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June 27, 2010 – Stay on the Phone

Rev. Vic Jenkins

Our purpose on Earth is to learn how to heal and grow through our challenges. However, take a look at that experience that you haven’t forgiven; that you can’t forget. And we not only carry our own wounds, but also the wounds of the collective unconscious, the race memory. So there is a lot of healing to be done. And we will still face challenges, illness, even death.

In the face of challenges in our lives, we are programmed to use responses like “I’m not good enough.” “I don’t know enough.” “I’m ugly.” This is “parrot talk” that we “parrot” to ourselves constantly. Do not respond to challenges “in kind”. Take progresssive, constructive action. Use affirmations. Remember, forgiveness is your answer. We are children of God with those attributes. Ask, “What is mine to do?” Then pray, “Reveal that which needs to be revealed. Heal that which needs to be healed.” This creates a powerful force for healing.

Ask, “What is mine to do?”

Pray, “Reveal that which needs to be revealed. Heal that which needs to be healed.”

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