August 14, 2016 – Outrageous Generosity

08/14/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Outrageous Generosity”

When we go into the deeper love, that which is not like that deeper love shows up to be healed. There is a secret: in dealing with this lower vibration which shows up to be healed, go to a higher vibration. Rise up to that level of consciousness which is the nature of the divine. Among those higher frequencies, higher vibrations, there is one which has meant more to me. It is generosity. It is the very nature of the divine, the expression of the divine.
Remember when we talked about tithing and the experiment of a Quaker church in the thirties. Testing biblical law, they took a quarter inch of wheat and sewed it, then tithed on what was harvested from that one crop. Every year they planted 9/10ths of the harvest that had originated from that quarter inch measure, tithing the rest. By the 6th year they reaped 57,000 bushels, 13 times what would have normally been reaped! When we bring in that higher vibration, that love, that infinite power of abundance, it flows! So say with me, I am generous! I am generous! I am generous!

When people let go they naturally step into their generosity. A 14 year old boy wanted to do something for his mother who had breast cancer. He thought of shaving his head to show his solidarity with her. He hoped to raise a hundred dollars by going about his neighborhood and let people shave a bit of his head for a donation. Knowing the neighborhood, his father didn’t think his son would raise a hundred dollars. The boy came home with $1223.00!  Do you feel the heart? That natural abundance? It is our nature to be generous. It isn’t a struggle; it is a flow.

Are you ready for the next level? OUTRAGEOUS generosity? A nurse saw a starving little girl take a single piece of bread (all she had to eat for the whole day) and break it and give her brother the larger piece. Can you feel that generous heart? The world is filled with it. A teacher got laid off. One of her former students sent a $1000 check for her rent! Outrageous generosity! Isn’t that what we’re about? We’re the recipients of that infinite flow. The universe brings this to us.

Lately, here, we’ve had more outflow than income, so myself and my wife and Rev. Sheila and many board members have decided to tithe 20%. We understand this is an invitation. I’ve got six weeks left in this position. In that six weeks will you join me in the financial health of this church? Know there is more than enough!

Dan, a 25 year old, liked to bike to work in Wales. He was hit by a car and paralyzed from the chest down. He heard of a new stem cell treatment in China. His friends raised $30,000 for it. Then Dan heard of a five year old boy also in Wales who had cerebral palsy from birth and had never walked. This little lad could get a healing treatment in St. Louis for $100,000, but his family could only raise half of that. Dan gave him his $30,000. Outrageous generosity!

Let’s change that. I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! Feel it within. Generosity. Outrageous generosity. What a state of consciousness to live in! All of us are instruments through which this world is transformed. And it’s fun! We are here to step into this flow.

I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! You are because God is! Bless you!

April 17, 2016 – How To Manifest God’s Gifts

Rev. David McArthur
“How To Manifest God’s Gifts”

Everyone here is an amazingly beautiful child of God. That’s who you are and why you are loved! The only real work is to let that in. To open to this flow, Marie took a course at Unity. By 8 weeks in she was getting very frustrated. Still no demonstration in her life. So classmates asked, “What would it take for you to feel that this love was flowing in your life?” She quickly cried, “A red Mercedes!” Well, ok, they said, if that’s what it takes, then that’s ok.

Days later an old friend called and said, “Someone asked if I knew anyone who would buy his car quickly, and I don’t know why, but you popped into my head.” “Well, what is it?” “A red Mercedes,” she said, “and he’ll sell it cheap.” Sharing this in class Marie went on, “As I was driving my new red 450 SL, a voice from within spoke to me.” It was her first time ever to hear it. It said over and over, “Don’t you know that I’ve always taken care of you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to pull over. It was her opening that was her real demonstration.

Jesus, said “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all …things will be added to you.” And another time Jesus told us, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again… unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

My understanding of “born again” differs from the traditional in that I see “born of water” refers to our human existence; “born… of the Spirit” means to be in the moment connecting with Spirit Itself. It speaks to a change of perception. “Spirit gives birth to Spirit”, (connection with the heart). Marie opened and life began to respond differently. That’s when life begins to happen FOR us.

When Kathryn and I lived in Montana a dirt lane led from the road to our house at the top of a hill. In springtime only our Jeep would get up the hill. This time it was in the shop. Our VW couldn’t get up the hill so we left it at the bottom and walked down to it to go into town. When the mechanic called and told me the Jeep was ready, we had NO money. We believed God provides but I realized I had a disconnect. I know I’m loved, but walking up that muddy hill didn’t feel so loving. So I sat and got quiet. After arguing with God I decided to open to the love. It took a while. Then I began to feel the love. It filled me and I realized there was nothing to keep me from my love. So I went to get the Jeep. I got down to the VW and I still had no way of paying. As I was about to pull onto the road a car pulled into our lane.The driver rolled down her window and explained that she came out to give me an envelope that she then handed through my window. Then she backed out and was gone. In the envelope was a check that was more than enough to cover the Jeep. It was like the wind! I didn’t do anything except let the love in! What is this love but to take care of us? It’s simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. But it’s here to take.

I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Spirit is here. I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Is it ok this week to let it in? I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. The beautiful love and life you are is not only what flows to you; when you let it open you, you bless the world. So I thank you!

April 17, 2016 – How To Manifest God’s Gifts

Rev. David McArthur
“How To Manifest God’s Gifts”

Everyone here is an amazingly beautiful child of God. That’s who you are and why you are loved! The only real work is to let that in. To open to this flow, Marie took a course at Unity. By 8 weeks in she was getting very frustrated. Still no demonstration in her life. So classmates asked, “What would it take for you to feel that this love was flowing in your life?” She quickly cried, “A red Mercedes!” Well, ok, they said, if that’s what it takes, then that’s ok.

Days later an old friend called and said, “Someone asked if I knew anyone who would buy his car quickly, and I don’t know why, but you popped into my head.” “Well, what is it?” “A red Mercedes,” she said, “and he’ll sell it cheap.” Sharing this in class Marie went on, “As I was driving my new red 450 SL, a voice from within spoke to me.” It was her first time ever to hear it. It said over and over, “Don’t you know that I’ve always taken care of you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to pull over. It was her opening that was her real demonstration.

Jesus, said “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all …things will be added to you.” And another time Jesus told us, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again… unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

My understanding of “born again” differs from the traditional in that I see “born of water” refers to our human existence; “born… of the Spirit” means to be in the moment connecting with Spirit Itself. It speaks to a change of perception. “Spirit gives birth to Spirit”, (connection with the heart). Marie opened and life began to respond differently. That’s when life begins to happen FOR us.

When Kathryn and I lived in Montana a dirt lane led from the road to our house at the top of a hill. In springtime only our Jeep would get up the hill. This time it was in the shop. Our VW couldn’t get up the hill so we left it at the bottom and walked down to it to go into town. When the mechanic called and told me the Jeep was ready, we had NO money. We believed God provides but I realized I had a disconnect. I know I’m loved, but walking up that muddy hill didn’t feel so loving. So I sat and got quiet. After arguing with God I decided to open to the love. It took a while. Then I began to feel the love. It filled me and I realized there was nothing to keep me from my love. So I went to get the Jeep. I got down to the VW and I still had no way of paying. As I was about to pull onto the road a car pulled into our lane.The driver rolled down her window and explained that she came out to give me an envelope that she then handed through my window. Then she backed out and was gone. In the envelope was a check that was more than enough to cover the Jeep. It was like the wind! I didn’t do anything except let the love in! What is this love but to take care of us? It’s simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. But it’s here to take.

I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Spirit is here. I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. Is it ok this week to let it in? I LET GOD’S LOVE IN. The beautiful love and life you are is not only what flows to you; when you let it open you, you bless the world. So I thank you!


April 3, 2016 – A Flow of Love and Abundance

Rev. David McArthur
“A Flow of Love and Abundance”

Are you open to more money, better health, more people that love you? Joel Hartman was a homeless man in Atlanta. He was looking through the garbage behind a luxury hotel to find something to sell, when he found a wallet! But he began to worry about the man who lost it. Was he away from home without ID or money? So he went inside to turn it in. Management was so impressed they put Joel up for a couple of nights with all the amenities, and issued a press release about it. Joel’s family saw the news. They had been looking for him for years. They got him into the mental health treatment he needed.

There is a principle so powerful that it aligns us to the nature of God. It is to give. Divine flow by its nature would flow into each of our lives, but we slow it down. Joel’s compassionate response for someone he didn’t even know changed his life. Learn to open to the law, to the flow.

Jesus, the symbol of the spiritual power we have within, of law and how to use the law, taught the laws so well. In the gospel of Matthew, a crowd had followed Jesus, but had not brought any food and were hungry. One of the apostles brought a boy to Jesus who had five loaves of bread and two fish. The first expression of that beautiful powerful principle of giving comes from the boy who gave what he had to eat to Jesus. The boy symbolizes that part of us which wants to learn, to connect with the experience of life. Jesus looked to heaven, to source, where power goes from limited to unlimited. And five thousand men and others were fed! Jesus taught “give and it will be given unto you”.

Look to the expression of unlimited source beyond the knowledge of the mind. How do we practice it? When you are in contraction, limited flow, whether within the body or in your finances, and are in fear, step into giving. A greater flow creates a consciousness of generosity.

A wealthy friend, as a young man, had found himself blocked in his fortunes. He ran into Charles Fillmore’s thinking on the consciousness of generosity. If he saw source as unlimited, he could be a channel for that unlimited flow! He prospered not only financially, but he was blessed with a beautiful family. The day he retired he asked the CEO for an envelope he could give to each of the 35 employees, but that his id be kept secret. If they asked who gave them the envelope, the CEO was told to just say to each, “You are appreciated.” Each envelope had in it $1000.

When we step into generosity we grow. We came here to know who we really are, to be guided by this intelligence, to play in the big leagues, to play with these spiritual laws and have God’s goodness flow through us. It happened with the homeless man and with the wealthy man. God’s goodness flows through me. Feel its potential. Let it expand in your life. You are a divine instrument here to bless God’s world. God’s goodness flows through me. Are you open to where you can be that blessing? God’s goodness flows through me. My friend was not a person who got wealthy and then got generous; he got generous and then wealthy. Isn’t it time to go to a better place where generosity and abundance flow?

April 3, 2016 – A Flow of Love and Abundance

Rev. David McArthur
“A Flow of Love and Abundance”

Are you open to more money, better health, more people that love you? Joel Hartman was a homeless man in Atlanta. He was looking through the garbage behind a luxury hotel to find something to sell, when he found a wallet! But he began to worry about the man who lost it. Was he away from home without ID or money? So he went inside to turn it in. Management was so impressed they put Joel up for a couple of nights with all the amenities, and issued a press release about it. Joel’s family saw the news. They had been looking for him for years. They got him into the mental health treatment he needed.

There is a principle so powerful that it aligns us to the nature of God. It is to give. Divine flow by its nature would flow into each of our lives, but we slow it down. Joel’s compassionate response for someone he didn’t even know changed his life. Learn to open to the law, to the flow.

Jesus, the symbol of the spiritual power we have within, of law and how to use the law, taught the laws so well. In the gospel of Matthew, a crowd had followed Jesus, but had not brought any food and were hungry. One of the apostles brought a boy to Jesus who had five loaves of bread and two fish. The first expression of that beautiful powerful principle of giving comes from the boy who gave what he had to eat to Jesus. The boy symbolizes that part of us which wants to learn, to connect with the experience of life. Jesus looked to heaven, to source, where power goes from limited to unlimited. And five thousand men and others were fed! Jesus taught “give and it will be given unto you”.

Look to the expression of unlimited source beyond the knowledge of the mind. How do we practice it? When you are in contraction, limited flow, whether within the body or in your finances, and are in fear, step into giving. A greater flow creates a consciousness of generosity.

A wealthy friend, as a young man, had found himself blocked in his fortunes. He ran into Charles Fillmore’s thinking on the consciousness of generosity. If he saw source as unlimited, he could be a channel for that unlimited flow! He prospered not only financially, but he was blessed with a beautiful family. The day he retired he asked the CEO for an envelope he could give to each of the 35 employees, but that his id be kept secret. If they asked who gave them the envelope, the CEO was told to just say to each, “You are appreciated.” Each envelope had in it $1000.

When we step into generosity we grow. We came here to know who we really are, to be guided by this intelligence, to play in the big leagues, to play with these spiritual laws and have God’s goodness flow through us. It happened with the homeless man and with the wealthy man. God’s goodness flows through me. Feel its potential. Let it expand in your life. You are a divine instrument here to bless God’s world. God’s goodness flows through me. Are you open to where you can be that blessing? God’s goodness flows through me. My friend was not a person who got wealthy and then got generous; he got generous and then wealthy. Isn’t it time to go to a better place where generosity and abundance flow?


October 11, 2015 – Tithing Partnership

10/11/15  Rev. David McArthur

Tithing Partnership

We often focus on the amazing capacity within, which is love. If you are working with spirituality you are working with love. Another way to work with this is with the spiritual practice of tithing. I watched people who followed it. I realized there’s a quality, a difference, as to how they met their challenges with a presence of peace. They weren’t always peaceful but they could get to it. There was a fear not present in their world.

Two things are generally shared in teaching this, expansion and protection. From the book of Malachi, 3:10, “Bring the whole tithe…and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven…” and “I will prevent pests from devouring your crops…” 3:11. But there is a third not often spoken of: 3:12, “…yours will be a delightful land…” This isn’t talking of quantity but QUALITY, the real blessing of opening to a deeper relationship to the divine presence.

The Quaker church tested tithing. A cubic inch of grain was tithed and the remaining 90% was planted. Each crop for six years was tithed and proved to be protected from the pests of the surrounding fields. The miller engaged for this test said normal practice would have yielded over 52 hundred bushels of wheat. At the end of the six years, however, the tithed crops yielded over 72 THOUSAND bushels—you can’t get there by coincidence! We have at-oneness with divine presence in the material world. It is a major challenge in our lives to see expansion as the expression of oneness.

Tithing brings the experience of the divine down into our world. A greater experience of goodness and flow is there, and we direct that connection. Tithing doesn’t make a difference in how God loves you—the love is never lessened. But it makes a difference in us and how we open to the flow.

There’s also a greater sense of protection. When my life was threatened several weeks ago I found a real potential for fear, but I also found a real sense of protection coming into the physical world which let me come to love and understanding more easily with the other party. That divine presence in the midst of the difficulties of life is part of my appreciation of the practice of tithing.

Be very conscious as you tithe. Reawaken to experiencing fully what’s there. If you are not tithing go to your heart and ask if this is a practice that would have meaning in your spiritual life, to know that God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. Every time something is needed. It has to be so because God is good all the time!

October 11, 2015 – Tithing Partnership

10/11/15  Rev. David McArthur
Tithing Partnership

We often focus on the amazing capacity within, which is love. If you are working with spirituality you are working with love. Another way to work with this is with the spiritual practice of tithing. I watched people who followed it. I realized there’s a quality, a difference, as to how they met their challenges with a presence of peace. They weren’t always peaceful but they could get to it. There was a fear not present in their world.

Two things are generally shared in teaching this, expansion and protection. From the book of Malachi, 3:10, “Bring the whole tithe…and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven…” and “I will prevent pests from devouring your crops…” 3:11. But there is a third not often spoken of: 3:12, “…yours will be a delightful land…” This isn’t talking of quantity but QUALITY, the real blessing of opening to a deeper relationship to the divine presence.

The Quaker church tested tithing. A cubic inch of grain was tithed and the remaining 90% was planted. Each crop for six years was tithed and proved to be protected from the pests of the surrounding fields. The miller engaged for this test said normal practice would have yielded over 52 hundred bushels of wheat. At the end of the six years, however, the tithed crops yielded over 72 THOUSAND bushels—you can’t get there by coincidence! We have at-oneness with divine presence in the material world. It is a major challenge in our lives to see expansion as the expression of oneness.

Tithing brings the experience of the divine down into our world. A greater experience of goodness and flow is there, and we direct that connection. Tithing doesn’t make a difference in how God loves you—the love is never lessened. But it makes a difference in us and how we open to the flow.

There’s also a greater sense of protection. When my life was threatened several weeks ago I found a real potential for fear, but I also found a real sense of protection coming into the physical world which let me come to love and understanding more easily with the other party. That divine presence in the midst of the difficulties of life is part of my appreciation of the practice of tithing.

Be very conscious as you tithe. Reawaken to experiencing fully what’s there. If you are not tithing go to your heart and ask if this is a practice that would have meaning in your spiritual life, to know that God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. God is my source. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply. Every time something is needed. It has to be so because God is good all the time!


August 16, 2015 – Giving is Abundance

08/16/15  Rev. David McArthur

Giving Is Abundance

We get to play with creative spirit by giving—choosing where divine abundance goes. In a story Jesus told, wealthy men passed by the treasury and dropped in large donations from their abundance. A poor woman’s small gift “was all she had to live on.” She gave everything. As a woman, she represents our feminine, our feeling side, which was experiencing poverty, lack. Jesus, the Christ, the Atman, our one-ness with the divine, sees her act as a transition from a place of poverty to “It’s all God”, our consciousness expanding into this awareness.

One of the Five Pillars of Islam is giving as growth in spiritual awareness. It’s our true nature. Often young people haven’t gotten into adult patterns yet. A six year old walking to school with his mother passed a homeless lady with a sign “I’m hungry. Please help.” Without hesitation he took out his lunch and gave her half of his sandwich. It was a natural thing for him to do. The child says, “Of course. We’re all one. I can rectify this; I have and you don’t.”

A nurse helping with a food line somewhere in Africa saw a young girl get only a single slice of bread. The nurse knew it was all the food the girl would have that day. But she had to hide her tears when she saw the girl tear it in two and hand the larger half to her little brother. That’s who we are. Of course!

It feels good to give because we are experiencing the divine within us which we truly are. It’s the nature of the divine to give. No giving “when you get your act together”. We experience that divine presence in a very beautiful form moving through us.

And it comes back multiplied, blessing us. We don’t know how it will happen. On his way to work, a young man stopped to buy his lunch. The woman behind him was obviously very nervous and worried. So he paid the cashier and grabbed a single rose at the checkout. Giving it to the woman behind him he told her to have a good day. Later he was called to a meeting to meet a new corporate executive and it was the same woman! She was very thankful for his gift; this was her first day. You never know how you will experience the flow!

Sometimes you think you cannot give. A homeless man on the street was trying to care for some kittens but couldn’t find enough food for them. A man with a dog gave him some money and the homeless man explained he needed to find a better home for the kittens. So the donor took them to his vet. She was so touched she found the homeless man and gave him a part time job and a place to sleep.

God’s blessings flow generously through me. God’s blessings flow generously through me. God’s blessings flow generously through me. As we experience that it’s part of what we call fun!


August 16, 2015 – Giving is Abundance

08/16/15 Rev. David McArthur
Giving Is Abundance
We get to play with creative spirit by giving—choosing where divine abundance goes. In a story Jesus told, wealthy men passed by the treasury and dropped in large donations from their abundance. A poor woman’s small gift “was all she had to live on.” She gave everything. As a woman, she represents our feminine, our feeling side, which was experiencing poverty, lack. Jesus, the Christ, the Atman, our one-ness with the divine, sees her act as a transition from a place of poverty to “It’s all God”, our consciousness expanding into this awareness.

One of the Five Pillars of Islam is giving as growth in spiritual awareness. It’s our true nature. Often young people haven’t gotten into adult patterns yet. A six year old walking to school with his mother passed a homeless lady with a sign “I’m hungry. Please help.” Without hesitation he took out his lunch and gave her half of his sandwich. It was a natural thing for him to do. The child says, “Of course. We’re all one. I can rectify this; I have and you don’t.”

A nurse helping with a food line somewhere in Africa saw a young girl get only a single slice of bread. The nurse knew it was all the food the girl would have that day. But she had to hide her tears when she saw the girl tear it in two and hand the larger half to her little brother. That’s who we are. Of course!

It feels good to give because we are experiencing the divine within us which we truly are. It’s the nature of the divine to give. No giving “when you get your act together”. We experience that divine presence in a very beautiful form moving through us.

And it comes back multiplied, blessing us. We don’t know how it will happen. On his way to work, a young man stopped to buy his lunch. The woman behind him was obviously very nervous and worried. So he paid the cashier and grabbed a single rose at the checkout. Giving it to the woman behind him he told her to have a good day. Later he was called to a meeting to meet a new corporate executive and it was the same woman! She was very thankful for his gift; this was her first day. You never know how you will experience the flow!

Sometimes you think you cannot give. A homeless man on the street was trying to care for some kittens but couldn’t find enough food for them. A man with a dog gave him some money and the homeless man explained he needed to find a better home for the kittens. So the donor took them to his vet. She was so touched she found the homeless man and gave him a part time job and a place to sleep.

God’s blessings flow generously through me. God’s blessings flow generously through me. God’s blessings flow generously through me. As we experience that it’s part of what we call fun!


June 21, 2015 – Principles of Abundance Part 3: Source

06/21/15 Rev. David McArthur
Principles of Abundance Part 3: Source

It’s wonderful to recall the blessing a father is! But in the Gospel of John, “I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” Jesus was speaking of a oneness, a spiritual divine presence he was discovering in himself. A giving Spirit. “Fear not…for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Imagine that divine desire to give. We tap into it as parents and grandparents.

One way to experience divine love is to open to abundance and let it flow into your life by opening to the discovery of your purpose. We have also looked at being co-creators, making choices to call what we need into our lives. Thirdly, today, we look at the experience of God as our source, as the provider of all we give and receive.

Last week Matthew Fox, quoting Howard Thurman, said “In the presence of God a human soul is stripped to its essence.” It is part of our journey of abundance. Look at your true core beliefs; discover the spirituality at the core of your experience. People came to Jesus with disease, a belief that the materiality of the body controls life, but he called forth the spirit of wholeness within them. With the loaves and fishes he overcame belief in lack by calling forth the spirit of abundance. And when people died he overcame death by calling forth the spirit within.

In the parable of The Prodigal Son, Jesus drew a beautiful picture of what is there. The father (God) is the source of all his sons’ abundance. One son asks for his inheritance. Without argument, “It is given.” The son goes to a far land. (Our perception shifts from our Father, God, to the world.) With his attention “out there” it leads to lack, even famine (fulfillment is not out there). He ends up hungry and full of guilt. So do we. We say, “I blew it. I am not worthy.” The son “comes to himself” (our growing consciousness within). He recalls his father. (We remember, “I am a child of the divine.” Divine is source, but we feel too guilty to let ourselves receive much.) So the prodigal son heads home. On seeing his son approach, the father goes out to him and embraces him. The son says, “I am not worthy,” but his father just calls for celebration. There is no punishment, no “pay it back later.”

You are loved. Source has no requirements of us, no limit put on it. All the mistakes we make are paid for in advance. Wouldn’t it be dumb for a god to send us out and not expect mistakes? We are here to learn and the tuition is paid! God holds for us the pattern of who we really are, and allows us to learn. When we let that in, we find that we are really blessed. We let love in. We let in abundance and health into this physical world. We let in the stimulation of our mental faculties. Emotionally we find peace and harmony and joy. At the spiritual level we have love. Know God is my source; I am richly blessed. God is my source; I am richly blessed. God is my source; I am richly blessed. And I know a secret that God knows: you deserve it!