then a Machine develops with dogma, rules, ideals and regulations to worship the man and maybe the message. Finally in the Monument phase cathedrals are built to worship the Man. What happened to the message—love, forgiveness, oneness?

The last seven events of Jesus’ life hold a phenomenal key to overcome any mountain in our lives. I discovered them in my life and they work! 1) Palm Sunday: surrender the ego to God. 2) The Last Supper: call together all the 12 spiritual powers. 3) The Garden of Gethsemane: draw away from the world and go within for the direction and guidance of God. 4) The trial before Pilate: stand firmly in your faith that all is well. 5) The Crucifixion: get rid of the last vestiges of fear, doubt, unworthiness, any error consciousness. 6) Resurrection: throw off what binds us to sense consciousness; see the truth of the situation. 7) Ascension: be lifted above the world; see the big picture and live in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Get back to the message. It is ours to live with passion. It gives us energy, excitement. Every cell is rejuvenated, energized, restored. Remember, you are the one you have been waiting for. Recognize it. Say yes to it. It is time for us to step forward. Be the messiah. Save the world. It is within us. “I’ll say yes, Lord. Where you lead me I’ll say yes!” Put that mountain in your life in front of you. The Holy Spirit is in your heart. Say yes. Yes! Yes! Yes! See that mountain dissipate! Say yes!

I am the one; I say yes! I am the one; I say yes! I am the one; I say yes!

April 3, 2016 – A Flow of Love and Abundance

Rev. David McArthur
“A Flow of Love and Abundance”

Are you open to more money, better health, more people that love you? Joel Hartman was a homeless man in Atlanta. He was looking through the garbage behind a luxury hotel to find something to sell, when he found a wallet! But he began to worry about the man who lost it. Was he away from home without ID or money? So he went inside to turn it in. Management was so impressed they put Joel up for a couple of nights with all the amenities, and issued a press release about it. Joel’s family saw the news. They had been looking for him for years. They got him into the mental health treatment he needed.

There is a principle so powerful that it aligns us to the nature of God. It is to give. Divine flow by its nature would flow into each of our lives, but we slow it down. Joel’s compassionate response for someone he didn’t even know changed his life. Learn to open to the law, to the flow.

Jesus, the symbol of the spiritual power we have within, of law and how to use the law, taught the laws so well. In the gospel of Matthew, a crowd had followed Jesus, but had not brought any food and were hungry. One of the apostles brought a boy to Jesus who had five loaves of bread and two fish. The first expression of that beautiful powerful principle of giving comes from the boy who gave what he had to eat to Jesus. The boy symbolizes that part of us which wants to learn, to connect with the experience of life. Jesus looked to heaven, to source, where power goes from limited to unlimited. And five thousand men and others were fed! Jesus taught “give and it will be given unto you”.

Look to the expression of unlimited source beyond the knowledge of the mind. How do we practice it? When you are in contraction, limited flow, whether within the body or in your finances, and are in fear, step into giving. A greater flow creates a consciousness of generosity.

A wealthy friend, as a young man, had found himself blocked in his fortunes. He ran into Charles Fillmore’s thinking on the consciousness of generosity. If he saw source as unlimited, he could be a channel for that unlimited flow! He prospered not only financially, but he was blessed with a beautiful family. The day he retired he asked the CEO for an envelope he could give to each of the 35 employees, but that his id be kept secret. If they asked who gave them the envelope, the CEO was told to just say to each, “You are appreciated.” Each envelope had in it $1000.

When we step into generosity we grow. We came here to know who we really are, to be guided by this intelligence, to play in the big leagues, to play with these spiritual laws and have God’s goodness flow through us. It happened with the homeless man and with the wealthy man. God’s goodness flows through me. Feel its potential. Let it expand in your life. You are a divine instrument here to bless God’s world. God’s goodness flows through me. Are you open to where you can be that blessing? God’s goodness flows through me. My friend was not a person who got wealthy and then got generous; he got generous and then wealthy. Isn’t it time to go to a better place where generosity and abundance flow?

March 27, 2016 – The Astonishing Light Of Our Being

Rev. David McArthur
The Astonishing Light of Our Being

I love Easter when I get to go back and learn it all again. In the 1950’s in war-embroiled Viet Nam, there was a 14 year old girl feeling powerless and in pain. She had lost family and others in the poor farming community. She longed for peace and wanted it for everyone she knew. She soon noticed those people who had so little themselves leaving handfuls of their staple food, rice, out for the birds. She wondered if she could be one of their birds. Would these remarkably generous people spare a handful of rice once a week that she could take to the orphans at the temple? Her friends saw what she was doing and they joined her in collecting rice for the children. Throughout those years in that place of war and suffering there was always, in that poor community, a place of peace and generosity. There was always food for the children because a 14 year old girl listened to her heart and stepped out of her powerlessness and pain to that which was in her heart, and created a world that was greater.

That is what Easter is about—that astonishing light within, which flashes and is ours. And we create something greater. Why did Jesus do it? Why did he feed thousands from a single basket, change water to wine, heal the sick, cure the deaf and blind? In the forgiveness on the cross he showed us the transforming power of love. And he knew rising from the dead—he had raised 3 already. All this to show us the power we have within. But we fall into not remembering that we are spiritual beings living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual laws. We look outside ourselves for healing and for our abundance. But it is from within, not without, that the power flows. There is no one else.

Compassion is the powerful expression of this law. In the 50’s there was a famine in China and some compassionate people wanted to ask our government to help. They sent little bags of rice to the White House with tags saying “Feed our enemies.” I have no idea if the government sent any rice, but it was a powerful act of compassion. At the same time there was a dispute with China over some islands, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were urging president Eisenhower to use atomic weapons. Ike turned to his advisor and asked how many of those bags of rice they had gotten and was told, “Tens of thousands.” Ike then told the Joint Chiefs, “When so many Americans want to feed the people of China, I can’t put nuclear weapons on the table.” We didn’t feed them, but the compassion expressed changed the world.

It was the same compassion expressed when, outside the tomb that Easter morning, Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, “Mary, do you not know me?” and she gasped, “Rabboni (teacher)!” That astonishing light within awakened Mary.

I love the way the 14th century poet Hafez put it: “One day the sun admitted, ‘I’m just a shadow, I wish I could show you The Infinite Incandescence that has cast my brilliant image. I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness The Astonishing Light Of your own Being.” That’s what this love and compassion is—the astonishing light of your own being. Are you open to that? I am open to the astonishing light of my own being. When you feel powerless, I am open to the astonishing light of my own being. When the world seems insane, I am open to the astonishing light of my own being. When something tries to convince you there is not enough, I am open to the astonishing light of my own being. I thank you for your astonishing light which blesses us all!

Happy Easter!

March 20, 2016 – Destination or Destiny: Which is the Goal?

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Destination or Destiny: Which is the Goal?

Jesus wasn’t a saint. He was a man. He knew what was coming and said “yes”. Everything he said and did was to show us what we could do, that others who would come after him will be able to say yes to their purpose.

I have wondered for a long time why the story of Palm Sunday says that Jesus had instructed the disciples to bring the young donkey colt with its mother so he could ride it into Jerusalem. It’s my “-ism” that he did so because the mother ass would walk with her colt to share its burden, showing that our mother/god would make her presence known to carry our load at the times we can’t take authority to bear it ourselves. And it was a sign of humility, “your king will come humbly.”

Are we willing to say yes to what we don’t even know is coming? Are we willing to let God walk beside us, trusting, and accept our purpose, which was chosen before we came? Are we willing to do what it takes to move to the highest level of consciousness, the Christ consciousness? He accepted his divinity. He knew what it was and he used it. He knew what was coming—condemnation and death, to be hung on the cross between thieves—and he went toward it in peace. He knew he’d never be led to anything he couldn’t handle.

We are saved now from what keeps us, limits us, by our willingness to say we will go and see what lies ahead. The preparation has already been made. Something amazing is about to happen for us. Nothing can stop me or keep me from my goal, my purpose, because the way has already been prepared. We are royalty; without conceit we are to honor ourselves. We are not the scum of the Earth, not lowly worms in the dust, but sons of God. Each and every day walk out “in royalty”.

The story continues, “blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” “Name” means “nature of”, so blessed is he who comes in the nature of the spiritual law of highest spiritual truth. When we align with universal laws, the highest spiritual revelations, we can’t fail. When things are put before us God says “prove me”. Put it to the test; exercise your spiritual muscle. “It works if you work it.” With life-threatening illness or loss, put God to the test. Go to see what the end will be. Say yes and go forward, trusting.

To be fulfilled means filled full. The Trinity of Fulfillment is 1) forgiveness—trust and forgive what and who seems to have prevented us from fulfilling our purpose. 2) compassion—have compassion for yourself and others who are struggling to find their way in their misperceptions and unknowingness and are in your way. 3) peace—it comes as we walk our pathway, and it “feels right”. Things hum. It is the peace which passes all understanding. “I feel, I am, peace.” For however long, whatever the pitfalls, Through forgiveness and compassion I find peace. Through forgiveness and compassion I find peace. Through forgiveness and compassion I find peace.

Have a wonderful journey!

March 13, 2016 – The Force of Compassion

Rev. David McArthur
The Force Of Compassion

In Unity I found the beautiful universal truths of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. “The scriptures of all the nations of the world testify to the existence of an invisible FORCE moving men and nature in their various activities. Not all agree as to the character of this omnipresent FORCE, universal Spirit, but it serves the purpose of being their god under whatever name it may appear.” (Chas. Fillmore, “Atom-Smashing Power Of Mind”) Many of us call it “love”.

Stacy Smith, an American woman, found it difficult to comprehend Mother Theresa’s level of experience. Inspired, and to confront her own fears, she went to India. There she entered a concrete room filled with rows of cots with ill and dying women. Stacy noticed a woman struggling to breath and in great pain. She felt deep compassion. She had such a different experience from hers. She didn’t even know the woman’s language. All she could think to do was sing to her. She noticed the woman’s breathing was better. The woman opened her eyes and “looked with clarity into my eyes.” Two women, bound together in need, sharing their deep soul. “The moment slipped away. I continued to sing. In a short while the woman took her final breath.” That force of compassion can reach beyond.

In Hindu scripture, Krishna instructs Arjuna to be compassionate to friend and enemy alike, to “see yourself in others” to know this beautiful force. Jesus instructed, “love your enemies… Feed the hungry, clothe the naked…for whatever you do for one… of mine, you do for me.” In the scripture of Islam, it is expressed as “God is compassion.” And from the Jewish scripture, “Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless…for  ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’

Many years ago I was in a Palestinian refugee camp in a room with a mother and her four children. The window had a hole where the father had been shot. We were totally different. I was a “rich” white man; she was a poor woman in a culture dominated by white men, a single mother confined by that culture. I told her, “I lost a spouse and I’m sorry you have, too.” Her response as it was translated to me, was “You don’t understand. Was your spouse killed by a gun?” I said, “Yes.” I saw her face change. She looked me in the eye. This is a culture in which a woman does not look in the eyes of any man but her husband’s; she had changed to do this. I looked in her eyes and saw her soul. I saw tremendous pain, loneliness, fear for her children, and a yearning for a husband to care for her. She saw into my soul; she saw my journey. The force of compassion took down impossible barriers and we were just two people, soul-to-soul, understanding. In our culture there is a commitment to separation and the belief in our differences. It is my belief the force of compassion cuts it down.

This week hold your friends in the compassion of your heart when they feel separate. I hold you in the compassion of my heart. I hold you in the compassion of my heart. I hold you in the compassion of my heart. I promise every time you reach for it, the FORCE will be with you!

March 6, 2016 – Be Here Now

Freddie Weber
Be Here Now

I wanted to be still so God can love me, to be still and relax and let God take over. But I can’t sit still! It’s hard to honor the still small voice in my mind! 60,000 thoughts or more a day on a loop: Where do I have to go today? What do I have to wear today? What about my hair today? Me, me, me, me, me! –and what’s for dinner?

Be here now? What is “be”? What is “here”? –with so many thoughts! What is “past”? What is “future”? –and what’s for dinner? What is God? Who am I? Who are you? So many voices, so many choices in my brain!

God loves us whether we’re still or not. I give it all to you God. I surrender. I will notice silence. No more thought. No more fear. For just a moment I was here. I understand now how to pray, nothing in my head, no thought today. I knew nothing of the silence or still small voice inside. Nothing will make you happy until you know that still small voice. I had no distance from my thoughts. I WAS my thoughts and lived my life according to my head.

So I learned to meditate. I meditated to get a Broadway show! But God didn’t care why. And something lifted. My day felt better. I got to watch stuff going on in my mind. I looked at the icky “I’m no good” stuff, at so many negative depressing things. After a while it became funny. I saw that I thought things like “people who wear glasses are smart, so I should stay away or they’d find out I was stupid.” I wanted to be enlightened, so I didn’t want any thoughts at all.

I studied with Eckhart Tolle. He loved the human of us. He said, “You’re going to have thoughts. Allow them. You don’t have to believe them or buy it. Allow.” So I began to notice without judging. Eckhart Tolle had said to just be aware. Don’t judge. Just allow—it is just a thought!

One day I was surprised to notice I did love! I cared! Something had opened up, like my heart. I felt such real compassion. I hadn’t even known it was possible. It was no longer about me, me. It was about the world! When you’re doing “your work” what comes up is the real you! When I asked God what was “my work” I heard “I don’t know.” It’s really a moment to moment thing. A smile, what you wear. Look into their eyes for just two seconds without judgment. Eckhart Tolle said God can come through and bless them. They don’t know and you don’t know what you did. God comes through. A real smile. Something so small done with your heart—that’s why you’re here today! My mom used to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Now I say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!”

February 28, 2016 – Giving Leads to Guidance

Rev. David McArthur
Giving Leads To Guidance

Last week we talked about finding guidance in meditation, prayer and deep heart connection. A step which is seldom used to teach guidance is giving. It creates guidance and guidance creates giving.

The nature of this animating presence within, which calls us to wholeness, is flow. It brings into manifestation the things we need. Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you… with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” It’s not often I feel like correcting him, but I think the measure to you is always greater than you give. Giving causes blessings with the material, with time, with your talent, and in illumination as well. Giving puts us in that flow.

One night at three a.m., Kev got guidance to go to the beach and play his guitar. It was misty and cold and he saw only two others. He began to play. One, holding a broom, came up to Kev and said, “That is so beautiful!” She pulled a few coins from her pocket and asked him to play for Annie, indicating the other woman who was bundled up tightly and sitting against the beach wall. “Annie doesn’t talk. She’s been going through a hard time.” Kev agreed to play, but only if he could do it for free.

As he played he felt deep compassion for Annie, bundled so heavily with her hat down over her face, even wearing sunglasses. She took off the glasses and Kev saw tears on her face, and she spoke. “How did you do that? I felt the music in my heart!” She pulled a few coins out from somewhere, but Kev said, “I can’t take that.” A few morning people had gathered, and one told Kev, “I want to give you some money. It would mean a lot to me if you gave it to her.” Feeling completion Kev readied to leave, saying, “whenever I play, good things happen to people.” Annie said to him, “I do believe good things happen when you play.” Broom lady said, amazed, “She has never spoken before!”

Guidance at 3 a.m. was taken. Kev didn’t know why or what, but even the homeless broom lady wanted to give. And Annie wanted to give, to participate in the experience, and a man wanted to give and they gave to Annie. It changed that place so dark where you can’t speak to one where there is hope.

When you give there is blessing. There is flow. You have done this and you have seen others blessed around you. Giving brings forth our caring, our guidance. It is the flow of divine love through our lives. God blesses through you, through your giving of your talents, your caring.

God blesses through me. God blesses through me. God blesses through me. Open that door of guidance, of flow. You are one with The One, with that infinite flow of wisdom. It is our opening to that which brings joy, guidance, and peace. I know you know that it flows through each one of us. Because you know, I thank you!

February 21, 2016 – Love Guides My Way

Rev. David McArthur
Love Guides My Way

Guidance is there with each of us at every moment. With it we can ease through life. We are not meant to suffer or struggle our way through anything.

When I was learning the new world of my legal career I was in a relationship which was really important to me. I was fairly intelligent and analyzed it in my head. I could list all the reasons to spend our lives together, and all the doubts. I really didn’t have a clue. Was this woman to be the life-time mother for my little girl? Or were we simply in a wonderful relationship for the time and then with love and respect we’d go our separate ways?

I was learning as well the world of my spirituality. So I went to my heart to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all things will be given you.” We created an affirmation together. If we were right for each other and are to be together, that it would become clear to both of us; or if not, then that would become clear.

Then about a year and a half later I was at my parent’s looking out at the beautiful mountains beyond Jackson Hole, and suddenly I knew. I knew it would be right. I wasn’t “thinking”, I was “knowing”, and with that knowing the questions disappeared. So I proposed and June is our 40th anniversary!

I found guidance works better if I check in regularly. The guidance is always there—such love, such care! Whenever I feel uncomfortable it is one way I know I need to get into the connection with my heart. This is checking in, looking forward, “what are my next steps?”

There is a difference when change happens in the moment. Lani, who leads our youth program here, has a deep connection with her spiritual self. At her job at Whole Foods she was called into the office. She had lost her job. Her immediate reaction was to put her hand on her heart and focus on the love there. She told me she knew she was cared for. She told her supervisors that she understood how this was hard for them, that they had to do what they had to do. She chose not to be a victim! And she told me her guidance when she got the job had been clear that she would work there for 2 years, and it had been two years and two weeks! It was time she move on.

There is an intelligence, a path to your soul that will reveal itself to you. It is love. Love will guide your way. When you get to the knowing the yes/no argument fades. The soul has said “Yes. What I have for you is already prepared and is waiting to be given.” Affirm, Love guides my way! Love guides my way! Love guides my way! It’s a beautiful, beautiful experience. Whatever you need to know is already given. Ask! Go to the beautiful wisdom of the spiritual being that you are. The response is love. That’s what guides your life!

February 14, 2016 – A Valentine From Your Spirit

Rev. David McArthur
A Valentine From Your Spirit

Happy Valentine’s Day! A whole day to do exactly what we’re supposed to do everyday! Today the best Valentine you’ll get is from your spiritual self.

Any spiritual process starts with self awareness. So get comfortable and start with being aware of your body, your mind. Nothing is right or wrong here, just be aware. We’re inviting our spiritual self to show up. Now be aware of your feeling self. On a scale of -5 (bad) to +5 (feeling great), just see where you are now—it’s not good or bad. Just be aware.

Now remember a time you felt deep love for someone. Just focus on that. Experience the feeling of that love. Let it grow in you. Let it fill you. Keep that feeling as you check in with yourself on the -5 to +5 scale. What number do you have now? Did it go up? There’s a reason relative to the core understanding, “God is love”. What we did was enter into our connection to the divine presence that we have. When Spirit flows in it lifts us. It lifts our sense of wholeness. We feel better because we are connected to that infinite love. That’s your valentine!

Are you ready for a super valentine? Remember a situation this week when you felt uncomfortable. We feel less connected, separate from divine love then. Do self awareness again, -5 to +5. What is the feeling there?

We’re always connected to Spirit but we connect more deeply and powerfully when we become aware. Put your hand on your heart. Now go again to your feeling of love from a moment ago. Remember that feeling. Enjoy that feeling. That feeling is right here right now. Feel your love; it’s a beautiful thing. Enjoy it, that connection with that part of you where the divine nature is a part of your being.

Now sincerely ask, “What would you have me do in that situation?” That presence—the spiritual power, the light, the intelligence—flows through you and directs your response and your thoughts. Go again into the experience of self awareness. Ask, “What am I feeling around that situation (-5 to +5) now?”

It’s not that “God loves” like grandpa loving the kids; it’s that God IS love. Charles Fillmore said it’s the “unifying, harmonizing power”. This amazing spiritual self we have is wise! Just practice it. God is love. God is love. God is love.

When we’re uncomfortable, once that love is there, God is there. That amazing intelligence! Have an amazing, beautiful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!