July 17, 2011 – Daily Forgiveness Prayer

7/17/11 Rev. David McArthur

What do we do about those things which show up when we are about to go to sleep, or at 3 a.m. when we can’t sleep? Unity has the commitment we call practical spirituality. Part of the power of being a spiritual being is choosing how we feel when stuff shows up. Daily, the emotional structure of our mind jumps to protect ourselves when that person or that situation shows up. We perceive those things are not of God, but we know God is good all the time. This is a duality, but we can choose to move from that duality to oneness.

There is a simple way to work with those people and things that stimulate our perception of duality. We have the power to let it go. Jesus taught, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the alter and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23,24; New International Version.) The altar is where we become one with God, where we give our gift. Simply bring the being or situation into consciousness and pray: “God forgives you and so do I.” Repeat it 3 times, bringing it into your spirit, mind, and body. “…then come and offer your gift.” Your gift is your intention – peace. That is what you had given away, and the only way to get it back is to give it. So pray, “God forgives you and so do I. I send you peace.” (See yourself give or send peace and love in a figure 8. That’s giving with non-attachment. Send it around the people or situation and then see it cross over and go around yourself.) You can also pray for the other “person” in you, that part of yourself you criticize the most.

At the end of your day, ask, “where in this day was I not at peace?” As you do this over time you create a list. And you create a consciousness of forgiveness. Can you do this for a week? – a month? – a year?

Catherine Ponder reports a woman told her it profoundly changed her life. As she practiced this formula of forgiving, she experienced great peace and release of past judgments and unhappiness. Some things took a year for this. And then this person was even healed of an “incurable” illness. Such healing happens because it opens a person to the divine nature of wholeness. There is no limit in our lives except that which we put there. God doesn’t have any limits for you, when you raise the consciousness within you!

Pray, “God forgives you and so do I.” “I send you peace.”

July 10, 2011 – The Other Side

7/10/11  Rev. David McArthur

NDEs (near death experiences) and re-incarnation are beautiful understandings of the unfolding of the soul. But what are we to believe of afterlife experiences, of what takes place at the time of death or right after? Listen to the place in your own heart where you experience what is valid and what is not, and always remember God is good all the time!

Death is perfectly safe. What happens when the soul releases the body? Much of what we believe is shaped by the thought forms we have built up, our traditions and our experience, that draws us to that which embraces the transition. Regardless of which tradition we come from, we all expect some common experiences, such as support of loved ones there to help us make this major transition.

Life review at the time of death is very different. When we were in the body we were more judgmental, but this review is in the state of divine love, to bring understanding. We can choose where we go from here. We draw into the experience that which supports the soul. There is a huge variety of choices – an infinite variety. Some are still closely tied the the Earth experience, and will have “body consciousness” and focus on family or academics, as before death.

We still have choices for soul development. In John, 14, 1-3, Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” In the accomplishment of Christ Consciousness, where the soul has fullness of spiritual awareness, “there are many rooms” or areas for the soul’s development. Some are close to the path the soul had on Earth. Edgar Cayce said the soul can also go to other “planets” or frequencies (vibrations) of experience for development of the soul’s consciousness. They are really weird, and don’t relate to our 3rd dimensional understanding. Yet the sense of self (a different sense of self) is there. The soul touches realms of energy and consciousness different from what we know here, to bring growth and different dynamics. It is beyond what we can figure out, but infinite in choice, infinite in potential.

It is natural to sense contact with one who has just passed. They are telling that they are all right, and affirming that their presence goes on. It can happen even after long periods of time. Very often there is contact through dreams. An emotional connection. One of the beautiful things is to understand that even though the being goes on to some other plane, our love touches and blesses them, and theirs us. But our work is here and now. We are to focus on the choices we have. The important thing is that we are enfolded in so much love that as we grow through the many changes in this life and in death, we are taken care of every step on the way!

July 3, 2011 – Reincarnation

7/3/11  Rev. David McArthur

Reincarnation.  As we step beyond this life experience – as in life after death – what is important?  What has meaning for me?  For Charles Fillmore it is importance only so far as it touches our work here and now.  Traditionally, Christianity taught we only live one life and then go on to our next level.  Both reincarnation and “one life” are valid.  God works with infinite paths and capacities to come forth.  Perhaps some of us are slow learners and need to come into this world again.  Not remembering our past experiences on Earth is a gift.  It is so we might start anew to address what is here.  That is why it is so difficult to remember.

“The soul never takes birth and never dies at any time nor does it come into being again when the body is created. The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable and timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed. Just as a man giving up old worn out garments accepts other new apparel, in the same way the embodied soul giving up old and worn out bodies verily accepts new bodies.” ~ Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Krishna to Arjuna

We create our life choices, “mathematically” taking ourselves to our next experience.  We create our own worlds.  The people in our worlds are there because we have made a commitment to each other to bring forth in each other what is meaningful and purposeful, so that beauty and magnificence that is Spirit might be fulfilled in each of us.  Mahatma Gandhi was a “great soul” (mahatma) who brought out the magnificence of what a soul can be, to show others to create a life that is meaningful, that is commitment fulfilled.

Coming back in reincarnation is not punishment, but shows a great love which allows us to learn of our creation that we might choose the learning.  Always there is the great love which lets us learn through experience.  John 9:1-3, “As [Jesus] passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

It is not about karma (retribution or punishment), but bringing out the love.

June 26, 2011 – Near Death Experience

6/26/11 Garrett Riegg, J.D.

Objective, statistical evidence sheds light on ancient beliefs and current theosophical tenets regarding
life after death. Much evidence is derived from Near Dearth Experiences, or NDEs. Although NDEs
are clothed in different images from different religious backgrounds, they almost always convey the
same message. They are mystical, spiritual experiences. They all share a sense of certainty, gutfeeling,
or inner knowledge – a “gnosis”. A majority of NDEs include the panoramic life review which
occurs in a matter of seconds. It is a re-living of every life experience, not as a judgment, but as an
exercise for learning how one’s life has affected every person that subject’s life has touched. It is
instantaneous and life-changing.

We use “story” to connect with others heart-to-heart. HeartMath has demonstrated that the heart is
powerful, that people in “coherence” can change DNA, either twisting or untwisting the DNA chain, (a
standard scientific measure). Hard science is showing that this other higher level or plane of thought is
real. Those reporting stories of NDEs describe the plane as a place of total understanding and love, out
of the body, with heightened senses, a state of bliss. They very often report passing through a tunnel,
with the presence of a being of light, in complete love and trust. They report altered space and time in
a heavenly realm. They experience the awareness of special knowledge and spiritual insight, of deep
learning of love and the universal message.

A young women relates the remarkable story that in her NDE she was enveloped in love and perfect
peace. She says she was being cared for, out among the stars. “I felt I understood EVERYTHING –
the law, the order, and the math of the universe.” She went on to say, “ One’s religion is written in your
own heart. You are just who you are. You are here to love divinely and master who you are to raise to
it’s highest level you own true self!”

June 19, 2011 – Love & Intention Create Transformation

6/19/11 Reverend David McArthur

Spirit is at every gathering and it always has an agenda. It wants to give to us and to give through us. Step into the giving and receiving. The experience of the heart is at the core of Unity teaching, as in Myrtle Fillmore’s experience of healing her final stage of tuberculosis. Heartmath experiments show that our intentions affect even our DNA. With the coherent, ordered pattern of the heart – the state of love – the DNA responds to the intentions. We have the ability to change the cells of the body!

How do we, like Myrtle Fillmore, deal with those experiences in which we are aware there is something better? While in the deep state of love, speak words of focused intention into the transformation you seek. It is not the thought alone. Go into the state of feeling deep love for the cells of the body over and over again. It takes the deep feeling of love. The power of Spirit moves through our very nature to wholeness, which is our nature. When there is a part of us which still carries pain it comes up to be healed or else we act it out. The importance is that we address it and bring it healing. Out job is to call it into wholeness. To do it, move into the state of love.

Bring it into the experience of groups and communities of which you are a part, where there are people in pain, when there is hurt that expresses and needs attention. When there is a past that needs healing. Our minds are very good at explaining right and wrong. “I’m right and they’re wrong.” That doesn’t heal. Move into the love. It takes away the separation, the “explanations”, and we move to where there is connection. Instead of standing in expression of pain and resentment, move to harmony. Within your family and community see the disharmony not as wrong but in need of healing. Bring the intention and the love. Spirit gives the invitation and provides the way: Love and Intention. Bring love and intention into your family and community. What a joy to be that instrument! – to live the pattern of wholeness in our lives and in our communities. Step into wholeness, love, and joy together!

June 5, 2011 – Asking and Accepting

6/5/11 Reverend David McArthur

The awakening of our spiritual self (which is having this earthly experience) comes in pieces as we become more and more conscious of the divine love within us. An important piece is that of asking. We ask, not to awaken a sleeping God, no, but to awaken ourselves to receive what is already given, what is already prepared for us.
Sometimes we ask because of a real frustration (which is because we know there is something better). Sometimes because of a deep desire within us. Sometimes our asking unfolds over a period of time and looking back becomes clear. Some needs are beyond our ability – there are some things in the way. Love and care are not there within to deal with the need. Go to prayer and ask. Then the difficulty that’s in the way loses it’s impact and the spiritual presence and power responds. Love is the response given. Accept it. Choose again and again not to go to the anger and hurt, but go to the love and care.

It is often hard to accept the goodness without going back to the need. It’s like we are in a hologram. Our attention is on what’s in the way. Free yourself from the difficulty. Choose to love. See the glow, the delight within of divine love. It is powerful; it is complete. It is the love which reaches through the dimensions of our beings.

Accepting opens the next door of the journey. Being open to accepting opens the way to the deeper desire. The deeper we ask, the deeper the response. The deep, unconscious desire asks. What we reach for within us is the experience of the divine love response. The expansion of our spiritual awareness is what is accepted when we say yes. It unfolds – it continues to answer. The questions we ask are about who and what we are, not just what we need in the moment – the reaching for that spiritual love and power that we are.

The world can’t explain and will dismiss the truth of our valid spiritual experiences. Asking draws in the energy and activates the soul’s potential. Will you stay in the higher “hologram”? Do it by accepting the truth and validity of your experiences – your understanding of your truth. Step into your greater potential. Ask. Whatever is going on for you, step into that higher, greater response by accepting you are one with the higher power. You don’t know it, but you do know it. Accept it. “Is it too good to be true?” The truth is if it’s not good it’s not true!

May 29, 2011 – Welcome Home (Silence)

5/29/11   Reverend David McArthur

Here our experience of spiritual community is a feeling that we’ve come home. It feels like home because it is in harmony with something inside, that everyone is a spiritual being completely and fully loved by that infinite power, love, and light. Being with people that know that is like being home. Here we have acknowledgment and support that in every spiritual path we are all a part of that spiritual feeling. It is strong here because we keep creating that energy here that everyone is loved and welcome.

We have a commitment to transform feelings of separation because we are one. It’s the truth. One source moving, creating through us all. We reach for it again and again. Be grateful to know that is what you are reaching for, to experience the truth whatever Spirit invites you to step into – a greater experience of family or home – that’s how Spirit touches the Earth. We translate that feeling of love and connection of home into our feelings. But the feeling of home isn’t “home”. There is a place of home in us all. We step into home in the silence. Whatever we are experiencing in life, we step into a deeper level in the silence. And there is nothing there and yet it is so full. Don’t think about it. When we rest there it wells up that which we can’t explain and it lifts us up. First our mind is busy figuring it all out. Then we focus on the feelings which take us there – the feelings of divine connection – take us to where we sit on the edge of that silence, and then we let go. And we rest in silence.

In that silence, not feeling oneness – we are simply one – being one with that one – from there. Something that is so hard to describe. We see – we feel – life differently. Our thoughts are different. What we see changes. How much easier it is to see the “being” of another! How much easier it is to see the beauty of the Earth!
Somewhere between the words is a moment where it is just still. Just being. Somewhere the silence reaches out and takes you in and says, “Just be.” And you see that wherever you are, you are whole!

May 22, 2011 – Non-Action Through Prayer

5/22/11  Reverend David McArthur

Lau Tzu taught non-action – “Don’t just do something, stand there!”  Practice not doing and everything will fall into place.  As Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”  They were teaching, “Move from mental control to the spiritual power within.”

Our beliefs express in the world around us.  When we see something not right out there – something out there that is limited – then there is something inside that is limited.  Go within.  HeartMath has shown scientifically that the heart can change the entire body.  Spiritual power flows from the core or your being.  Let it flow and it changes what’s out there.

It isn’t easy.  If I’m going to change, I will need to let go of something in here and open to a greater download, a greater expression of the divine presence and power within.  Affirm, “I release that which no longer serves me.  I open to my highest good.”

Attune to that spiritual self.  Tune it in with the power of prayer.  Much prayer uses the  mind, but focusing on the feeling of ease skips right to a core vibration of the soul.  It is there we know of the connection – a tremendous feeling of divine order and flow.  In The Prospering Power of Love, by Catherine Ponder, we learn to use the power of prayer to move to that inner change. Instead of moving something “out there”, move inside.  Do the inner work.  Focus and express the spiritual energy of that greater good, that greater healing.  Then the energy changes around a remembered experience, a  hardness in the heart.

Open to guidance; move to enlightenment.  Attune to the perfection of the divine consciousness – to that place within ourselves of powerful transformation.  It’s yours, and you deserve to have it!

I release that which no longer serves me.  I open to my highest good.