July 17, 2016 – Spiritual Access Code

07/17/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Spiritual Access Code”

With my wife’s murder and my suddenly finding myself a single parent, my consciousness was one of anger and pain and loss. I was in a state of emotional chaos. I went to the form of prayer I call desperation. I didn’t know anything else.

It was maybe a month later, as Lisa turned one, I put her on the floor in front of the couch and I sat down. Sitting there I went into a feeling of amazing, blissful love, loosing consciousness of what’s around me. As I returned from this feeling I saw Lisa playing quietly, happily, as she had with her mother. I realized my resentment and hatred were gone! I was at peace, a deep peace we call forgiveness. Wanting to know how deep this was, I met with “him” at the state mental facility. There was still pain and a great sense of loss, but it didn’t control me! Something had happened. The emotional turmoil was gone.

I wanted to know about this. I began this study. Not much of the spiritual or religious information helped me. I found more answers through science. HeartMath had found that when we connect with our heart we step into a different state of being. They measured it scientifically. But I saw the spiritual side. They had discovered the access code to stepping into a different state of consciousness.

I know we’ve all had great emotional experiences, and everyday ones. Are you willing to transform this week’s flavor of chaos? It’s a process you can easily learn. When I was on that couch, what happened right before I felt that blissful love? My daughter was playing as if she were with her mother, and my heart opened wide and then I felt the love (the access code).

It’s a simple way that has worked for me and many others again and again. HeartMath showed what happens physically when we remember when our heart was full—the access code. They said to remember a time like when you stood on a mountain top, or when you played with a puppy.

Much later, when our kids were in high school, our mantra every morning was “hurry before you miss the bus!” But one morning we did miss the bus! Now what? I new there was no good answer. If you’re like me, you check in your heart after nothing else has worked. What did I have to lose? So I went to my heart to remember a time when my heart was full. I remembered when Kathryn and I were in Hawaii and we took a ride on a raft out to see the whales. It was absolutely wonderful!

Well, my kids were all stressed out, too. But I realized I had been late for work before and the universe had gone on! So we put on some music and headed down the road in a different state of consciousness. I was looking forward to my day. I felt happy and was appreciating my kids. Moments before I was judgmental and stressed and setting up a stressful day. But I remembered when my heart was full! What a difference.

This week there might be some stress for you. When that comes up: I remember when my heart was full! I remember when my heart was full! I remember when my heart was full! Show up as who you really are!


July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!

July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!


June 26, 2016 – Prayer as Co-Creator

06/26/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Prayer as Co-Creator”
I was back at Silent Unity a couple of weeks ago, the place of continuous unending prayer for the past 125 years. Millions of people from all over the world have called them for prayer. I reflected on how my perception of prayer has changed since I was a boy. Back then I asked for things, like I asked my mom and dad for things. As I got older I got somewhat skeptical, as most of us do.

As our understanding shifts, we realize prayer is creative. We move from supplicant to co-creator. Myrtle Fillmore, a wise spiritual woman, prayed for healing. She knew she was a creative being. “I told the life in my liver that it was not torpid …but full of vigor and energy. I told the life in my stomach that it was …energetic, strong and intelligent. I told the life in my abdomen that it …was alive with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of God… I did not become discouraged at their being slow to wake up, but kept right on… until the organs responded.” Myrtle Fillmore cured herself of tuberculosis.

Think. As you take a breath, think of each cell athrill with the sweet pure energy of God. That’s a little different perception of prayer. Sometimes I treat prayer like aspirin, using it for any “headache”. But really, with prayer we’re bringing the spiritual pattern of who we are into that which exists. We’re bringing it into our body, whether we’re seeking healing of the body, or of our relationships, or whether we’re seeking abundance. Affirm, I CHOOSE THE FULLNESS OF MY SOUL PATTERN TO EXPRESS IN ME HERE AND NOW!

A minister friend has a little dog that had been going through a hard time. A group which met at her church prayed for it. Soon every evening for three hours the dog roused herself for a few minutes at the top of each hour, then returned to her bed to rest. My friend told the group’s leader, who told her they pray at the top of the hour and they sent friends in three time zones their prayer list!

My friend had a subjective experience of prayer. I’m cursed to be the kind of guy who has to know the objective “how” of things. What happened when those people prayed for the dog? What happened when Myrtle Fillmore reversed a disease not known at the time to be curable? Well, you are one with a force that moves through each and every cell. We are all one. We’re not separate. When we take hold of this power with our intention—when we make that connection—that’s creation!

For me the most powerful prayer is to simply feel love for someone. It carries the power of the creative intention of our world. So feel this love. Send it through your family. Send it to families around the world, to children, moms, and dads. Some are in harmony and some are in conflict. As you do, hold them in perfect peace. Can you feel just a little peace for them? Now send it to their communities. Feel it. Gently feel that peace. We’re spiritual beings and this is what we came for. Feel it. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. And as it does, it unfolds and blesses our world. Peace IS this moment!

June 26, 2016 – Prayer as Co-Creator

06/26/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Prayer as Co-Creator”

I was back at Silent Unity a couple of weeks ago, the place of continuous unending prayer for the past 125 years. Millions of people from all over the world have called them for prayer. I reflected on how my perception of prayer has changed since I was a boy. Back then I asked for things, like I asked my mom and dad for things. As I got older I got somewhat skeptical, as most of us do.

As our understanding shifts, we realize prayer is creative. We move from supplicant to co-creator. Myrtle Fillmore, a wise spiritual woman, prayed for healing. She knew she was a creative being. “I told the life in my liver that it was not torpid …but full of vigor and energy. I told the life in my stomach that it was …energetic, strong and intelligent. I told the life in my abdomen that it …was alive with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of God… I did not become discouraged at their being slow to wake up, but kept right on… until the organs responded.” Myrtle Fillmore cured herself of tuberculosis.

Think. As you take a breath, think of each cell athrill with the sweet pure energy of God. That’s a little different perception of prayer. Sometimes I treat prayer like aspirin, using it for any “headache”. But really, with prayer we’re bringing the spiritual pattern of who we are into that which exists. We’re bringing it into our body, whether we’re seeking healing of the body, or of our relationships, or whether we’re seeking abundance. Affirm, I CHOOSE THE FULLNESS OF MY SOUL PATTERN TO EXPRESS IN ME HERE AND NOW!

A minister friend has a little dog that had been going through a hard time. A group which met at her church prayed for it. Soon every evening for three hours the dog roused herself for a few minutes at the top of each hour, then returned to her bed to rest. My friend told the group’s leader, who told her they pray at the top of the hour and they sent friends in three time zones their prayer list!

My friend had a subjective experience of prayer. I’m cursed to be the kind of guy who has to know the objective “how” of things. What happened when those people prayed for the dog? What happened when Myrtle Fillmore reversed a disease not known at the time to be curable? Well, you are one with a force that moves through each and every cell. We are all one. We’re not separate. When we take hold of this power with our intention—when we make that connection—that’s creation!

For me the most powerful prayer is to simply feel love for someone. It carries the power of the creative intention of our world. So feel this love. Send it through your family. Send it to families around the world, to children, moms, and dads. Some are in harmony and some are in conflict. As you do, hold them in perfect peace. Can you feel just a little peace for them? Now send it to their communities. Feel it. Gently feel that peace. We’re spiritual beings and this is what we came for. Feel it. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. DIVINE LOVE FLOWS THROUGH MY HEART. And as it does, it unfolds and blesses our world. Peace IS this moment!


May 8, 2016 – Mothers as God

Rev. David McArthur
“Mothers as God”

Happy Mother’s Day! Some of the greatest spiritual learning is given to mothers. Some of our greatest spiritual learning comes from our mothers. To those who are new mothers this year, we celebrate you. To those who have lost a child, we mourn with you. To those who are in the trenches with little ones everyday, we celebrate you. To those who have miscarried or had abortions, or run-aways, we mourn your loss with you. For those who suffered abuse by their mothers, we grieve with you. For step mothers who walk that complex path, we walk with you. And for those who lost a mother this year, we grieve with you. Mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, spiritual mothers, we need you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart.

When my younger brother was just 4 years old, our back yard backed right up to the school grounds. He was out there one day with our mother when she saw a look in his eye which told her to grab him before he took off, but she wasn’t fast enough. With my mother chasing behind, he ran around the schoolhouse, pausing long enough at each corner for her to appear around the previous corner. Then he’d disappear around the next one. The school’s windows filled with happy faces. As she rounded the last corner he was standing at the edge of our yard waiting with his hand up, so when our mother reached him and took his hand in hers, they walked calmly into the house. Mothers can read those looks and they don’t rest until they know we’re safe.

I’m often like my younger brother that day—running around, tiring myself out, then giving up and holding out my hand for that mother’s love to take me home. And I know I am loved by that feeling, loving God.

I see my daughter Anna with my 5 year old granddaughter Kira, and I get to see that love. Even in the midst of a temper tantrum, Kira is always able to run and be enfolded in those arms of love. You are the child of this infinite love. Accept this love. I am loved right now. It’s all around us.

Some of you know my older daughter Lisa was only 11 months old when we lost her mother. At this age, Mother was her world! And then she was gone. 14 years later we were looking at pictures at Grandma’s house. One of them showed Lisa in her mother’s arms just a month before she lost her mother. Lisa looked at it and said it was the last time she was happy. Now we had had many happy times since. Kathryn deeply loved her. But I understood that the loss, the hole in her, was still there. When Lisa gave birth to her first child, she had some cloths that she would just float down on him, which he loved. We stood around watching this in awe. I looked at Lisa and there was complete happiness. The hole had been filled.

There is a part of our wholeness that only takes hold when mothers get to do that part of love. It flows through us all. It is important that we let it in. I am loved right now. Feel it! I am loved right now. Let it in right now. I am loved right now.


May 8, 2016 – Mothers as God

Rev. David McArthur
“Mothers as God”

Happy Mother’s Day! Some of the greatest spiritual learning is given to mothers. Some of our greatest spiritual learning comes from our mothers. To those who are new mothers this year, we celebrate you. To those who have lost a child, we mourn with you. To those who are in the trenches with little ones everyday, we celebrate you. To those who have miscarried or had abortions, or run-aways, we mourn your loss with you. For those who suffered abuse by their mothers, we grieve with you. For step mothers who walk that complex path, we walk with you. And for those who lost a mother this year, we grieve with you. Mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, spiritual mothers, we need you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart.

When my younger brother was just 4 years old, our back yard backed right up to the school grounds. He was out there one day with our mother when she saw a look in his eye which told her to grab him before he took off, but she wasn’t fast enough. With my mother chasing behind, he ran around the schoolhouse, pausing long enough at each corner for her to appear around the previous corner. Then he’d disappear around the next one. The school’s windows filled with happy faces. As she rounded the last corner he was standing at the edge of our yard waiting with his hand up, so when our mother reached him and took his hand in hers, they walked calmly into the house. Mothers can read those looks and they don’t rest until they know we’re safe.

I’m often like my younger brother that day—running around, tiring myself out, then giving up and holding out my hand for that mother’s love to take me home. And I know I am loved by that feeling, loving God.

I see my daughter Anna with my 5 year old granddaughter Kira, and I get to see that love. Even in the midst of a temper tantrum, Kira is always able to run and be enfolded in those arms of love. You are the child of this infinite love. Accept this love. I am loved right now. It’s all around us.

Some of you know my older daughter Lisa was only 11 months old when we lost her mother. At this age, Mother was her world! And then she was gone. 14 years later we were looking at pictures at Grandma’s house. One of them showed Lisa in her mother’s arms just a month before she lost her mother. Lisa looked at it and said it was the last time she was happy. Now we had had many happy times since. Kathryn deeply loved her. But I understood that the loss, the hole in her, was still there. When Lisa gave birth to her first child, she had some cloths that she would just float down on him, which he loved. We stood around watching this in awe. I looked at Lisa and there was complete happiness. The hole had been filled.

There is a part of our wholeness that only takes hold when mothers get to do that part of love. It flows through us all. It is important that we let it in. I am loved right now. Feel it! I am loved right now. Let it in right now. I am loved right now.

May 1, 2016 – Slaying The Dragons Of Fear

Rev. David McArthur
“Slaying The Dragons Of Fear”

Dragons symbolize a God-thought, from our subconscious, of a power that can take our good away from us. We all have felt the fear when “the dragon” withholds prosperity, health, or something we really want. It’s a fear which says, “I’m not lovable.” In Sleeping Beauty, the Prince slays the dragon by piercing her heart with the Sword of Truth. That’s the only way the fear in our heart can be slain.

The Sword of Truth is “you are lovable, unconditionally.” Traditional religion teaches us this when we are young, but then as we get a little older, the rules come in. We are loved IF we do this, don’t do that. The mind takes hold of these ideas, and as we grow and experience trauma, we incorporate the message, “We aren’t lovable.”

There was a mother who was very fearful as she looked upon her very dysfunctional family. Her husband was greatly depressed, incapable of holding a job. The oldest boy couldn’t find work and was also depressed. His brother, still in school, was emotionally disturbed and was having and being a great difficulty. The sister was the youngest, and understandably withdrawn at school. The mother was especially fearful for them as she had an illness that would likely take her life. Then what would they do?

She heard that love could heal all, but she felt abandoned and powerless. Nevertheless, whenever she thought of her husband as incapable, she’d catch herself and stop worrying, affirming love for him. So too with her kids and with herself, she’d affirm they were loved. It took weeks, as the negative thoughts persisted, but gradually she noticed her husband was more energetic, taking care of things around the house without her asking. Soon her eldest called, excited about his new job. She noticed, too, that her emotionally disturbed son was experiencing more frequent and longer periods of peace, and her daughter was finding acceptance in school and was happier. Most astounding of all, her disease was in remission!

Not feeling lovable keeps divine power from us. We overcome it by increasing our thoughts and feelings of love. Charles Fillmore, “…the more we talk about love, the stronger it grows in our consciousness, and if we persist in thinking loving thoughts and speaking loving words, we are sure to bring into our experience the feeling of that great love that is beyond description—the very love of God.” You may trust love to bring you out of your difficulties. There is nothing it cannot overcome!

Right now you are loved. Give yourself a hug! Feel it! Tell yourself, “I AM LOVABLE!” And a great truth, “I AM LOVED!” Right now you are completely and totally loved no matter what mess you’ve made of your life. It’s UNCONDITIONAL.

Then we find the greatest truth: YOU ARE LOVE! It is the nature of this being. It is what you were before you came into this existence. It is who and what you are. I AM LOVE!

Take this journey with me: I AM LOVABLE. I AM LOVED. I AM LOVE. When dragons begin to disappear, angels appear. They are the symbol of our openness to the good in our lives. So enjoy angels!

May 1, 2016 – Slaying The Dragons Of Fear

Rev. David McArthur
“Slaying The Dragons Of Fear”

Dragons symbolize a God-thought, from our subconscious, of a power that can take our good away from us. We all have felt the fear when “the dragon” withholds prosperity, health, or something we really want. It’s a fear which says, “I’m not lovable.” In Sleeping Beauty, the Prince slays the dragon by piercing her heart with the Sword of Truth. That’s the only way the fear in our heart can be slain.

The Sword of Truth is “you are lovable, unconditionally.” Traditional religion teaches us this when we are young, but then as we get a little older, the rules come in. We are loved IF we do this, don’t do that. The mind takes hold of these ideas, and as we grow and experience trauma, we incorporate the message, “We aren’t lovable.”

There was a mother who was very fearful as she looked upon her very dysfunctional family. Her husband was greatly depressed, incapable of holding a job. The oldest boy couldn’t find work and was also depressed. His brother, still in school, was emotionally disturbed and was having and being a great difficulty. The sister was the youngest, and understandably withdrawn at school. The mother was especially fearful for them as she had an illness that would likely take her life. Then what would they do?

She heard that love could heal all, but she felt abandoned and powerless. Nevertheless, whenever she thought of her husband as incapable, she’d catch herself and stop worrying, affirming love for him. So too with her kids and with herself, she’d affirm they were loved. It took weeks, as the negative thoughts persisted, but gradually she noticed her husband was more energetic, taking care of things around the house without her asking. Soon her eldest called, excited about his new job. She noticed, too, that her emotionally disturbed son was experiencing more frequent and longer periods of peace, and her daughter was finding acceptance in school and was happier. Most astounding of all, her disease was in remission!

Not feeling lovable keeps divine power from us. We overcome it by increasing our thoughts and feelings of love. Charles Fillmore, “…the more we talk about love, the stronger it grows in our consciousness, and if we persist in thinking loving thoughts and speaking loving words, we are sure to bring into our experience the feeling of that great love that is beyond description—the very love of God.” You may trust love to bring you out of your difficulties. There is nothing it cannot overcome!

Right now you are loved. Give yourself a hug! Feel it! Tell yourself, “I AM LOVABLE!” And a great truth, “I AM LOVED!” Right now you are completely and totally loved no matter what mess you’ve made of your life. It’s UNCONDITIONAL.
Then we find the greatest truth: YOU ARE LOVE! It is the nature of this being. It is what you were before you came into this existence. It is who and what you are. I AM LOVE!
Take this journey with me: I AM LOVABLE. I AM LOVED. I AM LOVE. When dragons begin to disappear, angels appear. They are the symbol of our openness to the good in our lives. So enjoy angels!


April 17, 2016 – How To Manifest God’s Gifts

Rev. David McArthur
“How To Manifest God’s Gifts”

Everyone here is an amazingly beautiful child of God. That’s who you are and why you are loved! The only real work is to let that in. To open to this flow, Marie took a course at Unity. By 8 weeks in she was getting very frustrated. Still no demonstration in her life. So classmates asked, “What would it take for you to feel that this love was flowing in your life?” She quickly cried, “A red Mercedes!” Well, ok, they said, if that’s what it takes, then that’s ok.

Days later an old friend called and said, “Someone asked if I knew anyone who would buy his car quickly, and I don’t know why, but you popped into my head.” “Well, what is it?” “A red Mercedes,” she said, “and he’ll sell it cheap.” Sharing this in class Marie went on, “As I was driving my new red 450 SL, a voice from within spoke to me.” It was her first time ever to hear it. It said over and over, “Don’t you know that I’ve always taken care of you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to pull over. It was her opening that was her real demonstration.

Jesus, said “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all …things will be added to you.” And another time Jesus told us, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again… unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

My understanding of “born again” differs from the traditional in that I see “born of water” refers to our human existence; “born… of the Spirit” means to be in the moment connecting with Spirit Itself. It speaks to a change of perception. “Spirit gives birth to Spirit”, (connection with the heart). Marie opened and life began to respond differently. That’s when life begins to happen FOR us.

When Kathryn and I lived in Montana a dirt lane led from the road to our house at the top of a hill. In springtime only our Jeep would get up the hill. This time it was in the shop. Our VW couldn’t get up the hill so we left it at the bottom and walked down to it to go into town. When the mechanic called and told me the Jeep was ready, we had NO money. We believed God provides but I realized I had a disconnect. I know I’m loved, but walking up that muddy hill didn’t feel so loving. So I sat and got quiet. After arguing with God I decided to open to the love. It took a while. Then I began to feel the love. It filled me and I realized there was nothing to keep me from my love. So I went to get the Jeep. I got down to the VW and I still had no way of paying. As I was about to pull onto the road a car pulled into our lane.The driver rolled down her window and explained that she came out to give me an envelope that she then handed through my window. Then she backed out and was gone. In the envelope was a check that was more than enough to cover the Jeep. It was like the wind! I didn’t do anything except let the love in! What is this love but to take care of us? It’s simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. But it’s here to take.

I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Spirit is here. I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Is it ok this week to let it in? I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. The beautiful love and life you are is not only what flows to you; when you let it open you, you bless the world. So I thank you!