March 6, 2016 – Be Here Now

Freddie Weber
Be Here Now

I wanted to be still so God can love me, to be still and relax and let God take over. But I can’t sit still! It’s hard to honor the still small voice in my mind! 60,000 thoughts or more a day on a loop: Where do I have to go today? What do I have to wear today? What about my hair today? Me, me, me, me, me! –and what’s for dinner?

Be here now? What is “be”? What is “here”? –with so many thoughts! What is “past”? What is “future”? –and what’s for dinner? What is God? Who am I? Who are you? So many voices, so many choices in my brain!

God loves us whether we’re still or not. I give it all to you God. I surrender. I will notice silence. No more thought. No more fear. For just a moment I was here. I understand now how to pray, nothing in my head, no thought today. I knew nothing of the silence or still small voice inside. Nothing will make you happy until you know that still small voice. I had no distance from my thoughts. I WAS my thoughts and lived my life according to my head.

So I learned to meditate. I meditated to get a Broadway show! But God didn’t care why. And something lifted. My day felt better. I got to watch stuff going on in my mind. I looked at the icky “I’m no good” stuff, at so many negative depressing things. After a while it became funny. I saw that I thought things like “people who wear glasses are smart, so I should stay away or they’d find out I was stupid.” I wanted to be enlightened, so I didn’t want any thoughts at all.

I studied with Eckhart Tolle. He loved the human of us. He said, “You’re going to have thoughts. Allow them. You don’t have to believe them or buy it. Allow.” So I began to notice without judging. Eckhart Tolle had said to just be aware. Don’t judge. Just allow—it is just a thought!

One day I was surprised to notice I did love! I cared! Something had opened up, like my heart. I felt such real compassion. I hadn’t even known it was possible. It was no longer about me, me. It was about the world! When you’re doing “your work” what comes up is the real you! When I asked God what was “my work” I heard “I don’t know.” It’s really a moment to moment thing. A smile, what you wear. Look into their eyes for just two seconds without judgment. Eckhart Tolle said God can come through and bless them. They don’t know and you don’t know what you did. God comes through. A real smile. Something so small done with your heart—that’s why you’re here today! My mom used to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Now I say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!”

March 6, 2016 – Be Here Now

Freddie Weber
Be Here Now

I wanted to be still so God can love me, to be still and relax and let God take over. But I can’t sit still! It’s hard to honor the still small voice in my mind! 60,000 thoughts or more a day on a loop: Where do I have to go today? What do I have to wear today? What about my hair today? Me, me, me, me, me! –and what’s for dinner?

Be here now? What is “be”? What is “here”? –with so many thoughts! What is “past”? What is “future”? –and what’s for dinner? What is God? Who am I? Who are you? So many voices, so many choices in my brain!

God loves us whether we’re still or not. I give it all to you God. I surrender. I will notice silence. No more thought. No more fear. For just a moment I was here. I understand now how to pray, nothing in my head, no thought today. I knew nothing of the silence or still small voice inside. Nothing will make you happy until you know that still small voice. I had no distance from my thoughts. I WAS my thoughts and lived my life according to my head.

So I learned to meditate. I meditated to get a Broadway show! But God didn’t care why. And something lifted. My day felt better. I got to watch stuff going on in my mind. I looked at the icky “I’m no good” stuff, at so many negative depressing things. After a while it became funny. I saw that I thought things like “people who wear glasses are smart, so I should stay away or they’d find out I was stupid.” I wanted to be enlightened, so I didn’t want any thoughts at all.

I studied with Eckhart Tolle. He loved the human of us. He said, “You’re going to have thoughts. Allow them. You don’t have to believe them or buy it. Allow.” So I began to notice without judging. Eckhart Tolle had said to just be aware. Don’t judge. Just allow—it is just a thought!

One day I was surprised to notice I did love! I cared! Something had opened up, like my heart. I felt such real compassion. I hadn’t even known it was possible. It was no longer about me, me. It was about the world! When you’re doing “your work” what comes up is the real you! When I asked God what was “my work” I heard “I don’t know.” It’s really a moment to moment thing. A smile, what you wear. Look into their eyes for just two seconds without judgment. Eckhart Tolle said God can come through and bless them. They don’t know and you don’t know what you did. God comes through. A real smile. Something so small done with your heart—that’s why you’re here today! My mom used to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Now I say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!”


November 1, 2015 – Focus On The Source, It Brings Understanding

11/01/15  Rev. David McArthur
Focus On The Source, It Brings Understanding

13.5 billion years ago the Singularity, the point of infinite density, expanded. (The Big Bang.) In that expansion is the evolution of the universe. On that little speck called Earth, evolution developed to where we began to gain knowledge and find out the laws that brought all this amazing stuff into being. I believe now there’s another level of evolution happening: our ability to know the source of all that. A description is found in the Gospel when Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain and appeared in light to them with Moses and Elijah, the Transfiguration. Moses=the law, i.e. gravity, chemistry, etc. Elijah, the flow of energy into creation and us; and Jesus, the incarnation of God expressive within each being. These are the symbols of the source, the divine presence. The symbols of our capacity to perceive the divine, are the three apostles. Peter=faith. James, the capacity for wisdom, to see the nature of this reality. And John, love, that beautiful harmonizing power within.

Karen’s son CJ, sixteen years old, lost his life. In extreme pain, she prayed, “Why? Why?” But then her prayers came from a different part of her being. “My soul cried out, ‘I need to know that he is all right!’” When she met her ex’s new wife in the driveway, his new wife said that she had to tell Karen something. That very morning, her five year old, CJ’s half brother, told her that CJ had come to him in a dream and told him to “please tell my mother I’m ok”!

I too did a lot of “why?” praying after I lost my first wife. I had to have a baby sitter for my one year old. The sitter’s little boy told her he saw a woman in their house, but he wasn’t afraid. His mother didn’t know what to think. One day they brought my daughter home and came into our house and the boy pointed to a picture of my dead wife and shouted, “That’s the woman!” This was not an answer of information, but of understanding, the response to my prayer which took me to my source.

Who we are is not limited to the forms we touch. I understood then that when we shift our awareness from the stuff in our universe to the source of it, there is an understanding, a beautiful flow to our need, our being, of understanding. After that we see life differently. Life is sacred. Not just forms, but joy, laughter, tears, discovery, confusion, loss—all is sacred—all is within what we call God.

God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! What a beautiful thing to experience! God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! The beautiful, the scary, the magnificent. God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! What we find is that ALL of life is incredibly beautiful!


November 1, 2015 – Focus On The Source, It Brings Understanding

11/01/15  Rev. David McArthur
Focus On The Source, It Brings Understanding

13.5 billion years ago the Singularity, the point of infinite density, expanded. (The Big Bang.) In that expansion is the evolution of the universe. On that little speck called Earth, evolution developed to where we began to gain knowledge and find out the laws that brought all this amazing stuff into being. I believe now there’s another level of evolution happening: our ability to know the source of all that. A description is found in the Gospel when Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain and appeared in light to them with Moses and Elijah, the Transfiguration. Moses=the law, i.e. gravity, chemistry, etc. Elijah, the flow of energy into creation and us; and Jesus, the incarnation of God expressive within each being. These are the symbols of the source, the divine presence. The symbols of our capacity to perceive the divine, are the three apostles. Peter=faith. James, the capacity for wisdom, to see the nature of this reality. And John, love, that beautiful harmonizing power within.

Karen’s son CJ, sixteen years old, lost his life. In extreme pain, she prayed, “Why? Why?” But then her prayers came from a different part of her being. “My soul cried out, ‘I need to know that he is all right!’” When she met her ex’s new wife in the driveway, his new wife said that she had to tell Karen something. That very morning, her five year old, CJ’s half brother, told her that CJ had come to him in a dream and told him to “please tell my mother I’m ok”!

I too did a lot of “why?” praying after I lost my first wife. I had to have a baby sitter for my one year old. The sitter’s little boy told her he saw a woman in their house, but he wasn’t afraid. His mother didn’t know what to think. One day they brought my daughter home and came into our house and the boy pointed to a picture of my dead wife and shouted, “That’s the woman!” This was not an answer of information, but of understanding, the response to my prayer which took me to my source.

Who we are is not limited to the forms we touch. I understood then that when we shift our awareness from the stuff in our universe to the source of it, there is an understanding, a beautiful flow to our need, our being, of understanding. After that we see life differently. Life is sacred. Not just forms, but joy, laughter, tears, discovery, confusion, loss—all is sacred—all is within what we call God.

God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! What a beautiful thing to experience! God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! The beautiful, the scary, the magnificent. God is my source. I experience the sacredness of life! What we find is that ALL of life is incredibly beautiful!

October 4, 2015 – Can’t Touch This

10/4/15  Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.

Can’t Touch This!

We have chaos and conflict around the world, religion against religion, violence, anger. It is said, however, that chaos precedes order; it is something calling to be birthed. Look at the shootings in Umpqua. Some say we need more guns, some say less. But the solution is in our hearts.

In Unity we use affirmations and denials. Many say that’s denying what’s really happening, but that’s not so. What we deny is that what’s happening has any power over us. That it has any power to take us out of the truth of our being, which is we are centered in the Christ Consciousness—we can get through anything! It is the “Christ in you; the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27.

It is not the Christ in Jesus which is your hope of glory, it is the Christ in you. Hope is not wishy-washy, mealy mouthed. It is the expectation of our future good that inspires the certainty that our good is ours right now. And glory is the merging of our mind with God mind. This is our “bookmark”. It holds the space for us as we wander off into our anger, fear, and doubt when we are lost. The Christ presence is our place holder. It’s always there. You can’t get rid of it even if you try. And it never interferes, but always leaves us our choice.

There are three steps to get there. 1) “There is nothing greater than God.” 2) “I AM one with God.” Finally, 3), “Therefore, there is nothing greater than me.” That last one might be difficult for you but it’s the truth. Can you believe it? Say, “yes!” It’s logic. You “Can’t touch this!”

When there’s less bank account and more bills, say, “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” When you’re in the doctor’s office and the diagnosis almost stops your heart, it’s not that the condition is not real, it’s “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” When a relationship sours, stand in the face of the impossibility of it and embrace the possibility that “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” Take this home with you. Stuff will come up this week. Be prepared and say, “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!”

October 4, 2015 – Can’t Touch This!

10/4/15  Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Can’t Touch This!

We have chaos and conflict around the world, religion against religion, violence, anger. It is said, however, that chaos precedes order; it is something calling to be birthed. Look at the shootings in Umpqua. Some say we need more guns, some say less. But the solution is in our hearts.

In Unity we use affirmations and denials. Many say that’s denying what’s really happening, but that’s not so. What we deny is that what’s happening has any power over us. That it has any power to take us out of the truth of our being, which is we are centered in the Christ Consciousness—we can get through anything! It is the “Christ in you; the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27.

It is not the Christ in Jesus which is your hope of glory, it is the Christ in you. Hope is not wishy-washy, mealy mouthed. It is the expectation of our future good that inspires the certainty that our good is ours right now. And glory is the merging of our mind with God mind. This is our “bookmark”. It holds the space for us as we wander off into our anger, fear, and doubt when we are lost. The Christ presence is our place holder. It’s always there. You can’t get rid of it even if you try. And it never interferes, but always leaves us our choice.

There are three steps to get there. 1) “There is nothing greater than God.” 2) “I AM one with God.” Finally, 3), “Therefore, there is nothing greater than me.” That last one might be difficult for you but it’s the truth. Can you believe it? Say, “yes!” It’s logic. You “Can’t touch this!”

When there’s less bank account and more bills, say, “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” When you’re in the doctor’s office and the diagnosis almost stops your heart, it’s not that the condition is not real, it’s “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” When a relationship sours, stand in the face of the impossibility of it and embrace the possibility that “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!” Take this home with you. Stuff will come up this week. Be prepared and say, “I am poised and centered in the Christ Consciousness. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” “Can’t touch this!”


August 23, 2015 – Touching the Hem of the Garment

08/23/15  Rev. Blaine Tinsley

Touching The Hem Of The Garment

Here is a wonderful story about the healing process from Mark 5, 25-29.

Now there was a woman who had suffered from hemorrhages for twelve years. Metaphysically, the number 12 means “as long as it takes”, how long it takes for us to decide we’ve had enough. Hemorrhage means a loss of vital energy, we are in need of healing.

She had endured much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had; and she was no better, but rather grew worse. It’s ok to see a doctor, but this woman was looking for healing outside of herself, not giving energy to the things that would heal her. We need to stop blaming people and conditions outside of ourselves and take responsibility for how we deal with our experiences.

She had heard about Jesus, the Christ part within us that we all have access to, which knows the truth, that God is love everywhere present. When you know that you stand in your power. That’s the truth of who you are!

And came up behind him in the crowd. She had to put forth effort to move forward through the people (thoughts and distractions like “You’re not good enough or smart enough. You don’t have the ability.”) The truth is you are a beautiful child of God. You are whole. You are loved.

And touched His garment, for she said, “If I but touch His clothes, I will be made well. She reached out to the power! It’s symbolic of our reaching inward and touching the power within.

Immediately her hemorrhage stopped; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. To touch just a bit of that light and love is when the healing begins.

Jesus said to her, “Daughter your faith has made you well.” He didn’t say, “I did this.” He was saying, “It ain’t me babe! Your faith connection to the presence and power within has made you whole.”

The Centers for Spiritual Living and Science of Mind both teach, “Change your thinking—change you life.” We can’t always change our disease, like when we make our transition, but we can always change our relationship to what causes us pain. Changing that perception changes our lives. Ram Dass said, “Healing doesn’t mean going back to how things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God.”

Affirm As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth. As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth. As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth.

I behold the love of God in you! I behold the light of God in you!


August 23, 2015 – Touching the Hem of the Garment

08/23/15 Rev. Blaine Tinsley
Touching The Hem Of The Garment

Here is a wonderful story about the healing process from Mark 5, 25-29.

Now there was a woman who had suffered from hemorrhages for twelve years. Metaphysically, the number 12 means “as long as it takes”, how long it takes for us to decide we’ve had enough. Hemorrhage means a loss of vital energy, we are in need of healing.

She had endured much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had; and she was no better, but rather grew worse. It’s ok to see a doctor, but this woman was looking for healing outside of herself, not giving energy to the things that would heal her. We need to stop blaming people and conditions outside of ourselves and take responsibility for how we deal with our experiences.

She had heard about Jesus, the Christ part within us that we all have access to, which knows the truth, that God is love everywhere present. When you know that you stand in your power. That’s the truth of who you are!

And came up behind him in the crowd. She had to put forth effort to move forward through the people (thoughts and distractions like “You’re not good enough or smart enough. You don’t have the ability.”) The truth is you are a beautiful child of God. You are whole. You are loved.

And touched His garment, for she said, “If I but touch His clothes, I will be made well. She reached out to the power! It’s symbolic of our reaching inward and touching the power within.

Immediately her hemorrhage stopped; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. To touch just a bit of that light and love is when the healing begins.

Jesus said to her, “Daughter your faith has made you well.” He didn’t say, “I did this.” He was saying, “It ain’t me babe! Your faith connection to the presence and power within has made you whole.”

The Centers for Spiritual Living and Science of Mind both teach, “Change your thinking—change you life.” We can’t always change our disease, like when we make our transition, but we can always change our relationship to what causes us pain. Changing that perception changes our lives. Ram Dass said, “Healing doesn’t mean going back to how things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God.”

Affirm As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth. As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth. As I touch the divine love within I am healed at depth.

I behold the love of God in you! I behold the light of God in you!


June 7, 2015 – Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

06/07/15 Rev. David McArthur
Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

Divine nature is pure love and gives us all. How do we open to let this flow take place? One important way is to say yes to our purpose. It constantly invites us to open to the flow. Another is opening to the desire to have things, like buying a house, which fulfills nurturing and spiritual needs.

Judeo-Christian religions focus on world affirmation. Judaism teaches if one is in alignment with the spiritual, the material comes. Jesus taught of the flow of material blessings—water to wine, the loaves and fishes, the gold coin from the fish’s mouth, etc. But he put a limitation on it. He told the wealthy young man to give his money to the poor and “follow me.” But the young man didn’t know that with God as our source, it all comes back. Jesus then told the parable that a rich man getting into heaven is as likely as a camel passing through the “eye of the needle” (a gate in the city wall of Jerusalem so narrow a camel could only pass through if its cargo were removed, something a rich man wouldn’t do). When we perceive through the brain, it wants what is “mine”. To take the goods off a camel to pass through shows non-attachment to material things, to see through love, through the heart.

It’s all right to have good stuff. It lets you be more flexible. Use spiritual energy to call into your life that which is good. “Ask and it will be given to you… For everyone who asks receives… Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? …If you…though…evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Edwene Gaines says there is this assignment for spiritual beings to set clear attainable goals. Don’t make it a game of 20 questions. State clearly, three times a day, “I’d like ____.” And each time ask, “What do I need to change to be open to that happening?” Ooops—a change of consciousness is needed! Change the consciousness of “asking is selfish” or “having things for myself is not spiritual”. Or use the hologram technique from HeartMath. It’s a powerful way of filling your asking with love. It opens us to that flow. The only assignment really is to take care of yourself. So ask.

And in the end, what happens? We are guided to say yes to something, to recognize more and more, God is my source. There is an old Unity affirmation, God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! It makes it much easier to open to the flow.

A friend, in his meditation, was remembering a perfect day he had had when he was drawn to a book on a shelf. As he opened it out fell a piece of paper, a list he had written in college long before entitled “My Perfect Day”. He had just lived that day, everything on the list! We are co-creators. Allow yourself to have. We create the life before us, and as we do we grow less and less attached. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! And as far as I can tell, when they show up, are they really about having fun?!


June 7, 2015 – Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

06/07/15 Rev. David McArthur
Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

Divine nature is pure love and gives us all. How do we open to let this flow take place? One important way is to say yes to our purpose. It constantly invites us to open to the flow. Another is opening to the desire to have things, like buying a house, which fulfills nurturing and spiritual needs.

Judeo-Christian religions focus on world affirmation. Judaism teaches if one is in alignment with the spiritual, the material comes. Jesus taught of the flow of material blessings—water to wine, the loaves and fishes, the gold coin from the fish’s mouth, etc. But he put a limitation on it. He told the wealthy young man to give his money to the poor and “follow me.” But the young man didn’t know that with God as our source, it all comes back. Jesus then told the parable that a rich man getting into heaven is as likely as a camel passing through the “eye of the needle” (a gate in the city wall of Jerusalem so narrow a camel could only pass through if its cargo were removed, something a rich man wouldn’t do). When we perceive through the brain, it wants what is “mine”. To take the goods off a camel to pass through shows non-attachment to material things, to see through love, through the heart.

It’s all right to have good stuff. It lets you be more flexible. Use spiritual energy to call into your life that which is good. “Ask and it will be given to you… For everyone who asks receives… Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? …If you…though…evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Edwene Gaines says there is this assignment for spiritual beings to set clear attainable goals. Don’t make it a game of 20 questions. State clearly, three times a day, “I’d like ____.” And each time ask, “What do I need to change to be open to that happening?” Ooops—a change of consciousness is needed! Change the consciousness of “asking is selfish” or “having things for myself is not spiritual”. Or use the hologram technique from HeartMath. It’s a powerful way of filling your asking with love. It opens us to that flow. The only assignment really is to take care of yourself. So ask.

And in the end, what happens? We are guided to say yes to something, to recognize more and more, God is my source. There is an old Unity affirmation, God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! It makes it much easier to open to the flow.

A friend, in his meditation, was remembering a perfect day he had had when he was drawn to a book on a shelf. As he opened it out fell a piece of paper, a list he had written in college long before entitled “My Perfect Day”. He had just lived that day, everything on the list! We are co-creators. Allow yourself to have. We create the life before us, and as we do we grow less and less attached. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! And as far as I can tell, when they show up, are they really about having fun?!