October 10, 2010 – Welcome Home

Reverend David McArthur

It starts with the pull on your heart, a sense that there must be something more, or even sometimes it might be a “Wow!– it’s time to get on with that.” As a spiritual being you are constantly called to be that amazing being which you are. But there comes a time you can no longer say,“maybe later”. God says to you, “It is time.”

When your life is at a point of expansion, your ego tells you that you do not have enough. Fear of not enough is one of the things that keeps us from our good. With God there is more than enough. So when the tug comes from the heart, do not ask,”how much?” God is your source. Ask what is on your heart. Part of the growing is to follow your heart.    Do what you can do and Spirit will provide. When we more forward, what we need is provided. The work we have to do is the change in consciousness. The question is not “How much?”, but “How do we meet our challenge in a higher way?”

So often we fall asleep, thinking we are 3D beings and the world is acting upon us– providing or not providing. But God asks, “Where is your power?” The greatest power in the universe is love. It is our job not to blame those who bring our challenges, but to love them! And when the power company wouldn’t let us move in, we resolved that challenge by loving them. Then we could invite the world to join us, because we do know our truth, that when we hear “no” it simply means we’ve got some growing to do. There has never before been so many souls that know our source is Spirit, and we need to hold that place.

It is fitting that our homecoming is 10/10/10. “10” is the number of completion. And when you are there, at “completion”, you are also at “beginning”.

Ray Faulkenberry Oprah’s Audition Tape – Searching For Higher Ground

As mentioned by Reverend David at the Service on June 20, 2010

Watch the Video

Extract from Ray’s post:

This video provides a look at who I am, the credentials I bring, and the show I want to host called SEARCHING FOR HIGHER GROUND. It’s a wildcard show that looks at ANY issue and aims to discover how we can learn and grow from it. In essence, SEARCHING AND FINDING HIGHER GROUND. I bring a unique viewpoint as a Ph.D. in psychology, a high level martial artist honoring the heart of the Samurai, and as an ordained interfaith minister (honoring world religions). I hope the idea of this resonates with you and you consider voting for me. Thanks and blessings to you!

April 25, 2010 – The Tao & The Divine Feminine

Rev. David McArthur

We pray “Mother | Father God” and bring our attention to the female as well as the male aspect of the divine.

Know the male, yet keep to the female.

Know the white, which is that which is illumined. Yet keep to the black– which is what is not illumined, issues you hide or potential not yet brought to light. “If you receive the world, the Tao will never leave you.”

“The Tao is the great Mother… always present within you.” From the divine feminine we learn a pattern of attunement to the divine presence. Within you is the perfect idea of who you are. Receive the female world into your arms, as the mother enfolds the child. Be receptive. Practice constant humility– let go of the mind’s need and open to the divine feminine. Be a pattern for the world, and there is nothing you can’t do, and “the Tao will be strong inside you…”


“The Tao is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

The Tao is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

The Tao is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.”

“God is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

God is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

God is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.”

“Love is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

Love is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.

Love is strong in me; there is nothing I can’t do.”

Joyous hope is all there is because through your heart all is transformed.


Tao Te Ching, selected versus translated by Stephen Mitchell

April 18, 2010 – Sleeping Beauty: A Spiritual Journey

Rev David McArthur

“There is only one presence and one power in the universe and in my life, the all loving goodness of God.” Sometimes it doesn’t look that way. It looks like our way is strewn with thorns to keep us from our good. The fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty is really the story of how we mature spiritually, how the soul unfolds to know that it is true that there really is only one power.

Often the pain and loss we experience in life shuts down our feeling nature, we fall asleep. We engage in a transient perception that our experience has polarity, that there are other powers over us.

We see fire-breathing dragons flying overhead. As the Prince, we overcome false perceptions with the Shield of Virtue (we remain true to our self) and the Sword of Truth (God is good all the time). At this higher level, then, the Prince (that part which knows the truth) kisses Sleeping Beauty (that part of our self which feels the truth).

In this “mystical union” we are awakened to know and feel at every level who we are– spiritual beings in a spiritual world governed by spiritual laws. We understand with great compassion the pain and loss in our polarized experience, yet we also understand that we are much more than we can ever perceive.

We are power and love– that bring forth life itself– a purpose so sacred on our heart that the universe is aligned to bring it forth.

We stay in the awareness of the presence of the Divine. This is the kingdom of God. This is the “happily ever after”.

Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

April 11, 2010 – Yes, God That Is

Elle Collier Re

Elle Collier Re is a realized mystic. After many years of self-inquiry including meditation, contemplation, and inner dialogue with the God Levels. Elle entered Unity Consciousness and began receiving ongoing divine revelation. She is now the spiritual teacher at HeartGate Sanctuary, a non-denominational study and retreat center in Hood River, Oregon. Elle has been leading groups and supporting individuals with teachings and direct experience in Soul alignment since 1988. She mentors each to align with their true Nature, and walk in Love.


INEI-RE, Gate of Return,


Musical Guest Dennis Warner

“Gonna Rise Up Singin'” – © 2006, David Brooks, Meghan Diamond, Lauren deLacey

“Oneness” – © Carmen Moshier

“I Feel the Spirit” – © Rickie Byars-Beckwith

“Be Still and Know That I Am God” – © Clara Scott

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

April 4, 2010 – Creating Resurrection

Rev. David McArthur

The Easter story is a demonstration of the power that we are. We have the power to overcome any limitation. Jesus saw that there really is only wholeness. There really is only love. There really is only life.

He was willing to be an instrument of the love. He knew God Is Good All The Time.

Like the deepest shadows of Jesus’ tomb that couldn’t be seen, there are depths within ourselves we cannot fathom. So even if we do not feel the love for ourselves, we can still be an instrument of that love and wholeness.


“I am willing to be the instrument of God’s Love.”

“I am willing to be the instrument of God’s Love.”

Within this world, within our lives and the lives around us, a new world – a new life is coming into full, complete and beautiful manifestation.

“I am willing to be the instrument of God’s Love.”

Your Prayer Team


Joyful Noise Choir, Rick Stober Director

Unity Musicians – Steve Bangs, Mirabai Bangs, Nathanial Bangs, David Brooks, Yvonne Hung, John Shinn, and Scott Towne

“Hallelujah! Celebration” – Choir

“Dancing in the Light” – Unity Musicians

“The Stone Rolls Away” – Choir & Unity Musicians

“You Raise Me Up” – Choir & Unity Musicians with John Shinn, soloist

“Love is the Answer” – Choir & Unity Musicians

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

March 28, 2010 – How to Love Yourself

Rev. David McArthur

Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and that the second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself. The experience of love for self is experiencing God because God is love. Appreciating the frequencies, the energies, the textures of life is part of the experience of heaven. The sweetness of life is God; the wonderful flavor and richness of life is God.

God’s love is the only way that the richness of life is open to you. Your body is love with a physicality to it, so that you may play in the things you love. Every moment there is divine energy moving through you – you don’t even have to be right! It’s absolute love. God is everywhere and in everything. God is abundant. Let the love of God in.

The people in your life are God expressing, asking you to step up to be who you can really be. You are loved. There’s not people and God, there is only God. The child falls, and gets up, it does something wonderful, it makes a mess. Regardless, the parent delights in the child. And God delights in us, messes and all. We are so blessed.

So let in that which fills your heart. You are loving yourself; you are feeling God. You don’t have the power not to have it, only not to feel it. Let it in, fill you up, overflow in and through you, as you. You are the love.


“I am the beloved child of God.”

“I am the beloved child of God.”

“I am the beloved child of God.”

Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

March 21, 2010 – Transforming Resistance

Rev. David McArthur

How do we meet the challenge of people who irritate us? Jesus said that before you remove the speck from your brother’s eye, you should “take the plank from your own eye”. In other words, the problem is more so in you; work on yourself. It’s an inside job. Trying to manipulate the outer world doesn’t work.

As co-creator, you brought everything into your life, but since there is only the love of God, what is in your life is there to bring that which is higher, a way for you to be free. In dealing with those who irritate you, forgiveness frees you from your resentment.

A simple and powerful way to be free to be who you are is Love– love for those you need to forgive but also for you, too. So meet those who irritate you with

“Divine Love flows between us, blessing all.”

“Divine Love flows between us, blessing all.”

It lifts you to the heights! What freedom! What joy! You deserve it!

Your Prayer Team


Music provided by:

Here II Here – learn more at http://hereiihere.com

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

March 14, 2010 – The Now: Unlimited Possibilities

Rev. David McArthur

When we react to events, we project our past experience into the future. But there is a different potential that can be brought forth, another dimension in which we live, in which we access an amazing goodness and love. The doorway is through the heart. Go into the Silence. It is a place with the most amazing power to it, a place where we step through dimensions of consciousness.

Be present in the “now moment” and add in appreciation. And for the power, add to the moment your awareness of the presence of God. Right now that amazing everywhere-present life force is flowing into you, filling you with life and illuminating your mind every single moment.

It is there loving you.

It has been in this eternal moment of now since you stepped forth into being.

It folds you in infinite love.

Even as you breathe, It breathes you.

It is so unlimited that we literally cross dimensions of consciousness and activate higher levels of our soul purpose and bring forth higher creation. It is how we create with unlimited possibilities.

In the now you higher purpose has nothing to stop its full expression as you bring it forth, and it has the power to transform whatever it is that’s before you because it is not limited in the mind because it is the unlimited presence of divine love moving in and through you. You are one with that. And when you open to that, when you say yes to this moment and this Presence in it, you are blessed … There is no limit.

“I am so blessed. I am so blessed. I am so blessed.” It’s true, because you are that Love.

Your Prayer Team


“Love Without End” by Glenda Green

“The Immortal Now” by Patricia Grabow

Lao Tzu


Music by Heartdream

“Enter This House” – © 2008, David Brooks

“I Am So Blessed” – Karen Drucker

“Oh Sing My Heart Sing” – Eastern Chant, Lyrics adapted by Steve & Mirabai Bangs

“Soham Shantih” – © 2009, Steve & Mirabai Bangs

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller