September 1, 2013 – From Beauty to Christopher Robin to Presence

9/1/13 Rev. David McArthur
From Beauty to Christopher Robin to Presence

One morning on my back deck I stopped and observed the beauty of the early sun and of shadow, colors, and textures all around me, and I felt something more, something greater. In prayer, I call this The Presence. At times it is so alive, but it is not seen “out there”, it is in here, inside. Then I got it: the questions and thoughts in my mind from years of exploring great teachers and scriptures are about going through an experience but are not the experience itself. This experience that we call “God”, which makes us all misunderstand but which we’ve all felt—this beautiful sacred presence in us which lives through us, is us. Beauty opens us and is part of the journey.

In Winnie the Pooh the images are so pure. One morning Pooh is singing a rhyme and sees a hole in a bank. Could it be Rabbit’s hole? “Is there anybody home?” he asks. “Nobody home!” is the reply. Rabbit is a great picture of mind, always asking “What if…?” and when he lets Pooh in he says, “You can’t be too careful.” He offers Pooh bread and honey. When all the honey is gone, Pooh makes his goodbyes, but cannot get back out through the rabbit hole. He is stuck. Pooh is an excellent image of the soul’s journey—entering into the world and then getting stuck. Christopher Robin is the Christ Self; it’s his Hundred Acre Wood and all the animals are under his care. He said Pooh had to stay stuck until he got thinner. So he reads to Pooh every day until he’s thin enough to get out of the hole. It’s like that moment for us of being with the One, conscious of the relationship with that Presence in our lives. This is a picture of life, with all the things that go down, all the struggles and conflict; there is the intelligence and care there right in the middle of life, which responds. Knowledge supports us in our journey, but it’s not important. What is important is the relationship with the divine.

In the experience on the deck I became aware that I was grateful. “Thank you Father!” for the beauty, for the experience of being in it, of it. My response was “I am grateful!”—one with the gratitude and tremendous beauty that unfolds. I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! In this moment you are immersed in beauty! It is in the people all around you (although sometimes very cleverly disguised). I am grateful for all that’s there! You are beautiful, and for that I am grateful!


September 1, 2013 – From Beauty to Christopher Robin to Presence

9/1/13 Rev. David McArthur
From Beauty to Christopher Robin to Presence

One morning on my back deck I stopped and observed the beauty of the early sun and of shadow, colors, and textures all around me, and I felt something more, something greater. In prayer, I call this The Presence. At times it is so alive, but it is not seen “out there”, it is in here, inside. Then I got it: the questions and thoughts in my mind from years of exploring great teachers and scriptures are about going through an experience but are not the experience itself. This experience that we call “God”, which makes us all misunderstand but which we’ve all felt—this beautiful sacred presence in us which lives through us, is us. Beauty opens us and is part of the journey.

In Winnie the Pooh the images are so pure. One morning Pooh is singing a rhyme and sees a hole in a bank. Could it be Rabbit’s hole? “Is there anybody home?” he asks. “Nobody home!” is the reply. Rabbit is a great picture of mind, always asking “What if…?” and when he lets Pooh in he says, “You can’t be too careful.” He offers Pooh bread and honey. When all the honey is gone, Pooh makes his goodbyes, but cannot get back out through the rabbit hole. He is stuck. Pooh is an excellent image of the soul’s journey—entering into the world and then getting stuck. Christopher Robin is the Christ Self; it’s his Hundred Acre Wood and all the animals are under his care. He said Pooh had to stay stuck until he got thinner. So he reads to Pooh every day until he’s thin enough to get out of the hole. It’s like that moment for us of being with the One, conscious of the relationship with that Presence in our lives. This is a picture of life, with all the things that go down, all the struggles and conflict; there is the intelligence and care there right in the middle of life, which responds. Knowledge supports us in our journey, but it’s not important. What is important is the relationship with the divine.

In the experience on the deck I became aware that I was grateful. “Thank you Father!” for the beauty, for the experience of being in it, of it. My response was “I am grateful!”—one with the gratitude and tremendous beauty that unfolds. I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! In this moment you are immersed in beauty! It is in the people all around you (although sometimes very cleverly disguised). I am grateful for all that’s there! You are beautiful, and for that I am grateful!

July 15, 2012 – Pooh Bear on Getting Unstuck

7/15/12 Rev. David McArthur

The “gospel” of Winnie the Pooh tells us a lot about ourselves. When Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit’s front doorway because he ate too much, it’s like when we get stuck from our own best intentions, but blame someone else for our stuckness.  Stuck with relationship, with health, with money. However, your first step is knowing your are stuck. The second is turning to God for help, like Rabbit running to get Christopher Robin.

Step three is a point where you let go and figure out you can’t figure it out. You don’t get to—you already tried that. You did the math; you figured there’s no way out. And after all the disappointments, asking for what is impossible seems pretty foolish. What seems impossible by yourself is not to God! Let go. Ask in prayer for what you really need. Jesus demonstrated mastery by showing you need to be a co-creator. “The Father already knows. The Father will, if you ask.” Isn’t it time to be free? But you have to ask, to be willing to go to that place of sincere prayer, step four.

Lao Tsu wrote, “The master observes the world”– recognize you are stuck.
“but trusts his inner vision.”– turn to God, that beautiful inner wisdom that can guide you.
“He allows things to come and go.”– let go, and allow life to unfold.
“His heart is open as the sky.”– open to infinite possibilities of the Divine Presence that doesn’t buy into your limits. It is sincere prayer.

Most prayer comes from the head, as if Infinite Intelligence doesn’t know what you’re about. But God is good all the time, and letting go isn’t about right now, right away. It’s not about giving up, it’s about giving over—giving over to an intelligence which is part of you but you haven’t been using. God is good when you are stuck. God is good when you are figuring there’s no way out. God is good when you are feeling foolish but listening to what you are guided to do. And God is good when you are allowing it to unfold, open to infinite divine possibilities.

“But Christopher Robin looked at Pooh lovingly and said to himself, ‘silly old bear!’ “

July 15, 2012 – Pooh Bear on Getting Unstuck

7/15/12 Rev. David McArthur

Pooh Bear on Getting Unstuck

The “gospel” of Winnie the Pooh tells us a lot about ourselves. When Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit’s front doorway because he ate too much, it’s like when we get stuck from our own best intentions, but blame someone else for our stuckness.  Stuck with relationship, with health, with money. However, your first step is knowing your are stuck. The second is turning to God for help, like Rabbit running to get Christopher Robin.

Step three is a point where you let go and figure out you can’t figure it out. You don’t get to—you already tried that. You did the math; you figured there’s no way out. And after all the disappointments, asking for what is impossible seems pretty foolish. What seems impossible by yourself is not to God! Let go. Ask in prayer for what you really need. Jesus demonstrated mastery by showing you need to be a co-creator. “The Father already knows. The Father will, if you ask.” Isn’t it time to be free? But you have to ask, to be willing to go to that place of sincere prayer, step four.

Lao Tsu wrote, “The master observes the world”– recognize you are stuck.
“but trusts his inner vision.”– turn to God, that beautiful inner wisdom that can guide you.
“He allows things to come and go.”– let go, and allow life to unfold.
“His heart is open as the sky.”– open to infinite possibilities of the Divine Presence that doesn’t buy into your limits. It is sincere prayer.

Most prayer comes from the head, as if Infinite Intelligence doesn’t know what you’re about. But God is good all the time, and letting go isn’t about right now, right away. It’s not about giving up, it’s about giving over—giving over to an intelligence which is part of you but you haven’t been using. God is good when you are stuck. God is good when you are figuring there’s no way out. God is good when you are feeling foolish but listening to what you are guided to do. And God is good when you are allowing it to unfold, open to infinite divine possibilities.

“But Christopher Robin looked at Pooh lovingly and said to himself, ‘silly old bear!’ “
