April 24, 2016 – Compassion Connects Us All

Rev. David McArthur
“Compassion Connects Us All”

Our harmony with the Earth can be no better than our harmony with ourselves, as it goes from self to the outer world. There is a force within us: compassion. It creates harmony.

A lady came to a seminar I was teaching. Her marriage had become toxic and was ending. Quite depressed, she had only come to my seminar to get out of the house. I had stepped everyone through some HeartMath, having them remember the feeling of a time when the heart was full. That’s when Spirit is present. In that moment our heart is open and we are connected to Spirit. The beautiful wisdom of our divine self is there. That’s when she felt real compassion for her husband. She understood how he felt. He had lost a good job and was working since then in a job where he was not appreciated. She saw that he needed simple validation from her, and she saw that she could do that, and that they could heal. What that woman’s heart gave her was compassion. It has the power to overcome reaction and separation.

An uncomfortable teaching from Jesus, in Matthew, is, “Do not judge, or you too will …be judged, and with the measure you use. …Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? …You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Until we remove our judgment we cannot connect. We are separate.

I remember the story of the man who freed the whale trapped and dying in a huge net. Imagine dropping into the water with this huge creature. A slight movement could kill you. But there was a connection. For 5 hours the man sliced netting. When the diver needed to remove ropes embedded in the whale’s skin, he placed his hand on the whale and told him it would hurt, and the whale did not harm the diver! The man worked upon the tail, where one flip of it could kill him. There was a great connection. The whale understood!

Then the whale was free! It swam around and around, diving and jumping. It rose from the depth to within 6 inches of the diver’s face as he watched! On the surface it rolled to look at the man. They connected eye to eye.

On vacation in Italy a teenage boy fell overboard. He couldn’t swim. He was drowning. A dolphin appeared and lifted him enough to get his breath. The boy held on to the dolphin, which carried him to the boat and lifted him high enough for the father to grab him. We’re not the only ones with this divine spirit within!

Connection comes with compassion. This is the choice we have. I choose compassion! As we make it we are new. I choose compassion! It is an expression of the flow of the divine in and through our awareness. That’s why it is so powerful. I choose compassion! It is my belief that with our great challenges there is a way to get to balance and harmony. The way is compassion!


April 24, 2016 – Compassion Connects Us All

Rev. David McArthur
“Compassion Connects Us All”

Our harmony with the Earth can be no better than our harmony with ourselves, as it goes from self to the outer world. There is a force within us: compassion. It creates harmony.

A lady came to a seminar I was teaching. Her marriage had become toxic and was ending. Quite depressed, she had only come to my seminar to get out of the house. I had stepped everyone through some HeartMath, having them remember the feeling of a time when the heart was full. That’s when Spirit is present. In that moment our heart is open and we are connected to Spirit. The beautiful wisdom of our divine self is there. That’s when she felt real compassion for her husband. She understood how he felt. He had lost a good job and was working since then in a job where he was not appreciated. She saw that he needed simple validation from her, and she saw that she could do that, and that they could heal. What that woman’s heart gave her was compassion. It has the power to overcome reaction and separation.

An uncomfortable teaching from Jesus, in Matthew, is, “Do not judge, or you too will …be judged, and with the measure you use. …Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? …You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Until we remove our judgment we cannot connect. We are separate.

I remember the story of the man who freed the whale trapped and dying in a huge net. Imagine dropping into the water with this huge creature. A slight movement could kill you. But there was a connection. For 5 hours the man sliced netting. When the diver needed to remove ropes embedded in the whale’s skin, he placed his hand on the whale and told him it would hurt, and the whale did not harm the diver! The man worked upon the tail, where one flip of it could kill him. There was a great connection. The whale understood!

Then the whale was free! It swam around and around, diving and jumping. It rose from the depth to within 6 inches of the diver’s face as he watched! On the surface it rolled to look at the man. They connected eye to eye.
On vacation in Italy a teenage boy fell overboard. He couldn’t swim. He was drowning. A dolphin appeared and lifted him enough to get his breath. The boy held on to the dolphin, which carried him to the boat and lifted him high enough for the father to grab him. We’re not the only ones with this divine spirit within!

Connection comes with compassion. This is the choice we have. I choose compassion! As we make it we are new. I choose compassion! It is an expression of the flow of the divine in and through our awareness. That’s why it is so powerful. I choose compassion! It is my belief that with our great challenges there is a way to get to balance and harmony. The way is compassion!

January 4, 2015 – Creating With Our Hearts

01/04/15 Rev. David McArthur
Creating With Our Heart

It’s an amazing and powerful thing when a whole society is of a single mind, as with New Year’s resolutions. Our heads give us long lists of resolutions. We fail to keep them and in a few weeks we’re filled with guilt. The problem is the list is not from the heart. I thought I’d like to change some things this year. The usual—lose some weight, exercise, and so on. But I knew I really didn’t care! But in my heart I wanted the energy and agility to go rafting with my grandkids. So I have no problem getting out and becoming active.

Emily Cady said we are of two parts. The first is our personality. That’s how we identify ourselves in our mind. The other is “our individuality” which expresses the being we were before this human experience. It is creative in expressing itself, and says, “Yes! I want to enjoy this creation that I am.” It is the divine creative power within us. It wants to express this year.

The mind has to compare and compete. It has made marvelous things. But it grasps with a closed hand; the heart with an open one. It is time to create with the heart. Lao Tzu wrote “Therefore the master has but does not own…when her work is done she forgets it and it lasts forever.” Do not become attached to the outcome. Do what you like to do and you will be in harmony. Use the energy of the heart to energize and activate that which you really want. Once that consciousness is created it is a part of who you are.

What is your heart’s desire? I thought I should publish a book this year. I’ve done it before and did not care for all the details of publishing. But I asked my heart, “What is this about?” I got, “To share it with someone else is sacred. This information has touched you—what an opportunity to share the blessing with someone else!” Now, that I can do. That will get me to the computer.

What fulfills your heart? A young lady graduated college as had her parents and grandparents before her. She had been taught to fear failure, and was confident of her future. But by 28 she was a single mother who couldn’t even feed her child without government assistance. When she realized she was a total failure, her fear of failure went away—there was nothing else to fear. She asked herself what did she really want to do? She wanted to write children’s stories, even if that didn’t pay much at all. It was J. K. Rowling. Now a billionaire, but money was never on her mind. She let herself do what her heart was calling her to do. She let her heart create what was hers to bring.

Do we just want to finish a list this time or do we want to say Yes! to our hearts this year? I say YES! to my heart. I say YES! to my heart. I say YES! to my heart. As you bring forth that commitment, what is created will be a huge blessing for everyone. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

January 4, 2015 – Creating With Our Hearts

01/04/15 Rev. David McArthur
Creating With Our Heart

It’s an amazing and powerful thing when a whole society is of a single mind, as with New Year’s resolutions. Our heads give us long lists of resolutions. We fail to keep them and in a few weeks we’re filled with guilt. The problem is the list is not from the heart. I thought I’d like to change some things this year. The usual—lose some weight, exercise, and so on. But I knew I really didn’t care! But in my heart I wanted the energy and agility to go rafting with my grandkids. So I have no problem getting out and becoming active.

Emily Cady said we are of two parts. The first is our personality. That’s how we identify ourselves in our mind. The other is “our individuality” which expresses the being we were before this human experience. It is creative in expressing itself, and says, “Yes! I want to enjoy this creation that I am.” It is the divine creative power within us. It wants to express this year.

The mind has to compare and compete. It has made marvelous things. But it grasps with a closed hand; the heart with an open one. It is time to create with the heart. Lao Tzu wrote “Therefore the master has but does not own…when her work is done she forgets it and it lasts forever.” Do not become attached to the outcome. Do what you like to do and you will be in harmony. Use the energy of the heart to energize and activate that which you really want. Once that consciousness is created it is a part of who you are.

What is your heart’s desire? I thought I should publish a book this year. I’ve done it before and did not care for all the details of publishing. But I asked my heart, “What is this about?” I got, “To share it with someone else is sacred. This information has touched you—what an opportunity to share the blessing with someone else!” Now, that I can do. That will get me to the computer.

What fulfills your heart? A young lady graduated college as had her parents and grandparents before her. She had been taught to fear failure, and was confident of her future. But by 28 she was a single mother who couldn’t even feed her child without government assistance. When she realized she was a total failure, her fear of failure went away—there was nothing else to fear. She asked herself what did she really want to do? She wanted to write children’s stories, even if that didn’t pay much at all. It was J. K. Rowling. Now a billionaire, but money was never on her mind. She let herself do what her heart was calling her to do. She let her heart create what was hers to bring.

Do we just want to finish a list this time or do we want to say Yes! to our hearts this year? I say YES! to my heart. I say YES! to my heart. I say YES! to my heart. As you bring forth that commitment, what is created will be a huge blessing for everyone. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


November 30, 2014 – Gratitude

11/30/14 Rev. David McArthur with Rob Seidenspinner

Native Americans walk with gratitude all the time. With them it is deeper than simply thankfulness. Feel gratitude for someone is a blessing to and for that person. Let’s join with others in feeling gratitude for someone special to them. Together, the power of that gratitude is increased. It is much more. Meister Eckhart, the great mystic of the thirteenth century, said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Among the many expressions of gratitude from the congregation: I am grateful

–for people in my life who, channeling Spirit, poke me when there’s something I need to heal
–for my wife bringing my life from black and white into Technicolor
–for my wife who prods me on, makes me grow, and is the light of my life
–for my Unity family and friends
–for the inspiration from this community
–for this attitude of gratitude
–for the prayers on this healing journey
–for my mother’s good health and for wisdom and love from my partner
–for the smiles and hugs I get here
–for everyone of you who touch my heart
–for HeartMath
–for my family and coming here to join them and find this community as I make my transition and for good books about this to study and for the spirituality coming from quantum physics
–for David and Kathryn
–for the experience of sharing someone’s last year as they make their passing
–for finding here that I was not alone, I am never alone, and I never would be alone
–for coming back after months of traveling and still having your love as if I’d not ever gone
–for kundalini meditation and the insight it taught me to use in so many ways: “I wish to grow.”
–for the Heart Ministry here that helped me through the darkest night of my soul
–for the happy trees today that made me cry

Feel this deep beautiful gratitude in your heart throughout the week. Say, “I am grateful!” When traffic comes to a stop ahead of you, look at all the cars and say, “I am grateful!” Look at that person in the mirror and say “I am grateful for getting to be that person!” And for those magnificent people in your life, “I am grateful!”


November 30, 2014 – Gratitude

11/30/14 Rev. David McArthur with Rob Seidenspinner

Native Americans walk with gratitude all the time. With them it is deeper than simply thankfulness. Feel gratitude for someone is a blessing to and for that person. Let’s join with others in feeling gratitude for someone special to them. Together, the power of that gratitude is increased. It is much more. Meister Eckhart, the great mystic of the thirteenth century, said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

Among the many expressions of gratitude from the congregation: I am grateful

–for people in my life who, channeling Spirit, poke me when there’s something I need to heal
–for my wife bringing my life from black and white into Technicolor
–for my wife who prods me on, makes me grow, and is the light of my life
–for my Unity family and friends
–for the inspiration from this community
–for this attitude of gratitude
–for the prayers on this healing journey
–for my mother’s good health and for wisdom and love from my partner
–for the smiles and hugs I get here
–for everyone of you who touch my heart
–for HeartMath
–for my family and coming here to join them and find this community as I make my transition and for good books about this to study and for the spirituality coming from quantum physics
–for David and Kathryn
–for the experience of sharing someone’s last year as they make their passing
–for finding here that I was not alone, I am never alone, and I never would be alone
–for coming back after months of traveling and still having your love as if I’d not ever gone
–for kundalini meditation and the insight it taught me to use in so many ways: “I wish to grow.”
–for the Heart Ministry here that helped me through the darkest night of my soul
–for the happy trees today that made me cry

Feel this deep beautiful gratitude in your heart throughout the week. Say, “I am grateful!” When traffic comes to a stop ahead of you, look at all the cars and say, “I am grateful!” Look at that person in the mirror and say “I am grateful for getting to be that person!” And for those magnificent people in your life, “I am grateful!”

September 28, 2014 – Eeyore’s New Consciousness

9/28/14 Rev. David McArthur
Eeyore’s New Consciousness

Growing spiritually, you notice that “something is unfolding in me.” Questions come up as we’re drawn on the journey. So I looked at all kinds of scripture and ended up in the Hundred Acre Woods, and it’s Eeyore’s birthday.

Pooh walked up. “Good morning!” Eeyore answered, “If it is a good morning.” He commented about all the presents and cake he didn’t get. Some of us do Eeyore very well (“Ain’t it awful!” “Life’s so hard!”). Pooh realized everybody forgot Eeyore’s birthday, and tore off to his house to find Eeyore a present. He’d give him honey! He passed by Piglet and told him what he was going to do. Piglet had a balloon he could give Eeyore and he ran home to get it. He wanted to get to Eeyore before Pooh got back so Eeyore would think he had thought of Eeyore’s birthday himself, so he held the balloon very tightly and ran fast. He tripped, and BANG!, the balloon popped! Pooh was hurrying, too, but realized with a tingle that he was hungry, and look!—there’s a pot of honey under his arm! Yes, soon it was all gone. Then he realized he had no honey to give Eeyore, just an empty pot—Oh! He could give Eeyore the pot! When we start toward that new state of consciousness it doesn’t mean the old consciousness is gone. The old consciousness still affects our creation. Our balloons pop and honey is eaten.

Pooh gave Eeyore the pot without any honey in it, and told him he could put things in it and also take them out. Piglet dropped the piece of balloon in the pot, and Eeyore took it out and put it in, and took it out and put it in, quite delighted to have a pot to put things in and take things out of, and delighted too to have something to put in it and take from it. He was as happy as can be, in a new state of consciousness.

The truth is they thought they wanted Eeyore to have balloons and honey, but they really wanted to change his unhappy state to a happy one. They brought connection, care, and love. A new consciousness was born.

From Corinthians, “Love is patient. Love is kind.” Take care of yourself in your growth, with patience and kindness. We’re good at giving these to others, but how do we treat ourselves? Instead of looking at yourself harshly, do it with patience and kindness.
I grow with patience and kindness. I grow with patience and kindness. I grow with patience and kindness.

Eeyore figured it out. It was his choice to accept love and care on his journey. The love and care lets us choose for ourselves to go where our heart is telling us to go—where that amazing state of consciousness calls us to grow.


September 28, 2014 – Eeyore’s New Consciousness

9/28/14 Rev. David McArthur
Eeyore’s New Consciousness

Growing spiritually, you notice that “something is unfolding in me.” Questions come up as we’re drawn on the journey. So I looked at all kinds of scripture and ended up in the Hundred Acre Woods, and it’s Eeyore’s birthday.

Pooh walked up. “Good morning!” Eeyore answered, “If it is a good morning.” He commented about all the presents and cake he didn’t get. Some of us do Eeyore very well (“Ain’t it awful!” “Life’s so hard!”). Pooh realized everybody forgot Eeyore’s birthday, and tore off to his house to find Eeyore a present. He’d give him honey! He passed by Piglet and told him what he was going to do. Piglet had a balloon he could give Eeyore and he ran home to get it. He wanted to get to Eeyore before Pooh got back so Eeyore would think he had thought of Eeyore’s birthday himself, so he held the balloon very tightly and ran fast. He tripped, and BANG!, the balloon popped! Pooh was hurrying, too, but realized with a tingle that he was hungry, and look!—there’s a pot of honey under his arm! Yes, soon it was all gone. Then he realized he had no honey to give Eeyore, just an empty pot—Oh! He could give Eeyore the pot! When we start toward that new state of consciousness it doesn’t mean the old consciousness is gone. The old consciousness still affects our creation. Our balloons pop and honey is eaten.

Pooh gave Eeyore the pot without any honey in it, and told him he could put things in it and also take them out. Piglet dropped the piece of balloon in the pot, and Eeyore took it out and put it in, and took it out and put it in, quite delighted to have a pot to put things in and take things out of, and delighted too to have something to put in it and take from it. He was as happy as can be, in a new state of consciousness.

The truth is they thought they wanted Eeyore to have balloons and honey, but they really wanted to change his unhappy state to a happy one. They brought connection, care, and love. A new consciousness was born.

From Corinthians, “Love is patient. Love is kind.” Take care of yourself in your growth, with patience and kindness. We’re good at giving these to others, but how do we treat ourselves? Instead of looking at yourself harshly, do it with patience and kindness.
I grow with patience and kindness. I grow with patience and kindness. I grow with patience and kindness.

Eeyore figured it out. It was his choice to accept love and care on his journey. The love and care lets us choose for ourselves to go where our heart is telling us to go—where that amazing state of consciousness calls us to grow.

May 4, 2014 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

5/4/14 Rev. David McArthur
Don’t Worry, Be Happy 

One of our greatest challenges is to shift our consciousness to a place of joy even when we have problems. Worry doesn’t resolve anything, but it is so natural. There is a reality to it. Did you worry well this week?

We also worry about imagined calamities! The University of Cincinnati found that 85% of what we worry about doesn’t ever take place. And the other 15% is resolved more easily and quickly than we imagine. And we worry when something nice happens—we “wait for the other shoe to drop” or think “it’s too good to be true”.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, “One who works in devotion… and who controls his mind and senses [aware of the Spiritual Presence] …Though always working… is never entangled.” Jesus said, “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink… what you will wear… Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap… and yet your heavenly Father feeds them… Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? …But seek first his kingdom…”

There is a simple way out of worry. It starts with Heart Breathing, the most direct spiritual connection. Then remember a happy moment and experience it. Then choose—the worry or the happy feeling. Sometimes on our journey the worry is so strong that we choose it. But there is a way through—speak the truth: “Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy.” Feel it! Take a hold of it!

As the song says, your frown will “bring everybody down”. It is the most common, the lowest denominator. It limits us. Is there someone like that in your life? Do you want to draw those of the lowest denominator to you when you are in pain, in a challenge?
At fifteen years of age, Ben was hit by an 18 wheeler. He lost all use of his body below the neck. One day he couldn’t control his rage any longer, and yelled and screamed for 6 hours, until he fell asleep exhausted. Upon awakening, he looked at what he had done. He saw that he could choose the character of his life from then on. He chose happiness. He was soon an inspiration to those around him, lifting them up to happiness, beauty, and power. People came just to be with him. Remember, it’s so easy: 1) heart breathing, 2) happy thought. When you touch it within, it opens others. Feel it; it’s real. When you feel up-liftment, it’s because you’ve opened to a new spiritual flow.

Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Don’t worry! Be happy!

May 4, 2014 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

5/4/14 Rev. David McArthur
Don’t Worry. Be Happy. 

One of our greatest challenges is to shift our consciousness to a place of joy even when we have problems. Worry doesn’t resolve anything, but it is so natural. There is a reality to it. Did you worry well this week?

We also worry about imagined calamities! The University of Cincinnati found that 85% of what we worry about doesn’t ever take place. And the other 15% is resolved more easily and quickly than we imagine. And we worry when something nice happens—we “wait for the other shoe to drop” or think “it’s too good to be true”.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, “One who works in devotion… and who controls his mind and senses [aware of the Spiritual Presence] …Though always working… is never entangled.” Jesus said, “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink… what you will wear… Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap… and yet your heavenly Father feeds them… Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? …But seek first his kingdom…”

There is a simple way out of worry. It starts with Heart Breathing, the most direct spiritual connection. Then remember a happy moment and experience it. Then choose—the worry or the happy feeling. Sometimes on our journey the worry is so strong that we choose it. But there is a way through—speak the truth: “Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy.” Feel it! Take a hold of it!

As the song says, your frown will “bring everybody down”. It is the most common, the lowest denominator. It limits us. Is there someone like that in your life? Do you want to draw those of the lowest denominator to you when you are in pain, in a challenge?
At fifteen years of age, Ben was hit by an 18 wheeler. He lost all use of his body below the neck. One day he couldn’t control his rage any longer, and yelled and screamed for 6 hours, until he fell asleep exhausted. Upon awakening, he looked at what he had done. He saw that he could choose the character of his life from then on. He chose happiness. He was soon an inspiration to those around him, lifting them up to happiness, beauty, and power. People came just to be with him. Remember, it’s so easy: 1) heart breathing, 2) happy thought. When you touch it within, it opens others. Feel it; it’s real. When you feel up-liftment, it’s because you’ve opened to a new spiritual flow.

Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Divine Love blesses me. I am happy. Don’t worry! Be happy!
