March 7, 2010 – Appreciating Islam

Nashwan Hamza with Rev. David McArthur

The way of peace through submission to the will of God has really been around since Creation. This is the 95% of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism that is identical. A Muslim (literally one who submits to the will of God) feels our purpose here in this Earthly existence is two-fold. First is to live in harmony– even to differentiate among the peoples of the Earth is to fail in that. Second is to study to know God, Who is evidenced by everything around us.

Is it a coincidence that Unity began as study groups, and that our classes are a mainstay for us still? And do we not strive for harmony with each other, our community, our world around us? We say every Sunday, “In striving to know You, God, we are one.” How affirming to know our Unity with those of “other” faiths!

So peace to you; salaam alaikum!

Your Prayer Team


Syahamba (We Are Marching) – South African Hymn, Andries vanTonder/Anders Nyberg

Somebody Prayed For Me – Traditional

We Let It Be – Rickie Byers

What a Wonderful World – Sam Cooke

Shima Shima – Hopi Chant

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

February 28, 2010 – Avatar: The Spiritual Journey

Rev. David McArthur

I see You.

The movie “Avatar” is a cinematic marvel that dazzles the eye and metaphysical sense of the viewer. It recounts how we dwell in two different worlds – our human experience of this three-D world, and another of a single life which is omnipresent. The latter is the kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of, where “kingdom” refers to the state of consciousness in which we are fully aware of the presence of God. Thus, learning that we have a spiritual nature is the first step toward spiritual maturity. Leaving behind that perception that we are separate beings that need to take from each other, we become aware of our connectedness to each other and our one-ness with God.

On the next level of spiritual growth, balancing our human and spiritual natures, then, becomes key. We come to know that only by mastering our fear(s) can we be free to fly, to progress to spiritual maturity. However, moving from the state in which the individual says “I have a spiritual nature” to that of “I am a spiritual being” sets up conflict between harmony and abundance, and our human fears. That is when our human foibles attack our spiritual core. Are you living as a spiritual being or are you serving the sleeping consciousness of a human?

Though we do not have the power to overcome our human-ness, we can master the instrument that transports us above the shadows of ignorance. That is why we say “it is not I, but the power within, a power greater than myself, God as I understand Him|Her.” The “still, small voice within”. The gentle spirit. The intuitive sense there is something greater here. After all, there is only one power.

So no matter how much we know about having a spiritual nature, it does not free us from living and dying locked within our 3-D consciousness. But the knowledge that “I am a spiritual being living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual law” frees us to soar above fear and ignorance in harmony and abundance in the light above the shadows.

Now when we greet one another, we can acknowledge what we know to be true of every one of us. We can greet each other by saying “I see You.”

Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

February 21, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Thank You God

Rev. David McArthur

“If you pour your words of faith into the omni-present substance, you will be prospered though all the banks in the world be closed.” –Charles Fillmore.

Our journey to prosperity thus far has 6 steps. Today they are united in the 7th. The 6 are:

Be clear of your purpose, which is defined by your passion – those things that are important to you. The Universe is as committed to your success as you are, providing all that you need to manifest it.

Through healing and forgiveness clear away that which blocks your success from coming to you.

Jump into the flow of God’s giving nature by your giving – your tithing.

Attune to God’s goodness through the power of prayer. Since that which we affirm with our focus is manifested, strive to live complaint free.

Use your powers for good.

Our caring actions bring into manifestation the love of God in this 3D world.

The 7th step is to express your gratitude for God’s goodness, even in the face of challenges. Do not “Thank God” as a victim as that will attract more of the same. Know that there is no thought of lack in God’s mind. As spiritual, creative beings we know there is something good, something wonderful and whole coming. Often we can’t see it, but we know it’s got to be there.

“Thank You, God, for the goodness that is there that must come forth. “If you are willing to let God’s goodness flow in and through your life, even when facing challenges, say, “Thank You, God!”

February 14, 2010 – Sacred Love

Rev. David McArthur

When we love, the One we are really loving is God. When love is present, the limits we normally see do not bind us. The state of love can change us from moment to moment. Commit to love and care.

Care is applied love. How powerfully we care expresses our love. Our first assignment is to be the love we are and care for ourselves and others.

The gift of love opens us to see others as they truly are. However, they do not need to choose to bring forth the truth we see. We often combine our vision with our expectations, but love need not return through the ones we love.

The gift of love frees us. Through the feeling and practice of care, we are being the instrument of love. The gift can come any way. Sometime it gives us time to be alone. The assignment is the same, to love and care for someone, even if it is yourself.

When we love, the One we are really loving is God.


Music by Heartdream

“Good Morning, This is God” – © 2005, David Brooks

“The Shelter of God’s Love” – © 2008, Steve and Mirabai Bangs

“Give Me Love” – Words and Music by George Harrison

“Love I Am” – © 2006, David Brooks

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

February 7, 2010 – Complaint Free Life

Rev. David McArthur

Do you want to affirm your limitations? Do you want more of what you are complaining about? Then keep complaining! When we speak our words, we put our power of creation out into the world. We put our thoughts into three dimensional being. We must become conscious of our creative power.

By putting our thoughts into the three dimensional world we draw to us that which we speak.

The nature of God is wholeness which is always present. Let us affirm the wholeness of the goodness of God. Acknowledging even the darkness as part of the whole, let us speak the world we want to exist. Break through to the next level.

Join others in creating a Complaint Free World. Join in the “ripple effect which will become a cascade of positivity around the world bringing about greater harmony, understanding, prosperity and peace.” (from the vision statement, A Complaint Free World)



Music Performance by Joyful Noise Choir

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

January 31, 2010 – Praying Through a Storm

Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.

You have the power. Be in awe of yourself. You are a child of the Grand Operational Design – G.O.D. Thus you are royal. You do not want or need anything, as that implies lack. Whatever you require you already have. Command it to manifest.

When your prayers are unanswered it is because your affirmations are butting up against a core belief which counters your desires. Ask, “What is grabbing my emotions? What grabs my thoughts?” That is what you are praying. That is what your attention is directing the endless possibilities into manifesting. Bruce Lipton explains that even our DNA responds to our emotions. But DNA really stands for Do Not Accept anything as stopping you. You have the power.

Pray, “God, I want to know You more.” The more you know God, the more you know your truth.

Say to yourself, “I am whole now. I am healthy now. I am wealthy now.” Call forth your good with belief and feel it throughout your body in every one of your trillion cells. Feel the wave of truth move from the soles of your feet up through your body and out through the crown of your head. Let go, you couldn’t be safer letting God. “Holy Spirit does the singing. All you need to do is show up and look cute.”

Your Prayer Team

Links and References

Praying Through a Storm by Sheila Gautreaux


Music by Mary Stark, David Brooks, and Meghan Diamond

“Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Roun’” – Arr Jackie Hairston

“You Can’t Beat God Giving” – Doris Akers (adapted)

“We Are One” – Traditional

“Peace of God” – © Lou Eldredge

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

January 24, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Tithing (weekly series part 4 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

Here are the steps for bringing abundance into your life this year.

Step 1. Go into the Silence. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." Affirm "God is my instant, constant, abundant supply."

Step 2. Attune to your purpose. Make your choices in your heart; follow your passion.

Step 3. Open to receive. Remove those blocks to your abundance by freeing yourself through forgiveness. Unburden yourself. "Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

This week's lesson:

Step 4. Expand the flow of good in your life through giving. "As you give it is given to you." Everything is God's after all. But it is not ours to give all. Our abundance is to be used with wisdom. Seek guidance to find what is yours to say "yes" to. The greatest tool for expanding your flow is tithing. It is the acknowledgment that God is your source. It is acknowledging the beautiful goodness that is flowing in you, through you, creating and expanding your physical world. It is knowing that God is your partner. Even loss is God coming through. Yet loss is minimized and gain maximized. Bring your highest perceptions through into the physical. Become an instrument for transformation in the world. And tithing is saying, "Thank You God!"

Thank You God! Thank You God! Thank You God!

You Prayer Team

January 17, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Forgiveness (weekly series part 3 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

To prosper, we have to transform that which blocks out our good. We need to remove or transform the barriers of anger, resentment, hate, and fear we have built which block our propserity from flowing. We need to unburden ourselves, to free ourselves. Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is about letting go of our pain again and again until it is gone. To do this, we need to bring the awareness of the goodness of God into the feelings of hate, etc. You must really want to be free of the burden. Ask for the pain to be healed. Bring the love and compassion, that Divine Presence into the pain to be healed. Find it in that deep peace. That Divine Love has the power to free us, to lift us.

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

"Divine Love lifts me, frees me, and prospers me."

January 10, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: Finding Your Purpose (weekly series part 2 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

Sometimes we are sure of our purpose in this life, but the universe does not seem to be saying "yes", we are not meeting with much success at all. So we go within and check our guidance, and the purpose we were sure of is affirmed! Why, then, is the universe not responding with abundant success? This is when we need to re-align ourselves with our purpose. We need to re-align our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. We need to ask ourselves, "What are we showing up with?" Even addiction and childhood trauma can be transformed if we walk through them aligned on purpose.

So to re-align yourself in every aspect, change your consciousness. Bring the power of your heart into it. Our individual purpose is in our hearts, not our heads. It is passion that points us in the direction of our purpose. You have the capability of creating abundance – it is the work you are about. You are to give form to the Universal Energy. Make a choice in your heart. Show up and transform. The universe will say, "Yes!" and abundant success will flow in and through your life.

Marianne Williamson said, “Your playing small serves no one.” Well, living on purpose, manifesting your purpose, is playing “big”. You are not just creating what you are about. Your abundance, your purpose flows into the world transforming it as well. You are creating a different world!

January 3, 2010 – Prosperity Principles: God is the Source (weekly series part 1 of 4)

Rev. David McArthur

"We are one with Creative Energy. It is never depleted. It always responds to us. It must give; that is its nature." – Charles Fillmore, Prosperity

How many forests are in a single apple?

Thoughts of lack limit your wholeness.

There is no thought of lack in Divine Mind. Abundance is in every level. It is your birthright to prosper. You are a spiritual being. Call prosperity into manifestation here and now. Prove it.

Set a time for this every day.

Go into the silence. Seek first the kingdom of God.

Look to God as the Source.

Everything is God.

Pour your living faith into the substance of Spirit.

Affirm God is my instant, constant, abundant supply.

Affirm that in gratitude.

Affirm it in your power.

Affirm it in joy.

God is my instant, constant, abundant supply.